Merge pull request #3187 from NoelDeMartin/MOBILE-3153

MOBILE-3153: User Tours improvements
This commit is contained in:
Dani Palou 2022-03-17 16:48:57 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit 03e66763ed
No known key found for this signature in database
16 changed files with 89 additions and 111 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<svg fill="none" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 202 98"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M98.269 84.491c1.654.528 10.173 2.987 25.555 7.378l13.172-21.987 1.308-12.462-11.649-8.533-12.69-4.665 5.051-19.274-3.955-4.534-5.864 1.961-7.052 26.911-3.439-.148-5.382 2.166-4.591 11.492 7.54 15.381c-.324 3.682.342 5.787 1.996 6.314Z" fill="#fff"/><path d="M117.797 47.53c-1.169-.307-2.275-.156-3.317.452-1.043.608-1.717 1.494-2.022 2.66l-1.106 4.22-1.058-.277.803-3.067c.277-1.055 6.047-23.565 6.047-23.565.381-1.454-.597-3.654-2.779-4.226-2.182-.571-4.113.866-4.494 2.32-.381 1.455-1.345 5.078-1.61 6.09l-8.252 31.489-.8-1.267 1.487-5.672c.276-1.055.158-2.044-.354-2.965-.513-.922-1.298-1.52-2.356-1.798-1.015-.266-1.98-.132-2.898.403-.918.535-1.51 1.308-1.774 2.32l-1.935 7.387c-.27 1.033-.121 2.036.449 3.007l7.694 12.449c.636 1.083.772 2.316.409 3.702-.15.571-.07 1.12.239 1.648.31.528.751.867 1.324 1.017l21.166 5.546c.573.15 1.124.072 1.652-.236.528-.308.867-.748 1.017-1.32l.216-.824a9.733 9.733 0 0 1 .996-2.453l7.338-13.442c.428-.734.76-1.552.996-2.453l2.126-8.113c.276-1.055.158-2.043-.355-2.965-.512-.921-1.298-1.52-2.356-1.798-1.014-.266-1.98-.131-2.897.404-.918.534-1.509 1.308-1.774 2.319l-.277 1.055-1.058-.277 1.08-4.122a3.95 3.95 0 0 0-.201-2.608c-.364-.859-.952-1.489-1.766-1.89a5.8 5.8 0 0 0-.743-.266c-1.015-.265-1.981-.13-2.898.404-.918.535-1.509 1.308-1.774 2.32l-1.106 4.22-1.058-.277 1.054-4.023a4.577 4.577 0 0 0-.302-3.233 4.098 4.098 0 0 0-2.352-2.15 2.35 2.35 0 0 0-.421-.145Zm1.105-4.222c1.852.486 3.351 1.466 4.496 2.94a8.08 8.08 0 0 1 4.361-.055 8.136 8.136 0 0 1 3.438 1.853 8.036 8.036 0 0 1 2.187 3.251 8.043 8.043 0 0 1 2.012.28c2.205.579 3.873 1.856 5.004 3.832 1.132 1.977 1.41 4.064.834 6.263l-2.126 8.112c-.293 1.121-.748 2.271-1.363 3.45l-7.371 13.433c-.271.493-.541 1.256-.812 2.29-.461 1.759-1.47 3.092-3.027 4-1.557.907-3.218 1.13-4.981.668l-21.165-5.547c-1.852-.485-3.205-1.527-4.059-3.125-.853-1.598-1.038-3.32-.554-5.168l-7.629-12.43c-1.255-2.045-1.589-4.188-1.001-6.43l1.935-7.388c.57-2.176 1.835-3.836 3.796-4.978 1.96-1.143 4.032-1.428 6.214-.856.243.063.951.26 1.056.311.679-2.054 5.921-22.284 6.778-25.557.929-3.545 6.497-4.029 8.679-3.457 2.182.572 6.916 3.269 5.868 7.269-.191.727-4.365 16.347-4.461 16.71 0 0-.357-.26 1.891.33Z" fill="var(--ion-color-primary)"/><path d="M101.728 32.565c-.812.436-1.832.135-2.178-.719a15.246 15.246 0 0 1-1.051-7.043 15.418 15.418 0 0 1 3.22-8.154 15.566 15.566 0 0 1 7.157-5.113 15.504 15.504 0 0 1 8.774-.415 15.306 15.306 0 0 1 7.547 4.42 15.209 15.209 0 0 1 3.872 7.819c.5 2.93.132 5.947-1.057 8.685a15.51 15.51 0 0 1-4.319 5.75c-.702.582-1.735.37-2.242-.39-.507-.76-.292-1.78.394-2.386a12.146 12.146 0 0 0 3.112-4.273 12.014 12.014 0 0 0 .829-6.81 11.927 11.927 0 0 0-3.036-6.13 12.005 12.005 0 0 0-5.917-3.465 12.158 12.158 0 0 0-6.88.324 12.207 12.207 0 0 0-5.612 4.01 12.092 12.092 0 0 0-2.525 6.393 11.95 11.95 0 0 0 .695 5.187c.319.864.028 1.873-.783 2.31Z" fill="var(--primary-tint)"/><rect x="76.039" y="12.141" width="23.308" height="3.759" rx="1.88" fill="var(--primary-tint)"/><rect x="70.619" y="21.163" width="21.805" height="3.759" rx="1.88" fill="var(--primary-tint)"/><rect x="80.394" y="30.186" width="16.541" height="3.759" rx="1.88" fill="var(--primary-tint)"/><path d="M141.5 20.788a1.88 1.88 0 1 0 0 3.759v-3.76Zm60.15 1.88-18.797-10.853V33.52l18.797-10.853Zm-60.15 1.879h43.233v-3.76H141.5v3.76Zm-80.35 0a1.88 1.88 0 0 0 0-3.76v3.76ZM1 22.667 19.797 33.52V11.815L1 22.667Zm60.15-1.88H17.917v3.76H61.15v-3.76Z" fill="var(--ion-color-primary)"/></svg>


