2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { CoreCancellablePromise } from '@classes/cancellable-promise';
2023-01-27 12:33:40 +01:00
import { CoreApp } from '@services/app';
2022-03-22 17:22:14 +01:00
import { CoreDomUtils } from '@services/utils/dom';
2023-01-27 12:33:40 +01:00
import { CoreMimetypeUtils } from '@services/utils/mimetype';
2022-03-22 17:22:14 +01:00
import { CoreUtils } from '@services/utils/utils';
import { CoreEventObserver } from '@singletons/events';
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
* Singleton with helper functions for dom.
export class CoreDom {
// Avoid creating singleton instances.
private constructor() {
// Nothing to do.
2022-04-06 12:40:12 +02:00
* Perform a dom closest function piercing the shadow DOM.
* @param node DOM Element.
* @param selector Selector to search.
2022-12-01 12:31:00 +01:00
* @returns Closest ancestor or null if not found.
2022-04-06 12:40:12 +02:00
static closest<T = HTMLElement>(node: HTMLElement | Node | null, selector: string): T | null {
if (!node) {
return null;
if (node instanceof ShadowRoot) {
return CoreDom.closest(node.host, selector);
if (node instanceof HTMLElement) {
if (node.matches(selector)) {
return node as unknown as T;
} else {
return CoreDom.closest<T>(node.parentNode, selector);
return CoreDom.closest<T>(node.parentNode, selector);
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
* Retrieve the position of a element relative to another element.
* @param element Element to get the position.
* @param parent Parent element to get relative position.
2022-12-01 12:31:00 +01:00
* @returns X and Y position.
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
static getRelativeElementPosition(element: HTMLElement, parent: HTMLElement): CoreCoordinates {
// Get the top, left coordinates of two elements
const elementRectangle = element.getBoundingClientRect();
const parentRectangle = parent.getBoundingClientRect();
// Calculate the top and left positions.
return {
x: elementRectangle.x - parentRectangle.x,
y: elementRectangle.y - parentRectangle.y,
* Check whether an element has been added to the DOM.
* @param element Element.
2022-12-01 12:31:00 +01:00
* @returns True if element has been added to the DOM, false otherwise.
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
static isElementInDom(element: HTMLElement): boolean {
return element.getRootNode({ composed: true }) === document;
* Check whether an element is intersecting the intersectionRatio in viewport.
2022-12-01 12:31:00 +01:00
* @param element Element to check.
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
* @param intersectionRatio Intersection ratio (From 0 to 1).
2022-12-01 12:31:00 +01:00
* @returns True if in viewport.
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
static isElementInViewport(element: HTMLElement, intersectionRatio = 1): boolean {
const elementRectangle = element.getBoundingClientRect();
const elementArea = elementRectangle.width * elementRectangle.height;
if (elementArea == 0) {
return false;
const intersectionRectangle = {
top: Math.max(0, elementRectangle.top),
left: Math.max(0, elementRectangle.left),
bottom: Math.min(window.innerHeight, elementRectangle.bottom),
right: Math.min(window.innerWidth, elementRectangle.right),
const intersectionArea = (intersectionRectangle.right - intersectionRectangle.left) *
(intersectionRectangle.bottom - intersectionRectangle.top);
return intersectionArea / elementArea >= intersectionRatio;
* Check whether an element is visible or not.
* @param element Element.
2022-03-31 14:19:22 +02:00
* @param checkSize Wether to check size to check for visibility.
2022-12-01 12:31:00 +01:00
* @returns True if element is visible inside the DOM.
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
2022-03-31 14:19:22 +02:00
static isElementVisible(element: HTMLElement, checkSize = true): boolean {
if (checkSize && (element.clientWidth === 0 || element.clientHeight === 0)) {
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
return false;
const style = getComputedStyle(element);
if (style.opacity === '0' || style.display === 'none' || style.visibility === 'hidden') {
return false;
return CoreDom.isElementInDom(element);
* Runs a function when an element has been slotted.
* @param element HTML Element inside an ion-content to wait for slot.
