2018-11-15 10:34:13 +01:00
< ion-header >
< ion-navbar core-back-button >
< ion-title > {{ 'addon.messages.messages' | translate }}< / ion-title >
< ion-buttons end >
< button ion-button icon-only ( click ) = " gotoContacts ( $ event ) " [ attr . aria-label ] = " ' addon . messages . contacts ' | translate " >
< ion-icon name = "person" > < / ion-icon > <!-- @todo: Display number of pending requests. -->
< / button >
< button ion-button icon-only ( click ) = " gotoSettings ( $ event ) " [ attr . aria-label ] = " ' addon . messages . messagepreferences ' | translate " >
< ion-icon name = "cog" > < / ion-icon >
< / button >
2018-11-19 11:10:25 +01:00
<!-- Add an empty context menu so discussion page can add items in split view, otherwise the menu disappears in some cases. -->
< core-context-menu > < / core-context-menu >
2018-11-15 10:34:13 +01:00
< / ion-buttons >
< / ion-navbar >
< / ion-header >
< core-split-view >
< ion-content >
< ion-refresher [ enabled ] = " loaded " ( ionRefresh ) = " refreshData ( $ event ) " >
< ion-refresher-content pullingText = "{{ 'core.pulltorefresh' | translate }}" > < / ion-refresher-content >
< / ion-refresher >
< core-search-box * ngIf = "search.enabled" ( onSubmit ) = " searchMessage ( $ event ) " ( onClear ) = " clearSearch ( $ event ) " [ placeholder ] = " ' addon . messages . message ' | translate " autocorrect = "off" spellcheck = "false" lengthCheck = "2" [ disabled ] = " ! loaded " > < / core-search-box >
< core-loading [ hideUntil ] = " loaded " [ message ] = " loadingMessage " >
<!-- Search results. -->
< ion-list * ngIf = "search.showResults" no-margin >
< ion-item-divider color = "light" >
< h2 > {{ 'core.searchresults' | translate }}< / h2 >
< ion-note item-end > {{ search.results.length }}< / ion-note >
< / ion-item-divider >
<!-- @todo: Search conversations does not return the conversationid. Check how it is solved in web. -->
< a ion-item text-wrap * ngFor = "let result of search.results" [ title ] = " result . fullname " ( click ) = " gotoConversation ( result . id , result . userid , result . messageid ) " [ class . core-split-item-selected ] = " result . id = = selectedConversation " detail-none >
< ion-avatar item-start >
< img src = "{{result.profileimageurl}}" [ alt ] = " ' core . pictureof ' | translate: { $ a: result . fullname } " core-external-content onError = "this.src='assets/img/user-avatar.png'" >
< / ion-avatar >
< h2 > < core-format-text [ text ] = " result . fullname " > < / core-format-text > < / h2 >
< p > < core-format-text clean = "true" singleLine = "true" [ text ] = " result . lastmessage " > < / core-format-text > < / p >
< / a >
< / ion-list >
<!-- Conversations. -->
< ion-list * ngIf = "!search.showResults" >
<!-- Favourite conversations. -->
< ion-item-divider color = "light" text-wrap * ngIf = "favourites.conversations" ( click ) = " toggle ( favourites ) " >
< core-icon * ngIf = "!favourites.expanded" name = "fa-caret-right" item-start > < / core-icon >
< core-icon * ngIf = "favourites.expanded" name = "fa-caret-down" item-start > < / core-icon >
{{ 'core.favourites' | translate }} ({{ favourites.count }})
<!-- @todo: Unread total of favourites (MDL - 63913). -->
< / ion-item-divider >
< div * ngIf = "favourites.conversations && favourites.expanded" >
< ng-container * ngTemplateOutlet = "conversationsTemplate; context: {conversations: favourites.conversations}" > < / ng-container >
<!-- The infinite loading cannot be inside the ng - template, it fails because it doesn't find ion - content. -->
< core-infinite-loading [ enabled ] = " favourites . canLoadMore " ( action ) = " loadMoreConversations ( favourites , $ event ) " > < / core-infinite-loading >
< ion-item text-wrap * ngIf = "favourites.conversations.length == 0" >
< p > {{ 'addon.messages.nofavourites' | translate }}< / p >
< / ion-item >
< / div >
<!-- Group conversations. -->
< ion-item-divider color = "light" text-wrap * ngIf = "group.conversations" ( click ) = " toggle ( group ) " >
< core-icon * ngIf = "!group.expanded" name = "fa-caret-right" item-start > < / core-icon >
< core-icon * ngIf = "group.expanded" name = "fa-caret-down" item-start > < / core-icon >
{{ 'addon.messages.groupmessages' | translate }} ({{ group.count }})
