2018-03-27 11:27:55 +00:00
< ion-header >
2018-07-13 11:10:55 +00:00
< ion-navbar core-back-button >
2018-03-27 11:27:55 +00:00
< ion-title > {{ 'addon.notifications.notificationpreferences' | translate }}< / ion-title >
< ion-buttons end >
< / ion-buttons >
< / ion-navbar >
< / ion-header >
< core-navbar-buttons >
< core-context-menu * ngIf = "processorHandlers.length > 0" >
< core-context-menu-item * ngFor = "let handler of processorHandlers" [ priority ] = " handler . priority " [ content ] = " handler . label | translate " ( action ) = " openExtraPreferences ( handler ) " [ iconAction ] = " handler . icon " > < / core-context-menu-item >
< / core-context-menu >
< / core-navbar-buttons >
< ion-content >
< ion-refresher [ enabled ] = " preferencesLoaded & & notifPrefsEnabled " ( ionRefresh ) = " refreshPreferences ( $ event ) " >
< ion-refresher-content pullingText = "{{ 'core.pulltorefresh' | translate }}" > < / ion-refresher-content >
< / ion-refresher >
< core-loading [ hideUntil ] = " preferencesLoaded " >
<!-- If notification preferences aren't enabled, show only the notification sound setting. -->
< ion-item * ngIf = "canChangeSound && !notifPrefsEnabled" >
< ion-label > {{ 'addon.notifications.playsound' | translate }}< / ion-label >
< ion-toggle [ ( ngModel ) ] = " notificationSound " ( ionChange ) = " changeNotificationSound ( notificationSound ) " > < / ion-toggle >
< / ion-item >
< ng-container * ngIf = "notifPrefsEnabled" >
< ion-card >
< ion-item text-wrap * ngIf = "preferences" >
< ion-label > {{ 'core.settings.disableall' | translate }}< / ion-label >
< ion-toggle [ ( ngModel ) ] = " preferences . disableall " ( ionChange ) = " disableAll ( preferences . disableall ) " > < / ion-toggle >
< / ion-item >
< ion-item text-wrap * ngIf = "canChangeSound" >
< ion-label > {{ 'addon.notifications.playsound' | translate }}< / ion-label >
< ion-toggle [ ( ngModel ) ] = " notificationSound " ( ionChange ) = " changeNotificationSound ( notificationSound ) " > < / ion-toggle >
< / ion-item >
< / ion-card >
<!-- Show processor selector. -->
2018-09-17 15:20:02 +00:00
< div padding >
< ion-select * ngIf = "preferences && preferences.processors && preferences.processors.length > 0" [ ngModel ] = " currentProcessor . name " ( ngModelChange ) = " changeProcessor ( $ event ) " interface = "popover" class = "core-button-select" >
< ion-option * ngFor = "let processor of preferences.processors" [ value ] = " processor . name " > {{ processor.displayname }}< / ion-option >
< / ion-select >
< / div >
2018-03-27 11:27:55 +00:00
< ion-card list * ngFor = "let component of components" >
< ion-item-divider color = "light" text-wrap >
< ion-row no-padding >
< ion-col no-padding > {{ component.displayname }}< / ion-col >
< ion-col col-2 text-center no-padding class = "hidden-phone" > {{ 'core.settings.loggedin' | translate }}< / ion-col >
< ion-col col-2 text-center no-padding class = "hidden-phone" > {{ 'core.settings.loggedoff' | translate }}< / ion-col >
< / ion-row >
< / ion-item-divider >
< ng-container * ngFor = "let notification of component.notifications" >
<!-- Tablet view -->
< ion-row text-wrap class = "hidden-phone" align-items-center >
< ion-col margin-horizontal > {{ notification.displayname }}< / ion-col >
< ion-col col-2 text-center * ngFor = "let state of ['loggedin', 'loggedoff']" >
<!-- If notifications not disabled, show toggle. -->
< ion-spinner [ hidden ] = " preferences . disableall | | ! ( notification . currentProcessor [ state ] & & notification . currentProcessor [ state ] . updating ) " > < / ion-spinner >
2018-09-17 15:20:02 +00:00
< ion-toggle * ngIf = "!preferences.disableall && !notification.currentProcessor.locked" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " notification . currentProcessor [ state ] . checked " ( ionChange ) = " changePreference ( notification , state ) " [ disabled ] = " notification . currentProcessor [ state ] . updating " >
2018-03-27 11:27:55 +00:00
< / ion-toggle >
2018-09-17 15:20:02 +00:00
< div padding class = "text-gray" * ngIf = "!preferences.disableall && notification.currentProcessor.locked" > {{'core.settings.locked' | translate }}< / div >
2018-03-27 11:27:55 +00:00
<!-- If notifications are disabled, show "Disabled" instead of toggle. -->
< span * ngIf = "preferences.disableall" > {{ 'core.settings.disabled' | translate }}< / span >
< / ion-col >
< / ion-row >
<!-- Phone view -->
< ion-list-header text-wrap no-margin class = "hidden-tablet" > {{ notification.displayname }}< / ion-list-header >
<!-- If notifications not disabled, show toggles. If notifications are disabled, show "Disabled" instead of toggle. -->
< ion-item * ngFor = "let state of ['loggedin', 'loggedoff']" text-wrap class = "hidden-tablet" >
< ion-label > {{ 'core.settings.' + state | translate }}< / ion-label >
< ion-spinner item-end * ngIf = "!preferences.disableall && (notification.currentProcessor[state] && notification.currentProcessor[state].updating)" > < / ion-spinner >
2018-09-17 15:20:02 +00:00
< ion-toggle item-end * ngIf = "!preferences.disableall && !notification.currentProcessor.locked" [ ( ngModel ) ] = " notification . currentProcessor [ state ] . checked " ( ionChange ) = " changePreference ( notification , state ) " [ disabled ] = " notification . currentProcessor [ state ] . updating " >
2018-03-27 11:27:55 +00:00
< / ion-toggle >
2018-09-17 15:20:02 +00:00
< ion-note item-end * ngIf = "!preferences.disableall && notification.currentProcessor.locked" > {{'core.settings.locked' | translate }}< / ion-note >
2018-03-27 11:27:55 +00:00
< ion-note item-end * ngIf = "preferences.disableall" > {{ 'core.settings.disabled' | translate }}< / ion-note >
< / ion-item >
< / ng-container >
< / ion-card >
< / ng-container >
< / core-loading >
< / ion-content >