"errornovalidsco":"This SCORM package doesn't have a visible SCO to load.",
"errorpackagefile":"Sorry, the application only supports ZIP packages.",
"errorsyncscorm":"An error occurred while synchronising. Please try again.",
"exceededmaxattempts":"You have reached the maximum number of attempts.",
"firstattempt":"First attempt",
"gradeaverage":"Average grade",
"gradeforattempt":"Grade for attempt",
"gradehighest":"Highest grade",
"grademethod":"Grading method",
"gradereported":"Grade reported",
"gradescoes":"Learning objects",
"gradesum":"Sum grade",
"highestattempt":"Highest attempt",
"lastattempt":"Last completed attempt",
"modulenameplural":"SCORM packages",
"newattempt":"Start a new attempt",
"noattemptsallowed":"Number of attempts allowed",
"noattemptsmade":"Number of attempts you have made",
"notattempted":"Not attempted",
"offlineattemptnote":"This attempt has data that hasn't been synchronised.",
"offlineattemptovermax":"This attempt cannot be sent because you exceeded the maximum number of attempts.",
"reviewmode":"Review mode",
"scormstatusnotdownloaded":"This SCORM package is not downloaded. It will be automatically downloaded when you open it.",
"scormstatusoutdated":"This SCORM package has been modified since the last download. It will be automatically downloaded when you open it.",
"warningofflinedatadeleted":"Some offline data from attempt {{number}} has been discarded because it couldn't be counted as a new attempt.",
"warningsynconlineincomplete":"Some attempts couldn't be synchronised with the site because the last online attempt is not yet finished. Please finish the online attempt first."