forked from EVOgeek/Vmeda.Online
1169 lines
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1169 lines
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// (C) Copyright 2015 Martin Dougiamas
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { CoreLoggerProvider } from '@providers/logger';
import { CoreSitesProvider } from '@providers/sites';
import { CoreAppProvider } from '@providers/app';
import { CoreUserProvider } from '@core/user/providers/user';
import { AddonMessagesOfflineProvider } from './messages-offline';
import { CoreUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/utils';
import { CoreTimeUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/time';
* Service to handle messages.
export class AddonMessagesProvider {
protected ROOT_CACHE_KEY = 'mmaMessages:';
protected LIMIT_MESSAGES = 50;
static NEW_MESSAGE_EVENT = 'addon_messages_new_message_event';
static READ_CHANGED_EVENT = 'addon_messages_read_changed_event';
static READ_CRON_EVENT = 'addon_messages_read_cron_event';
static SPLIT_VIEW_LOAD_EVENT = 'addon_messages_split_view_load_event';
static POLL_INTERVAL = 10000;
static PUSH_SIMULATION_COMPONENT = 'AddonMessagesPushSimulation';
protected logger;
constructor(logger: CoreLoggerProvider, private sitesProvider: CoreSitesProvider, private appProvider: CoreAppProvider,
private userProvider: CoreUserProvider, private messagesOffline: AddonMessagesOfflineProvider,
private utils: CoreUtilsProvider, private timeUtils: CoreTimeUtilsProvider) {
this.logger = logger.getInstance('AddonMessagesProvider');
* Add a contact.
* @param {number} userId User ID of the person to add.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Resolved when done.
addContact(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
const params = {
userids: [ userId ]
return site.write('core_message_create_contacts', params).then(() => {
return this.invalidateAllContactsCache(site.getUserId(), site.getId());
* Block a contact.
* @param {number} userId User ID of the person to block.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Resolved when done.
blockContact(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
const params = {
userids: [ userId ]
return site.write('core_message_block_contacts', params).then(() => {
return this.invalidateAllContactsCache(site.getUserId(), site.getId());
* Delete a message (online or offline).
* @param {any} message Message to delete.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved when the message has been deleted.
deleteMessage(message: any): Promise<any> {
if ( {
// Message has ID, it means it has been sent to the server.
return this.deleteMessageOnline(,;
// It's an offline message.
return this.messagesOffline.deleteMessage(message.touserid, message.smallmessage, message.timecreated);
* Delete a message from the server.
* @param {number} id Message ID.
* @param {number} read 1 if message is read, 0 otherwise.
* @param {number} [userId] User we want to delete the message for. If not defined, use current user.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved when the message has been deleted.
deleteMessageOnline(id: number, read: number, userId?: number): Promise<any> {
userId = userId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteUserId();
const params = {
messageid: id,
userid: userId,
read: read
return this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite().write('core_message_delete_message', params).then(() => {
return this.invalidateDiscussionCache(userId);
* Get the cache key for blocked contacts.
* @param {number} userId The user who's contacts we're looking for.
* @return {string} Cache key.
protected getCacheKeyForBlockedContacts(userId: number): string {
return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'blockedContacts:' + userId;
* Get the cache key for contacts.
* @return {string} Cache key.
protected getCacheKeyForContacts(): string {
return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'contacts';
* Get the cache key for a discussion.
* @param {number} userId The other person with whom the current user is having the discussion.
* @return {string} Cache key.
protected getCacheKeyForDiscussion(userId: number): string {
return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'discussion:' + userId;
* Get the cache key for the message count.
* @param {number} userId User ID.
* @return {string} Cache key.
protected getCacheKeyForMessageCount(userId: number): string {
return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'count:' + userId;
* Get the cache key for the list of discussions.
* @return {string} Cache key.
protected getCacheKeyForDiscussions(): string {
return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'discussions';
* Get all the contacts of the current user.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Resolved with the WS data.
getAllContacts(siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
siteId = siteId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId();
return this.getContacts(siteId).then((contacts) => {
return this.getBlockedContacts(siteId).then((blocked) => {
contacts.blocked = blocked.users;
return contacts;
}).catch(() => {
// The WS for blocked contacts might fail, but we still want the contacts.
contacts.blocked = [];
return contacts;
* Get all the blocked contacts of the current user.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Resolved with the WS data.
getBlockedContacts(siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
const userId = site.getUserId(),
params = {
userid: userId
preSets = {
cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForBlockedContacts(userId)
return'core_message_get_blocked_users', params, preSets);
* Get the contacts of the current user.
* This excludes the blocked users.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Resolved with the WS data.
getContacts(siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
const preSets = {
cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForContacts()
return'core_message_get_contacts', undefined, preSets).then((contacts) => {
// Filter contacts with negative ID, they are notifications.
const validContacts = {};
for (const typeName in contacts) {
if (!validContacts[typeName]) {
validContacts[typeName] = [];
contacts[typeName].forEach((contact) => {
if ( > 0) {
return validContacts;
* Return the current user's discussion with another user.
