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2021-04-23 13:24:48 +02:00
"alreadygraded": "Already graded",
"areainstructauthors": "Instructions for submission",
"areainstructreviewers": "Instructions for assessment",
"assess": "Assess",
"assessedsubmission": "Assessed submission",
"assessmentform": "Assessment form",
"assessmentsettings": "Assessment settings",
"assessmentstrategynotsupported": "Assessment strategy {{$a}} not supported",
"assessmentweight": "Assessment weight",
"assignedassessments": "Assigned submissions to assess",
"assignedassessmentsnone": "You have no assigned submission to assess",
"conclusion": "Conclusion",
"createsubmission": "Add submission",
"deletesubmission": "Delete submission",
"editsubmission": "Edit submission",
"feedbackauthor": "Feedback for the author",
"feedbackby": "Feedback by {{$a}}",
"feedbackreviewer": "Feedback for the reviewer",
"givengrades": "Grades given",
"gradecalculated": "Calculated grade for submission",
"gradeinfo": "Grade: {{$a.received}} of {{$a.max}}",
"gradeover": "Override grade for submission",
"gradesreport": "Workshop grades report",
"gradinggrade": "Grade for assessment",
"gradinggradecalculated": "Calculated grade for assessment",
"gradinggradeof": "Grade for assessment (of {{$a}})",
"gradinggradeover": "Override grade for assessment",
"modulenameplural": "Workshops",
"nogradeyet": "No grade yet",
"notassessed": "Not assessed yet",
"notoverridden": "Not overridden",
"noyoursubmission": "You have not submitted your work yet",
"overallfeedback": "Overall feedback",
"publishedsubmissions": "Published submissions",
"publishsubmission": "Publish submission",
"publishsubmission_help": "Published submissions are available to the others when the workshop is closed.",
"reassess": "Re-assess",
"receivedgrades": "Grades received",
"submissionattachment": "Attachment",
"submissioncontent": "Submission content",
"submissiondeleteconfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete the following submission?",
"submissiongrade": "Grade for submission",
"submissiongradeof": "Grade for submission (of {{$a}})",
"submissionrequiredcontent": "You need to enter some text or add a file.",
"submissionrequiredtitle": "You need to enter a title.",
"submissionsreport": "Workshop submissions report",
"submissiontitle": "Title",
"switchphase10": "Switch to the setup phase",
"switchphase20": "Switch to the submission phase",
"switchphase30": "Switch to the assessment phase",
"switchphase40": "Switch to the evaluation phase",
"switchphase50": "Close workshop",
"userplan": "Workshop planner",
"userplancurrentphase": "Current phase",
"warningassessmentmodified": "The submission was modified on the site.",
"warningsubmissionmodified": "The assessment was modified on the site.",
"weightinfo": "Weight: {{$a}}",
"yourassessment": "Your assessment",
"yourassessmentfor": "Your assessment for {{$a}}",
"yourgrades": "Your grades",
"yoursubmission": "Your submission"