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@ -1 +0,0 @@
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@ -1 +0,0 @@
<svg fill="none" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 202 98"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M98.269 84.491c1.654.528 10.173 2.987 25.555 7.378l13.172-21.987 1.308-12.462-11.649-8.533-12.69-4.665 5.051-19.274-3.955-4.534-5.864 1.961-7.052 26.911-3.439-.148-5.382 2.166-4.591 11.492 7.54 15.381c-.324 3.682.342 5.787 1.996 6.314Z" fill="#fff"/><path d="M117.797 47.53c-1.169-.307-2.275-.156-3.317.452-1.043.608-1.717 1.494-2.022 2.66l-1.106 4.22-1.058-.277.803-3.067c.277-1.055 6.047-23.565 6.047-23.565.381-1.454-.597-3.654-2.779-4.226-2.182-.571-4.113.866-4.494 2.32-.381 1.455-1.345 5.078-1.61 6.09l-8.252 31.489-.8-1.267 1.487-5.672c.276-1.055.158-2.044-.354-2.965-.513-.922-1.298-1.52-2.356-1.798-1.015-.266-1.98-.132-2.898.403-.918.535-1.51 1.308-1.774 2.32l-1.935 7.387c-.27 1.033-.121 2.036.449 3.007l7.694 12.449c.636 1.083.772 2.316.409 3.702-.15.571-.07 1.12.239 1.648.31.528.751.867 1.324 1.017l21.166 5.546c.573.15 1.124.072 1.652-.236.528-.308.867-.748 1.017-1.32l.216-.824a9.733 9.733 0 0 1 .996-2.453l7.338-13.442c.428-.734.76-1.552.996-2.453l2.126-8.113c.276-1.055.158-2.043-.355-2.965-.512-.921-1.298-1.52-2.356-1.798-1.014-.266-1.98-.131-2.897.404-.918.534-1.509 1.308-1.774 2.319l-.277 1.055-1.058-.277 1.08-4.122a3.95 3.95 0 0 0-.201-2.608c-.364-.859-.952-1.489-1.766-1.89a5.8 5.8 0 0 0-.743-.266c-1.015-.265-1.981-.13-2.898.404-.918.535-1.509 1.308-1.774 2.32l-1.106 4.22-1.058-.277 1.054-4.023a4.577 4.577 0 0 0-.302-3.233 4.098 4.098 0 0 0-2.352-2.15c-.105-.05-.245-.1-.421-.145Zm1.105-4.222c1.852.486 3.351 1.466 4.496 2.94a8.08 8.08 0 0 1 4.361-.055 8.136 8.136 0 0 1 3.438 1.853 8.036 8.036 0 0 1 2.187 3.251 8.043 8.043 0 0 1 2.012.28c2.205.579 3.873 1.856 5.004 3.832 1.132 1.977 1.41 4.064.834 6.263l-2.126 8.112c-.293 1.121-.748 2.271-1.363 3.45l-7.371 13.433c-.271.493-.541 1.256-.812 2.29-.461 1.759-1.47 3.092-3.027 4-1.557.907-3.218 1.13-4.981.668l-21.165-5.547c-1.852-.485-3.205-1.527-4.059-3.125-.853-1.598-1.038-3.32-.554-5.168l-7.629-12.43c-1.255-2.045-1.589-4.188-1.001-6.43l1.935-7.388c.57-2.176 1.835-3.836 3.796-4.978 1.96-1.143 4.032-1.428 6.214-.856.243.063.951.26 1.056.311.679-2.054 5.921-22.284 6.778-25.557.929-3.545 6.497-4.029 8.679-3.457 2.182.572 6.916 3.269 5.868 7.269-.191.727-4.365 16.347-4.461 16.71 0 0-.357-.26 1.891.33Z" fill="#0056B3"/><path d="M101.728 32.565c-.812.436-1.832.135-2.178-.719a15.246 15.246 0 0 1-1.051-7.043 15.418 15.418 0 0 1 3.22-8.154 15.566 15.566 0 0 1 7.157-5.113 15.504 15.504 0 0 1 8.774-.415 15.306 15.306 0 0 1 7.547 4.42 15.209 15.209 0 0 1 3.872 7.819c.5 2.93.132 5.947-1.057 8.685a15.51 15.51 0 0 1-4.319 5.75c-.702.582-1.735.37-2.242-.39-.507-.76-.292-1.78.394-2.386a12.146 12.146 0 0 0 3.112-4.273 12.014 12.014 0 0 0 .829-6.81 11.927 11.927 0 0 0-3.036-6.13 12.005 12.005 0 0 0-5.917-3.465 12.158 12.158 0 0 0-6.88.324 12.207 12.207 0 0 0-5.612 4.01 12.092 12.092 0 0 0-2.525 6.393 11.95 11.95 0 0 0 .695 5.187c.319.864.028 1.873-.783 2.31Z" fill="#86CBFF"/><rect x="76.039" y="12.141" width="23.308" height="3.759" rx="1.88" fill="#86CBFF"/><rect x="70.619" y="21.163" width="21.805" height="3.759" rx="1.88" fill="#86CBFF"/><rect x="80.394" y="30.186" width="16.541" height="3.759" rx="1.88" fill="#86CBFF"/><path d="M141.5 20.788a1.88 1.88 0 1 0 0 3.759v-3.76Zm60.15 1.88-18.797-10.853V33.52l18.797-10.853Zm-60.15 1.879h43.233v-3.76H141.5v3.76ZM61.15 24.547a1.88 1.88 0 0 0 0-3.76v3.76ZM1 22.667 19.797 33.52V11.815L1 22.667Zm60.15-1.88H17.917v3.76H61.15v-3.76Z" fill="#0056B3"/></svg>


