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"contactdataprotectionofficer": "Contact the privacy officer",
"cancelrequest": "Cancel request",
"cancelrequestconfirmation": "Do you really want cancel this data request?",
"createnewdatarequest": "Create a new data request",
"datarequests": "Data requests",
"daterequested": "Date requested",
"deletemyaccount": "Delete my account",
"message": "Message",
"newrequest": "New request",
"nodatarequests": "There are no data requests",
"pluginname": "Data privacy",
"replyto": "Reply to",
"requestactions": "Actions",
"requestby": "Requested by",
"requestcomments": "Comments",
"requeststatus": "Status",
"requestsubmitted": "Your request has been submitted to the privacy officer",
"requesttype_help": "Select the reason for contacting the privacy officer. Be aware that deletion of all personal data will result in you no longer being able to log in to the site.",
"requesttype": "Type",
"requesttypedelete": "Delete all of my personal data",
"requesttypeexport": "Export all of my personal data",
"requesttypeothers": "General enquiry",
"send": "Send",
"statusapproved": "Approved",
"statusawaitingapproval": "Awaiting approval",
"statuscancelled": "Cancelled",
"statuscomplete": "Complete",
"statusdeleted": "Deleted",
"statusexpired": "Expired",
"statuspending": "Pending",
"statuspreprocessing": "Pre-processing",
"statusprocessing": "Processing",
"statusready": "Download ready",
"statusrejected": "Rejected"