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Raw Normal View History

// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Directive, Input, OnInit, ElementRef, Optional } from '@angular/core';
import { Md5 } from 'ts-md5';
import { CoreSiteWSPreSets } from '@classes/site';
import { CoreNavigator } from '@services/navigator';
import { CoreUtils } from '@services/utils/utils';
import { CoreSitePluginsPluginContentComponent } from '../components/plugin-content/plugin-content';
import { CoreSitePlugins } from '../services/siteplugins';
import { CoreForms } from '@singletons/form';
* Directive to display a new site plugin content when clicked. This new content can be displayed in a new page or in the
* current page (only if the current page is already displaying a site plugin content).
* Example usages:
* A button to go to a new content page:
* <ion-button core-site-plugins-new-content title="<% certificate.name %>" component="mod_certificate"
* method="mobile_issues_view" [args]="{cmid: <% cmid %>, courseid: <% courseid %>}">
* {{ 'plugin.mod_certificate_coursecertificate.viewissued' | translate }}
* </ion-button>
* A button to load new content in current page using a param from otherdata:
* <ion-button core-site-plugins-new-content component="mod_certificate" method="mobile_issues_view"
* [args]="{cmid: <% cmid %>, courseid: <% courseid %>}" samePage="true" [useOtherData]="['userid']">
* {{ 'plugin.mod_certificate_coursecertificate.viewissued' | translate }}
* </ion-button>
selector: '[core-site-plugins-new-content]',
export class CoreSitePluginsNewContentDirective implements OnInit {
@Input() component?: string; // The component of the new content. If not provided, use the same component as current page.
@Input() method?: string; // The method to get the new content. If not provided, use the same method as current page.
@Input() args?: Record<string, unknown>; // The params to get the new content.
@Input() title?: string; // The title to display with the new content. Only if samePage=false.
@Input() samePage?: boolean | string; // Whether to display the content in same page or open a new one. Defaults to new page.
@Input() useOtherData?: string[] | unknown; // Whether to include other data in the args.
@Input() form?: string; // ID or name to identify a form. The form data will be retrieved and sent to the WS.
// JS variables to pass to the new page so they can be used in the template or JS.
// If true is supplied instead of an object, all initial variables from current page will be copied.
@Input() jsData?: Record<string, unknown> | boolean;
@Input() preSets?: CoreSiteWSPreSets; // The preSets for the WS call of the new content.
@Input() ptrEnabled?: boolean | string; // Whether PTR should be enabled in the new page. Defaults to true.
protected element: HTMLElement;
element: ElementRef,
@Optional() protected parentContent: CoreSitePluginsPluginContentComponent,
) {
this.element = element.nativeElement || element;
* @inheritdoc
ngOnInit(): void {
this.element.addEventListener('click', (ev: Event): void => {
let args = this.args || {};
if (this.parentContent) {
args = CoreSitePlugins.loadOtherDataInArgs(this.args, this.parentContent.otherData, this.useOtherData);
if (this.form && document.forms[this.form]) {
args = Object.assign(args, CoreForms.getDataFromForm(document.forms[this.form]));
let jsData = this.jsData || {};
if (jsData === true) {
jsData = this.parentContent?.data || {};
if (CoreUtils.isTrueOrOne(this.samePage)) {
// Update the parent content (if it exists).
this.parentContent?.updateContent(args, this.component, this.method, jsData, this.preSets);
} else {
const component = this.component || this.parentContent?.component;
const method = this.method || this.parentContent?.method;
const hash = <string> Md5.hashAsciiStr(JSON.stringify(args));
CoreNavigator.navigateToSitePath(`siteplugins/content/${component}/${method}/${hash}`, {
params: {
title: this.title || this.parentContent?.pageTitle,
initResult: this.parentContent?.initResult,
preSets: this.preSets,
ptrEnabled: this.ptrEnabled,