* @param callback Function to execute on resize.
static onElementSlot(element: HTMLElement, callback: (ev?: Event) => void): void {
if (!element.slot) {
// Element not declared to be slotted.
const slotName = element.slot;
if (element.assignedSlot?.name === slotName) {
// Slot already assigned.
const content = element.closest('ion-content');
if (!content || !content.shadowRoot) {
// Cannot find content.
const slots = content.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('slot');
const slot = Array.from(slots).find((slot) => slot.name === slotName);
if (!slot) {
// Slot not found.
const slotListener = () => {
if (element.assignedSlot?.name !== slotName) {
// It would happen only once.
slot.removeEventListener('slotchange', slotListener);
2022-08-31 17:06:38 +02:00
slot.addEventListener('slotchange', slotListener);
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
2022-03-22 17:22:14 +01:00
* Window resize is widely checked and may have many performance issues, debouce usage is needed to avoid calling it too much.
* This function helps setting up the debounce feature and remove listener easily.
* @param resizeFunction Function to execute on resize.
* @param debounceDelay Debounce time in ms.
2022-12-01 12:31:00 +01:00
* @returns Event observer to call off when finished.
2022-03-22 17:22:14 +01:00
static onWindowResize(resizeFunction: (ev?: Event) => void, debounceDelay = 20): CoreEventObserver {
const resizeListener = CoreUtils.debounce(async (ev?: Event) => {
await CoreDomUtils.waitForResizeDone();
}, debounceDelay);
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeListener);
return {
off: (): void => {
window.removeEventListener('resize', resizeListener);
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
* Scroll to a certain element.
* @param element The element to scroll to.
* @param selector Selector to find the element to scroll to inside the defined element.
* @param scrollOptions Scroll Options.
2022-12-01 12:31:00 +01:00
* @returns Wether the scroll suceeded.
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static async scrollToElement(element: HTMLElement, selector?: string, scrollOptions: CoreScrollOptions = {}): Promise<boolean> {
if (selector) {
const foundElement = await CoreDom.waitToBeInsideElement(element, selector);
if (!foundElement) {
// Element not found.
return false;
element = foundElement;
2022-03-31 14:19:22 +02:00
await CoreDom.waitToBeVisible(element, false);
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
const content = element.closest<HTMLIonContentElement>('ion-content') ?? undefined;
if (!content) {
// Content to scroll, not found.
return false;
try {
const position = CoreDom.getRelativeElementPosition(element, content);
const scrollElement = await content.getScrollElement();
scrollOptions.duration = scrollOptions.duration ?? 200;
scrollOptions.addXAxis = scrollOptions.addXAxis ?? 0;
scrollOptions.addYAxis = scrollOptions.addYAxis ?? 0;
await content.scrollToPoint(
position.x + scrollElement.scrollLeft + scrollOptions.addXAxis,
position.y + scrollElement.scrollTop + scrollOptions.addYAxis,
return true;
} catch {
return false;
* Search for an input with error (core-input-error directive) and scrolls to it if found.
* @param container The element that contains the element that must be scrolled.
2022-12-01 12:31:00 +01:00
* @returns True if the element is found, false otherwise.
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
static async scrollToInputError(container: HTMLElement): Promise<boolean> {
return CoreDom.scrollToElement(container, '.core-input-error');
2022-03-24 12:58:55 +01:00
* Has the scroll reached bottom?
* @param scrollElement Scroll Element.
* @param marginError Error margin when calculating.
2022-12-01 12:31:00 +01:00
* @returns Wether the scroll reached the bottom.
2022-03-24 12:58:55 +01:00
static scrollIsBottom(scrollElement?: HTMLElement, marginError = 0): boolean {
if (!scrollElement) {
return true;
return scrollElement.scrollTop + scrollElement.clientHeight >= scrollElement.scrollHeight - marginError;
2022-03-22 14:57:54 +01:00
* Move element to content so it can be slotted.
* @param element HTML Element.
* @param slot Slot name.
2022-12-01 12:31:00 +01:00
* @returns Promise resolved when done.
2022-03-22 14:57:54 +01:00
static slotOnContent(element: HTMLElement, slot = 'fixed'): CoreCancellablePromise<void> {
element.setAttribute('slot', slot);
if (element.parentElement?.nodeName === 'ION-CONTENT') {
return CoreCancellablePromise.resolve();
const domPromise = CoreDom.waitToBeInDOM(element);
return new CoreCancellablePromise<void>(
async (resolve) => {
await domPromise;
// Move element to the nearest ion-content if it's not the parent
if (element.parentElement?.nodeName !== 'ION-CONTENT') {
() => {
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
* Wait an element to be added to the root DOM.
* @param element Element to wait.
2022-12-01 12:31:00 +01:00
* @returns Cancellable promise.