<!-- @todo: Unread total of group conversations (MDL - 63913). -->
< / ion-item-divider >
< div * ngIf = "group.conversations && group.expanded" >
< ng-container * ngTemplateOutlet = "conversationsTemplate; context: {conversations: group.conversations, avatarOptional: true}" > < / ng-container >
<!-- The infinite loading cannot be inside the ng - template, it fails because it doesn't find ion - content. -->
< core-infinite-loading [ enabled ] = " group . canLoadMore " ( action ) = " loadMoreConversations ( group , $ event ) " > < / core-infinite-loading >
< ion-item text-wrap * ngIf = "group.conversations.length == 0" >
< p > {{ 'addon.messages.nogroupmessages' | translate }}< / p >
< / ion-item >
< / div >
< ion-item-divider color = "light" text-wrap * ngIf = "individual.conversations" ( click ) = " toggle ( individual ) " >
< core-icon * ngIf = "!individual.expanded" name = "fa-caret-right" item-start > < / core-icon >
< core-icon * ngIf = "individual.expanded" name = "fa-caret-down" item-start > < / core-icon >
{{ 'addon.messages.messages' | translate }} ({{ individual.count }})
<!-- @todo: Unread total of individual conversations (MDL - 63913). -->
< / ion-item-divider >
< div * ngIf = "individual.conversations && individual.expanded" >
< ng-container * ngTemplateOutlet = "conversationsTemplate; context: {conversations: individual.conversations}" > < / ng-container >
<!-- The infinite loading cannot be inside the ng - template, it fails because it doesn't find ion - content. -->
< core-infinite-loading [ enabled ] = " individual . canLoadMore " ( action ) = " loadMoreConversations ( individual , $ event ) " > < / core-infinite-loading >
< ion-item text-wrap * ngIf = "individual.conversations.length == 0" >
< p > {{ 'addon.messages.nomessages' | translate }}< / p >
< / ion-item >
< / div >
< / ion-list >
<!-- Search didn't get any result. -->
< core-empty-box * ngIf = "(!search.results || search.results.length <= 0) && search.showResults" icon = "search" [ message ] = " ' core . noresults ' | translate " > < / core-empty-box >
< / core-loading >
< / ion-content >
< / core-split-view >
<!-- Template to render a list of conversations. -->
< ng-template # conversationsTemplate let-conversations = "conversations" let-avatarOptional = "avatarOptional" >
2018-11-20 15:08:24 +01:00
< a ion-item text-wrap * ngFor = "let conversation of conversations" [ title ] = " conversation . name " detail-none ( click ) = " gotoConversation ( conversation . id , conversation . userid ) " [ class . core-split-item-selected ] = " ( conversation . id & & conversation . id = = selectedConversationId ) | | ( conversation . userid & & conversation . userid = = selectedUserId ) " >
2018-11-15 10:34:13 +01:00
< ion-avatar item-start * ngIf = "conversation.imageurl || !avatarOptional" >
< img src = "{{conversation.imageurl}}" [ alt ] = " conversation . name " core-external-content onError = "this.src='assets/img/user-avatar.png'" >
<!-- @todo: Display connection status.
< span * ngIf = "conversation.showonlinestatus" class = "core-primary-circle" [ ngClass ] = ' { " addon-message-contact-online " : conversation . isonline } ' > < / span > -->
< / ion-avatar >
< h2 >
< p >
< core-format-text [ text ] = " conversation . name " > < / core-format-text >
< core-icon name = "fa-ban" * ngIf = "conversation.isblocked" [ attr . aria-label ] = " ' addon . messages . contactblocked ' | translate " > < / core-icon >
< / p >
< ion-note * ngIf = "conversation.lastmessagedate > 0 || conversation.unreadcount" >
< ion-badge * ngIf = "conversation.unreadcount > 0" > {{ conversation.unreadcount }}< / ion-badge >
< span * ngIf = "conversation.lastmessagedate > 0" > {{conversation.lastmessagedate | coreDateDayOrTime}}< / span >
< / ion-note >
< / h2 >
< p > < core-format-text * ngIf = "conversation.subname" [ text ] = " conversation . subname " > < / core-format-text > < / p >
< p >
< span * ngIf = "conversation.sentfromcurrentuser" > {{ 'addon.messages.you' | translate }}< / span > < core-format-text clean = "true" singleLine = "true" [ text ] = " conversation . lastmessage " class = "addon-message-last-message" > < / core-format-text >
< / p >
< / a >
< / ng-template >