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View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
<svg fill="none" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 269 173"><path d="M130.298 171.955a1.999 1.999 0 1 0 2.404-3.196l-2.404 3.196Zm137.887-153.65a2 2 0 0 0 .426-2.796l-10.665-14.5a2 2 0 1 0-3.222 2.37l9.48 12.89-12.889 9.48a2 2 0 1 0 2.37 3.222l14.5-10.665ZM124.847 36.115c14.837-13.515 33.816-20.396 57.372-22.633 23.592-2.242 51.644.187 84.48 5.19l.602-3.954c-32.918-5.016-61.365-7.507-85.46-5.218-24.131 2.292-44.025 9.391-59.688 23.657l2.694 2.958Zm34.44 79.302c-13.382 1.869-23.94-.552-31.827-5.493-7.898-4.946-13.278-12.519-16.124-21.225-5.717-17.49-1.113-39.265 13.511-52.584l-2.694-2.958c-15.876 14.46-20.786 37.916-14.619 56.785 3.096 9.473 9.008 17.864 17.803 23.372 8.804 5.515 20.34 8.043 34.504 6.064l-.554-3.961Zm-26.585 53.343c-25.76-19.374-35.531-44.979-33.124-66.267 2.404-21.255 16.912-38.345 40.27-41.227l-.49-3.97c-25.369 3.13-41.163 21.836-43.754 44.747-2.587 22.876 7.954 49.803 34.694 69.913l2.404-3.196Zm7.146-107.494c23.592-2.91 41.413 9.316 46.813 22.682 2.682 6.636 2.305 13.48-1.745 19.109-4.087 5.679-12.172 10.48-25.629 12.36l.554 3.961c14.089-1.968 23.372-7.107 28.321-13.985 4.986-6.928 5.312-15.26 2.208-22.943-6.171-15.272-25.876-28.255-51.012-25.154l.49 3.97Z" fill="#fff"/></svg>


