"confirmeventdelete":"Are you sure you want to delete the \"{{$a}}\" event?",
"confirmeventseriesdelete":"The \"{{$a.name}}\" event is part of a series. Do you want to delete just this event, or all {{$a.count}} events in the series?",
"invalidtimedurationminutes":"The duration in minutes you have entered is invalid. Please enter the duration in minutes greater than 0 or select no duration.",
"invalidtimedurationuntil":"The date and time you selected for duration until is before the start time of the event. Please correct this before proceeding.",
"monthlyview":"Monthly view",
"newevent":"New event",
"noevents":"There are no events",
"nopermissiontoupdatecalendar":"Sorry, but you do not have permission to update the calendar event.",
"repeatedevents":"Repeated events",
"repeateditall":"Also apply changes to the other {{$a}} events in this repeat series",
"repeateditthis":"Apply changes to this event only",