- CoreGroupsProvider.getActivityAllowedGroups and CoreGroupsProvider.getActivityAllowedGroupsIfEnabled now return the full response of core_group_get_activity_allowed_groups instead of just the groups.
- Now the expirationTime of cache entries contains the time the entry was modified, not the expiration time. This is to allow calculating dynamic expiration times. We decided to reuse the same field to prevent modifying the database table.
- The local notifications plugin was updated to its latest version. The new API has some breaking changes, so please check its documentation if you're using local notifications. Also, you need to run "npm install" to update the ionic-native library.
- New method CoreSitesProvider.registerSiteSchema allows to register table schemas and migration functions for site databases. Prefer this method over CoreSitesProvider.createTablesFromSchema: it supports schema migrations and it tracks the installed version of the schema, so it does not try to create the tables on every app boot.
- The function CoreSitesProvider.loadSite has changed, now it will trigger SESSION_EXPIRED event if the site is logged out. Its params and return value have changed.
- CoreChartDirective changed from directive to component (CoreChartComponent) and the selector to use it changed from canvas[core-chart] to core-chart.