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View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<img src="assets/img/user-tours/swipe-navigation.svg" alt="" /> <ion-icon name="moodle-swipe-navigation" aria-hidden="true"></ion-icon>
<p>{{ 'core.swipenavigationtourdescription' | translate }}</p> <p>{{ 'core.swipenavigationtourdescription' | translate }}</p>
<ion-button (click)="dismiss()" expand="block"> <ion-button (click)="dismiss()" expand="block" fill="outline">
{{ 'core.endonesteptour' | translate }} {{ 'core.endonesteptour' | translate }}
</ion-button> </ion-button>

View File

@ -1,12 +1,21 @@
:host { :host {
max-width: 85vw; max-width: 85vw;
img { ion-icon {
max-width: 300px; width: 100%;
height: 150px;
min-width: 300px;
} }
p { p {
text-align: center; text-align: center;
} }
ion-button {
--border-width: 2px;
--border-color: white;
--background: transparent;
--color: white;
} }

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
<h2>{{ 'core.block.tour_navigation_dashboard_title' | translate }}</h2> <h2>{{ 'core.block.tour_navigation_dashboard_title' | translate }}</h2>
<img src="assets/img/user-tours/side-blocks.svg" alt="" />
<p>{{ 'core.block.tour_navigation_dashboard_content' | translate }}</p> <p>{{ 'core.block.tour_navigation_dashboard_content' | translate }}</p>
<ion-button (click)="dismiss()" expand="block"> <ion-button (click)="dismiss()" expand="block">
{{ 'core.endonesteptour' | translate }} {{ 'core.endonesteptour' | translate }}

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
margin-top: 0; margin-top: 0;
} }
p { h2, p {
text-align: center; text-align: center;
} }

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
<h2>{{ 'core.course.tour_navigation_course_index_student_title' | translate }}</h2> <h2>{{ 'core.course.tour_navigation_course_index_student_title' | translate }}</h2>
<img src="assets/img/user-tours/course-index.svg" alt="" />
<p>{{ 'core.course.tour_navigation_course_index_student_content' | translate }}</p> <p>{{ 'core.course.tour_navigation_course_index_student_content' | translate }}</p>
<ion-button (click)="dismiss()" expand="block"> <ion-button (click)="dismiss()" expand="block">
{{ 'core.endonesteptour' | translate }} {{ 'core.endonesteptour' | translate }}

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
margin-top: 0; margin-top: 0;
} }
p { h2, p {
text-align: center; text-align: center;
} }

View File

@ -14,8 +14,9 @@
import { Component, ElementRef, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { Component, ElementRef, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { CoreSiteInfo } from '@classes/site'; import { CoreSiteInfo } from '@classes/site';
import { CoreUserTours, CoreUserToursStyle } from '@features/usertours/services/user-tours'; import { CoreUserTours, CoreUserToursAlignment, CoreUserToursSide } from '@features/usertours/services/user-tours';
import { IonRouterOutlet } from '@ionic/angular'; import { IonRouterOutlet } from '@ionic/angular';
import { CoreScreen } from '@services/screen';
import { CoreSites } from '@services/sites'; import { CoreSites } from '@services/sites';
import { CoreDomUtils } from '@services/utils/dom'; import { CoreDomUtils } from '@services/utils/dom';
import { CoreMainMenuUserMenuTourComponent } from '../user-menu-tour/user-menu-tour'; import { CoreMainMenuUserMenuTourComponent } from '../user-menu-tour/user-menu-tour';
@ -77,7 +78,8 @@ export class CoreMainMenuUserButtonComponent implements OnInit {
id: 'user-menu', id: 'user-menu',
component: CoreMainMenuUserMenuTourComponent, component: CoreMainMenuUserMenuTourComponent,
focus: this.avatar.nativeElement, focus: this.avatar.nativeElement,
style: CoreUserToursStyle.Overlay, alignment: CoreUserToursAlignment.Start,
side: CoreScreen.isMobile ? CoreUserToursSide.Start : CoreUserToursSide.End,
}); });
} }