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
static waitToBeInDOM(element: HTMLElement): CoreCancellablePromise<void> {
const root = element.getRootNode({ composed: true });
if (root === document) {
// Already in DOM.
return CoreCancellablePromise.resolve();
let observer: MutationObserver;
return new CoreCancellablePromise<void>(
(resolve) => {
observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
const root = element.getRootNode({ composed: true });
if (root !== document) {
observer.observe(document.body, { subtree: true, childList: true });
() => {
* Wait an element to be in dom of another element using a selector
* @param container Element to wait.
2022-12-01 12:31:00 +01:00
* @returns Cancellable promise.
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
static async waitToBeInsideElement(container: HTMLElement, selector: string): Promise<CoreCancellablePromise<HTMLElement>> {
await CoreDom.waitToBeInDOM(container);
let element = container.querySelector<HTMLElement>(selector);
if (element) {
// Already in DOM.
return CoreCancellablePromise.resolve(element);
let observer: MutationObserver;
return new CoreCancellablePromise<HTMLElement>(
(resolve) => {
observer = new MutationObserver(() => {
element = container.querySelector<HTMLElement>(selector);
if (!element) {
observer.observe(container, { subtree: true, childList: true });
() => {
2022-03-30 14:33:07 +02:00
* Watch whenever an elements visibility changes within the viewport.
* @param element Element to watch.
* @param intersectionRatio Intersection ratio (From 0 to 1).
* @param callback Callback when visibility changes.
2022-12-01 12:31:00 +01:00
* @returns Function to stop watching.
2022-03-30 14:33:07 +02:00
static watchElementInViewport(
element: HTMLElement,
intersectionRatio: number,
callback: (visible: boolean) => void,
): () => void;
* Watch whenever an elements visibility changes within the viewport.
* @param element Element to watch.
* @param callback Callback when visibility changes.
2022-12-01 12:31:00 +01:00
* @returns Function to stop watching.
2022-03-30 14:33:07 +02:00
static watchElementInViewport(element: HTMLElement, callback: (visible: boolean) => void): () => void;
static watchElementInViewport(
element: HTMLElement,
intersectionRatioOrCallback: number | ((visible: boolean) => void),
callback?: (visible: boolean) => void,
): () => void {
const visibleCallback = callback ?? intersectionRatioOrCallback as (visible: boolean) => void;
const intersectionRatio = typeof intersectionRatioOrCallback === 'number' ? intersectionRatioOrCallback : 1;
let visible = CoreDom.isElementInViewport(element, intersectionRatio);
const setVisible = (newValue: boolean) => {
if (visible === newValue) {
visible = newValue;
if (!('IntersectionObserver' in window)) {
const interval = setInterval(() => setVisible(CoreDom.isElementInViewport(element, intersectionRatio)), 50);
return () => clearInterval(interval);
const observer = new IntersectionObserver(([{ isIntersecting, intersectionRatio }]) => {
setVisible(isIntersecting && intersectionRatio >= intersectionRatio);
return () => observer.disconnect();
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
* Wait an element to be in dom and visible.
* @param element Element to wait.
* @param intersectionRatio Intersection ratio (From 0 to 1).
2022-12-01 12:31:00 +01:00
* @returns Cancellable promise.
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
static waitToBeInViewport(element: HTMLElement, intersectionRatio = 1): CoreCancellablePromise<void> {
2022-03-30 14:33:07 +02:00
let unsubscribe: (() => void) | undefined;
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
const visiblePromise = CoreDom.waitToBeVisible(element);
return new CoreCancellablePromise<void>(
async (resolve) => {
await visiblePromise;
if (CoreDom.isElementInViewport(element, intersectionRatio)) {
return resolve();
2022-03-30 14:33:07 +02:00
unsubscribe = this.watchElementInViewport(element, intersectionRatio, inViewport => {
if (!inViewport) {
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
() => {
2022-03-30 14:33:07 +02:00
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
* Wait an element to be in dom and visible.
* @param element Element to wait.
2022-03-31 14:19:22 +02:00
* @param checkSize Wether to check size to check for visibility.
2022-12-01 12:31:00 +01:00
* @returns Cancellable promise.