* @param {number} userId The ID of the other user.
* @param {boolean} excludePending True to exclude messages pending to be sent.
* @param {number} [lfReceivedUnread=0] Number of unread received messages already fetched, so fetch will be done from this.
* @param {number} [lfReceivedRead=0] Number of read received messages already fetched, so fetch will be done from this.
* @param {number} [lfSentUnread=0] Number of unread sent messages already fetched, so fetch will be done from this.
* @param {number} [lfSentRead=0] Number of read sent messages already fetched, so fetch will be done from this.
* @param {boolean} [toDisplay=true] True if messages will be displayed to the user, either in view or in a notification.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved with messages and a boolean telling if can load more messages.
getDiscussion(userId: number, excludePending: boolean, lfReceivedUnread: number = 0, lfReceivedRead: number = 0,
lfSentUnread: number = 0, lfSentRead: number = 0, toDisplay: boolean = true, siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
const result = {},
preSets = {
cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForDiscussion(userId)
params = {
useridto: site.getUserId(),
useridfrom: userId,
limitnum: this.LIMIT_MESSAGES
let hasReceived,
if (lfReceivedUnread > 0 || lfReceivedRead > 0 || lfSentUnread > 0 || lfSentRead > 0) {
// Do not use cache when retrieving older messages.
// This is to prevent storing too much data and to prevent inconsistencies between "pages" loaded.
preSets['getFromCache'] = false;
preSets['saveToCache'] = false;
preSets['emergencyCache'] = false;
// Get message received by current user.
return this.getRecentMessages(params, preSets, lfReceivedUnread, lfReceivedRead, toDisplay, site.getId())
.then((response) => {
result['messages'] = response;
params.useridto = userId;
params.useridfrom = site.getUserId();
hasReceived = response.length > 0;
// Get message sent by current user.
return this.getRecentMessages(params, preSets, lfSentUnread, lfSentRead, toDisplay, siteId);
}).then((response) => {
result['messages'] = result['messages'].concat(response);
hasSent = response.length > 0;
if (result['messages'].length > this.LIMIT_MESSAGES) {
// Sort messages and get the more recent ones.
result['canLoadMore'] = true;
result['messages'] = this.sortMessages(result['messages']);
result['messages'] = result['messages'].slice(-this.LIMIT_MESSAGES);
} else {
result['canLoadMore'] = result['messages'].length == this.LIMIT_MESSAGES && (!hasReceived || !hasSent);
if (excludePending) {
// No need to get offline messages, return the ones we have.
return result;
// Get offline messages.
return this.messagesOffline.getMessages(userId).then((offlineMessages) => {
// Mark offline messages as pending.
offlineMessages.forEach((message) => {
message.pending = true;
message.text = message.smallmessage;
result['messages'] = result['messages'].concat(offlineMessages);
return result;
* Get the discussions of the current user.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Resolved with an object where the keys are the user ID of the other user.
getDiscussions(siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
const discussions = {},
currentUserId = site.getUserId(),
params = {
useridto: currentUserId,
useridfrom: 0,
limitnum: this.LIMIT_MESSAGES
preSets = {
cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForDiscussions()
* Convenience function to treat a recent message, adding it to discussions list if needed.
const treatRecentMessage = (message: any, userId: number, userFullname: string): void => {
if (typeof discussions[userId] === 'undefined') {
discussions[userId] = {
fullname: userFullname,
profileimageurl: ''
if (!message.timeread && !message.pending && message.useridfrom != currentUserId) {
discussions[userId].unread = true;
// Extract the most recent message. Pending messages are considered more recent than messages already sent.
const discMessage = discussions[userId].message;
if (typeof discMessage === 'undefined' || (!discMessage.pending && message.pending) ||
(discMessage.pending == message.pending && (discMessage.timecreated < message.timecreated ||
(discMessage.timecreated == message.timecreated && < {
discussions[userId].message = {
user: userId,
message: message.text,
timecreated: message.timecreated,
pending: !!message.pending
// Get recent messages sent to current user.
return this.getRecentMessages(params, preSets, undefined, undefined, undefined, site.getId()).then((messages) => {
// Extract the discussions by filtering same senders.
messages.forEach((message) => {
treatRecentMessage(message, message.useridfrom, message.userfromfullname);
// Now get the last messages sent by the current user.
params.useridfrom = params.useridto;
params.useridto = 0;
return this.getRecentMessages(params, preSets);
}).then((messages) => {
// Extract the discussions by filtering same senders.
messages.forEach((message) => {
treatRecentMessage(message, message.useridto, message.usertofullname);
// Now get unsent messages.
return this.messagesOffline.getAllMessages(site.getId());
}).then((offlineMessages) => {
offlineMessages.forEach((message) => {
message.pending = true;
message.text = message.smallmessage;
treatRecentMessage(message, message.touserid, '');
return this.getDiscussionsUserImg(discussions, site.getId()).then((discussions) => {
return discussions;
* Get user images for all the discussions that don't have one already.