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
<img src="assets/img/user-tours/user-menu.svg" alt="" />
<h2>{{ 'core.mainmenu.usermenutourtitle' | translate }}</h2> <h2>{{ 'core.mainmenu.usermenutourtitle' | translate }}</h2>
<p>{{ 'core.mainmenu.usermenutourdescription' | translate }}</p> <p>{{ 'core.mainmenu.usermenutourdescription' | translate }}</p>
<ion-button (click)="dismiss()" expand="block"> <ion-button (click)="dismiss()" expand="block">

View File

@ -1,26 +1,15 @@
:host { :host {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
max-width: 85vw;
align-items: center;
flex-direction: column;
img { h2 {
width: calc(100vw - var(--core-avatar-size) * 2 - 16px); margin-top: 0;
margin-top: 12px;
} }
p { h2, p {
text-align: center; text-align: center;
} }
ion-button { ion-button {
width: 100%; margin: 0;
} }
} }
:host-context([dir=rtl]) img {
transform: scaleX(-1);

View File

@ -12,21 +12,18 @@
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License. // limitations under the License.
import { AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef, HostBinding, Input, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { BackButtonEvent } from '@ionic/core';
import { AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, HostBinding, Input, Output, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { CorePromisedValue } from '@classes/promised-value'; import { CorePromisedValue } from '@classes/promised-value';
import { CoreUserToursFocusLayout } from '@features/usertours/classes/focus-layout'; import { CoreUserToursFocusLayout } from '@features/usertours/classes/focus-layout';
import { CoreUserToursPopoverLayout } from '@features/usertours/classes/popover-layout'; import { CoreUserToursPopoverLayout } from '@features/usertours/classes/popover-layout';
import { import { CoreUserTours, CoreUserToursAlignment, CoreUserToursSide } from '@features/usertours/services/user-tours';
} from '@features/usertours/services/user-tours';
import { CoreDomUtils } from '@services/utils/dom'; import { CoreDomUtils } from '@services/utils/dom';
import { AngularFrameworkDelegate } from '@singletons'; import { AngularFrameworkDelegate } from '@singletons';
import { CoreComponentsRegistry } from '@singletons/components-registry'; import { CoreComponentsRegistry } from '@singletons/components-registry';
/** /**
* User Tour wrapper component. * User Tour wrapper component.
@ -45,9 +42,10 @@ export class CoreUserToursUserTourComponent implements AfterViewInit {
@Input() component!: unknown; @Input() component!: unknown;
@Input() componentProps?: Record<string, unknown>; @Input() componentProps?: Record<string, unknown>;
@Input() focus?: HTMLElement; @Input() focus?: HTMLElement;
@Input() style?: CoreUserToursStyle; // When this is undefined in a tour with a focused element, popover style will be used.
@Input() side?: CoreUserToursSide; @Input() side?: CoreUserToursSide;
@Input() alignment?: CoreUserToursAlignment; @Input() alignment?: CoreUserToursAlignment;
@Output() beforeDismiss = new EventEmitter<void>();
@Output() afterDismiss = new EventEmitter<void>();
@HostBinding('') active = false; @HostBinding('') active = false;
@HostBinding('') popover = false; @HostBinding('') popover = false;