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
2022-03-31 14:19:22 +02:00
static waitToBeVisible(element: HTMLElement, checkSize = true): CoreCancellablePromise<void> {
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
const domPromise = CoreDom.waitToBeInDOM(element);
let interval: number | undefined;
// Mutations did not observe for visibility properties.
return new CoreCancellablePromise<void>(
async (resolve) => {
await domPromise;
2022-03-31 14:19:22 +02:00
if (CoreDom.isElementVisible(element, checkSize)) {
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
return resolve();
interval = window.setInterval(() => {
2022-03-31 14:19:22 +02:00
if (!CoreDom.isElementVisible(element, checkSize)) {
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
}, 50);
() => {
2022-03-31 17:16:19 +02:00
* Listen to click and Enter/Space keys in an element.
* @param element Element to listen to events.
* @param callback Callback to call when clicked or the key is pressed.
2023-02-07 10:59:06 +01:00
* @deprecated since 4.1.1: Use initializeClickableElementA11y instead.
2022-03-31 17:16:19 +02:00
2023-02-07 10:59:06 +01:00
static onActivate(
element: HTMLElement & {disabled?: boolean},
callback: (event: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent) => void,
): void {
this.initializeClickableElementA11y(element, callback);
* Initializes a clickable element a11y calling the click action when pressed enter or space
* and adding tabindex and role if needed.
* @param element Element to listen to events.
* @param callback Callback to call when clicked or the key is pressed.
static initializeClickableElementA11y(
element: HTMLElement & {disabled?: boolean},
callback: (event: MouseEvent | KeyboardEvent) => void,
): void {
2022-03-31 17:16:19 +02:00
element.addEventListener('click', (event) => callback(event));
element.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
2023-02-01 11:52:02 +01:00
if (event.key === ' ' || event.key === 'Enter') {
2022-03-31 17:16:19 +02:00
element.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => {
2023-02-07 10:59:06 +01:00
if (event.key === ' ' || event.key === 'Enter') {
2022-03-31 17:16:19 +02:00
2023-02-07 10:59:06 +01:00
if (element.tagName !== 'BUTTON' && element.tagName !== 'A') {
// Set tabindex if not previously set.
if (element.getAttribute('tabindex') === null) {
element.setAttribute('tabindex', element.disabled ? '-1' : '0');
// Set role if not previously set.
if (!element.getAttribute('role')) {
element.setAttribute('role', 'button');
2022-03-31 17:16:19 +02:00
2023-01-27 12:33:40 +01:00
* Get all source URLs and types for a video or audio.
* @param mediaElement Audio or video element.
* @returns List of sources.
static getMediaSources(mediaElement: HTMLVideoElement | HTMLAudioElement): CoreMediaSource[] {
const sources = Array.from(mediaElement.querySelectorAll('source')).map(source => ({
src: source.src || source.getAttribute('target-src') || '',
type: source.type,
if (mediaElement.src) {
src: mediaElement.src,
type: '',
return sources;
* Check if a source needs to be converted to be able to reproduce it.
* @param source Source.
* @returns Whether needs conversion.
static sourceNeedsConversion(source: CoreMediaSource): boolean {
if (!CoreApp.isIOS()) {
return false;
let extension = source.type ? CoreMimetypeUtils.getExtension(source.type) : undefined;
if (!extension) {
extension = CoreMimetypeUtils.guessExtensionFromUrl(source.src);
return !!extension && ['ogv', 'webm', 'oga', 'ogg'].includes(extension);
* Check if JS player should be used for a certain source.
* @param source Source.
* @returns Whether JS player should be used.
static sourceUsesJavascriptPlayer(source: CoreMediaSource): boolean {
// For now, only use JS player if the source needs to be converted.
return CoreDom.sourceNeedsConversion(source);
* Check if JS player should be used for a certain audio or video.
* @param mediaElement Media element.
* @returns Whether JS player should be used.
static mediaUsesJavascriptPlayer(mediaElement: HTMLVideoElement | HTMLAudioElement): boolean {
if (!CoreApp.isIOS()) {
return false;
const sources = CoreDom.getMediaSources(mediaElement);
return sources.some(source => CoreDom.sourceUsesJavascriptPlayer(source));
2022-03-22 10:47:14 +01:00
* Coordinates of an element.
export type CoreCoordinates = {
x: number; // X axis coordinates.
y: number; // Y axis coordinates.
* Scroll options.
export type CoreScrollOptions = {
duration?: number;
addYAxis?: number;
addXAxis?: number;
2023-01-27 12:33:40 +01:00
* Source of a media element.
export type CoreMediaSource = {
src: string;
type?: string;