"attemptreopenmethod_untilpass":"Automatically until pass",
"attemptsettings":"Attempt settings",
"cannoteditduetostatementsubmission":"You can't add or edit a submission in the app because the submission statement could not be retrieved from the site.",
"cannotsubmitduetostatementsubmission":"You can't make a submission in the app because the submission statement could not be retrieved from the site.",
"confirmsubmission":"Are you sure you want to submit your work for grading? You will not be able to make any more changes.",
"currentattempt":"This is attempt {{$a}}.",
"currentattemptof":"This is attempt {{$a.attemptnumber}} ( {{$a.maxattempts}} attempts allowed ).",
"multipleteams_desc":"The assignment requires submission in groups. You are a member of more than one group. To be able to submit you must be a member of only one group. Please contact your teacher to change your group membership.",
"noattempt":"No attempt",
"nomoresubmissionsaccepted":"Only allowed for participants who have been granted an extension",
"noonlinesubmissions":"This assignment does not require you to submit anything online",
"nosubmission":"Nothing has been submitted for this assignment",
"notallparticipantsareshown":"Participants who have not made a submission are not shown.",
"noteam":"Not a member of any group",
"noteam_desc":"This assignment requires submission in groups. You are not a member of any group, so you cannot create a submission. Please contact your teacher to be added to a group.",
"submittedearly":"Assignment was submitted {{$a}} early",
"submittedlate":"Assignment was submitted {{$a}} late",
"syncblockedusercomponent":"user grade",
"timemodified":"Last modified",
"timeremaining":"Time remaining",
"ungroupedusers":"The setting 'Require group to make submission' is enabled and some users are either not a member of any group, or are a member of more than one group, so are unable to make submissions.",
"ungroupedusersoptional":"The setting 'Students submit in groups' is enabled and some users are either not a member of any group, or are a member of more than one group. Please be aware that these students will submit as members of the 'Default group'.",
"userswhoneedtosubmit":"Users who need to submit: {{$a}}",
"viewsubmission":"View submission",
"warningsubmissiongrademodified":"The submission grade was modified on the site.",