@ViewChild('wrapper') wrapper?: ElementRef<HTMLElement>; @ViewChild('wrapper') wrapper?: ElementRef<HTMLElement>;
@ -58,6 +56,7 @@ export class CoreUserToursUserTourComponent implements AfterViewInit {
private element: HTMLElement; private element: HTMLElement;
private wrapperTransform = ''; private wrapperTransform = '';
private wrapperElement = new CorePromisedValue<HTMLElement>(); private wrapperElement = new CorePromisedValue<HTMLElement>();
private backButtonListener?: (event: BackButtonEvent) => void;
constructor({ nativeElement: element }: ElementRef<HTMLElement>) { constructor({ nativeElement: element }: ElementRef<HTMLElement>) {
this.element = element; this.element = element;
@ -86,11 +85,28 @@ export class CoreUserToursUserTourComponent implements AfterViewInit {
await CoreDomUtils.waitForImages(tour); await CoreDomUtils.waitForImages(tour);
// Calculate focus styles or dismiss if the element is gone.
if (this.focus && !CoreDomUtils.isElementVisible(this.focus)) {
await this.dismiss(false);
this.calculateStyles(); this.calculateStyles();
// Show tour. // Show tour. = true; = true;
this.backButtonListener = ({ detail }) => detail.register(
() => {
// Silence back button.
await this.playEnterAnimation(); await this.playEnterAnimation();
} }
@ -100,11 +116,16 @@ export class CoreUserToursUserTourComponent implements AfterViewInit {
* @param acknowledge Whether to confirm that the user has seen the User Tour. * @param acknowledge Whether to confirm that the user has seen the User Tour.
*/ */
async dismiss(acknowledge: boolean = true): Promise<void> { async dismiss(acknowledge: boolean = true): Promise<void> {
await this.playLeaveAnimation(); await this.playLeaveAnimation();
await Promise.all<unknown>([
AngularFrameworkDelegate.removeViewFromDom(this.container, this.element),
acknowledge && CoreUserTours.acknowledge(,
AngularFrameworkDelegate.removeViewFromDom(this.container, this.element); this.backButtonListener && document.removeEventListener('ionBackButton', this.backButtonListener);
acknowledge && CoreUserTours.acknowledge(;
} }
/** /**
@ -121,9 +142,8 @@ export class CoreUserToursUserTourComponent implements AfterViewInit {
this.focusStyles = focusLayout.inlineStyles; this.focusStyles = focusLayout.inlineStyles;
// Calculate popup styles. // Calculate popup styles.
if (( ?? CoreUserToursStyle.Popover) === CoreUserToursStyle.Popover) {
if (!this.side || !this.alignment) { if (!this.side || !this.alignment) {
throw new Error('Cannot create a popover user tour without side and alignment'); throw new Error('Cannot create a focused user tour without side and alignment');
} }
const popoverLayout = new CoreUserToursPopoverLayout(this.focus, this.side, this.alignment); const popoverLayout = new CoreUserToursPopoverLayout(this.focus, this.side, this.alignment);
@ -133,7 +153,6 @@ export class CoreUserToursUserTourComponent implements AfterViewInit {
this.popoverWrapperArrowStyles = popoverLayout.wrapperArrowInlineStyles; this.popoverWrapperArrowStyles = popoverLayout.wrapperArrowInlineStyles;
this.wrapperTransform = `${popoverLayout.wrapperStyles.transform ?? ''}`; this.wrapperTransform = `${popoverLayout.wrapperStyles.transform ?? ''}`;
} }
/** /**
* Play animation to show that the User Tour has started. * Play animation to show that the User Tour has started.

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import { CoreApp } from '@services/app';
import { CoreUtils } from '@services/utils/utils'; import { CoreUtils } from '@services/utils/utils';
import { AngularFrameworkDelegate, makeSingleton } from '@singletons'; import { AngularFrameworkDelegate, makeSingleton } from '@singletons';
import { CoreComponentsRegistry } from '@singletons/components-registry'; import { CoreComponentsRegistry } from '@singletons/components-registry';
import { CoreSubscriptions } from '@singletons/subscriptions';
import { CoreUserToursUserTourComponent } from '../components/user-tour/user-tour'; import { CoreUserToursUserTourComponent } from '../components/user-tour/user-tour';
import { APP_SCHEMA, CoreUserToursDBEntry, USER_TOURS_TABLE_NAME } from './database/user-tours'; import { APP_SCHEMA, CoreUserToursDBEntry, USER_TOURS_TABLE_NAME } from './database/user-tours';
@ -85,9 +86,8 @@ export class CoreUserToursService {
* @param options User Tour options. * @param options User Tour options.
*/ */
async showIfPending(options: CoreUserToursBasicOptions): Promise<void>; async showIfPending(options: CoreUserToursBasicOptions): Promise<void>;
async showIfPending(options: CoreUserToursPopoverFocusedOptions): Promise<void>; async showIfPending(options: CoreUserToursFocusedOptions): Promise<void>;
async showIfPending(options: CoreUserToursOverlayFocusedOptions): Promise<void>; async showIfPending(options: CoreUserToursBasicOptions | CoreUserToursFocusedOptions): Promise<void> {
async showIfPending(options: CoreUserToursOptions): Promise<void> {
const isPending = await CoreUserTours.isPending(; const isPending = await CoreUserTours.isPending(;
if (!isPending) { if (!isPending) {
@ -103,13 +103,14 @@ export class CoreUserToursService {
* @param options User Tour options. * @param options User Tour options.
*/ */
protected async show(options: CoreUserToursBasicOptions): Promise<void>; protected async show(options: CoreUserToursBasicOptions): Promise<void>;
protected async show(options: CoreUserToursPopoverFocusedOptions): Promise<void>; protected async show(options: CoreUserToursFocusedOptions): Promise<void>;
protected async show(options: CoreUserToursOverlayFocusedOptions): Promise<void>; protected async show(options: CoreUserToursBasicOptions | CoreUserToursFocusedOptions): Promise<void> {
protected async show(options: CoreUserToursOptions): Promise<void> {
const { delay, ...componentOptions } = options; const { delay, ...componentOptions } = options;
// Delay start.
await CoreUtils.wait(delay ?? 200); await CoreUtils.wait(delay ?? 200);
// Create tour.
const container = document.querySelector('ion-app') ?? document.body; const container = document.querySelector('ion-app') ?? document.body;
const element = await AngularFrameworkDelegate.attachViewToDom( const element = await AngularFrameworkDelegate.attachViewToDom(
container, container,
@ -119,6 +120,22 @@ export class CoreUserToursService {
const tour = CoreComponentsRegistry.require(element, CoreUserToursUserTourComponent); const tour = CoreComponentsRegistry.require(element, CoreUserToursUserTourComponent);;;
// Handle present/dismiss lifecycle.
CoreSubscriptions.once(tour.beforeDismiss, () => {
const index =;
if (index === -1) {
}, 1);
const nextTour =[0] as CoreUserToursUserTourComponent | undefined;
nextTour?.present().then(() => this.tourReadyCallbacks.get(nextTour)?.());
}); > 1 > 1
? await new Promise<void>(resolve => this.tourReadyCallbacks.set(tour, resolve)) ? await new Promise<void>(resolve => this.tourReadyCallbacks.set(tour, resolve))
: await tour.present(); : await tour.present();
@ -130,33 +147,13 @@ export class CoreUserToursService {
* @param acknowledge Whether to acknowledge that the user has seen this User Tour or not. * @param acknowledge Whether to acknowledge that the user has seen this User Tour or not.
*/ */
async dismiss(acknowledge: boolean = true): Promise<void> { async dismiss(acknowledge: boolean = true): Promise<void> {
if ( === 0) { await[0]?.dismiss(acknowledge);
const activeTour = as CoreUserToursUserTourComponent;
const nextTour =[0] as CoreUserToursUserTourComponent | undefined;
await Promise.all([
nextTour && this.tourReadyCallbacks.get(nextTour)?.();
} }
} }
export const CoreUserTours = makeSingleton(CoreUserToursService); export const CoreUserTours = makeSingleton(CoreUserToursService);
* User Tour style.
export const enum CoreUserToursStyle {
Overlay = 'overlay',
Popover = 'popover',
/** /**
* User Tour side. * User Tour side.
*/ */
@ -217,18 +214,6 @@ export interface CoreUserToursFocusedOptions extends CoreUserToursBasicOptions {
*/ */
focus: HTMLElement; focus: HTMLElement;
* Options to create a focused User Tour using the Popover style.
export interface CoreUserToursPopoverFocusedOptions extends CoreUserToursFocusedOptions {
* User Tour style.
style?: CoreUserToursStyle.Popover;
/** /**
* Position relative to the focused element. * Position relative to the focused element.
*/ */
@ -240,23 +225,3 @@ export interface CoreUserToursPopoverFocusedOptions extends CoreUserToursFocused
alignment: CoreUserToursAlignment; alignment: CoreUserToursAlignment;
} }
* Options to create a focused User Tour using the Overlay style.
export interface CoreUserToursOverlayFocusedOptions extends CoreUserToursFocusedOptions {
* User Tour style.
style: CoreUserToursStyle.Overlay;
* Options to create a User Tour.
export type CoreUserToursOptions =
CoreUserToursBasicOptions |
CoreUserToursPopoverFocusedOptions |