* @param {any} discussions List of discussions.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise always resolved. Resolve param is the formatted discussions.
protected getDiscussionsUserImg(discussions: any, siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
const promises = [];
for (const userId in discussions) {
if (!discussions[userId].profileimageurl) {
// We don't have the user image. Try to retrieve it.
promises.push(this.userProvider.getProfile(discussions[userId].message.user, 0, true, siteId).then((user) => {
discussions[userId].profileimageurl = user.profileimageurl;
}).catch(() => {
// Error getting profile, resolve promise without adding any extra data.
return Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
return discussions;
* Get the cache key for the get message preferences call.
* @return {string} Cache key.
protected getMessagePreferencesCacheKey(): string {
return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'messagePreferences';
* Get message preferences.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved with the message preferences.
getMessagePreferences(siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
this.logger.debug('Get message preferences');
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
const preSets = {
cacheKey: this.getMessagePreferencesCacheKey()
return'core_message_get_user_message_preferences', {}, preSets).then((data) => {
if (data.preferences) {
data.preferences.blocknoncontacts = !!data.blocknoncontacts;
return data.preferences;
return Promise.reject(null);
* Get messages according to the params.
* @param {any} params Parameters to pass to the WS.
* @param {any} preSets Set of presets for the WS.
* @param {boolean} [toDisplay=true] True if messages will be displayed to the user, either in view or in a notification.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site.
* @return {Promise<any>}
protected getMessages(params: any, preSets: any, toDisplay: boolean = true, siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
params['type'] = 'conversations';
params['newestfirst'] = 1;
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
const userId = site.getUserId();
return'core_message_get_messages', params, preSets).then((response) => {
response.messages.forEach((message) => {
| = == 0 ? 0 : 1;
// Convert times to milliseconds.
message.timecreated = message.timecreated ? message.timecreated * 1000 : 0;
message.timeread = message.timeread ? message.timeread * 1000 : 0;
if (toDisplay && this.appProvider.isDesktop() && ! && params.useridto == userId &&
params.limitfrom === 0) {
// Store the last unread received messages. Don't block the user for this.
this.storeLastReceivedMessageIfNeeded(params.useridfrom, response.messages[0], site.getId());
return response;
* Get the most recent messages.
* @param {any} params Parameters to pass to the WS.
* @param {any} preSets Set of presets for the WS.
* @param {number} [limitFromUnread=0] Number of read messages already fetched, so fetch will be done from this number.
* @param {number} [limitFromRead=0] Number of unread messages already fetched, so fetch will be done from this number.
* @param {boolean} [toDisplay=true] True if messages will be displayed to the user, either in view or in a notification.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site.
* @return {Promise<any>}
protected getRecentMessages(params: any, preSets: any, limitFromUnread: number = 0, limitFromRead: number = 0,
toDisplay: boolean = true, siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
limitFromUnread = limitFromUnread || 0;
limitFromRead = limitFromRead || 0;
params['read'] = 0;
params['limitfrom'] = limitFromUnread;
return this.getMessages(params, preSets, toDisplay, siteId).then((response) => {
let messages = response.messages;
if (messages) {
if (messages.length >= params.limitnum) {
return messages;
// We need to fetch more messages.
params.limitnum = params.limitnum - messages.length;
| = 1;
params.limitfrom = limitFromRead;
return this.getMessages(params, preSets, toDisplay, siteId).then((response) => {
if (response.messages) {
messages = messages.concat(response.messages);
return messages;
}).catch(() => {
return messages;
} else {
return Promise.reject(null);
* Get unread conversations count. Do not cache calls.
* @param {number} [userId] The user id who received the message. If not defined, use current user.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved with the message unread count.
getUnreadConversationsCount(userId?: number, siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
userId = userId || site.getUserId();
// @since 3.2
if (site.wsAvailable('core_message_get_unread_conversations_count')) {
const params = {
useridto: userId
preSets = {
cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForMessageCount(userId),
getFromCache: false,
emergencyCache: true,
saveToCache: true,
typeExpected: 'number'
return'core_message_get_unread_conversations_count', params, preSets).catch(() => {
// Return no messages if the call fails.
return 0;
// Fallback call.
const params = {
read: 0,
limitfrom: 0,
limitnum: this.LIMIT_MESSAGES + 1,
useridto: userId,
useridfrom: 0,
return this.getMessages(params, undefined, false, siteId).then((response) => {
// Count the discussions by filtering same senders.
const discussions = {};
response.messages.forEach((message) => {
discussions[message.useridto] = 1;
const count = Object.keys(discussions).length;
// Add + sign if there are more than the limit reachable.
return (count > this.LIMIT_MESSAGES) ? count + '+' : count;
}).catch(() => {
// Return no messages if the call fails.
return 0;
* Get the latest unread received messages.
* @param {boolean} [toDisplay=true] True if messages will be displayed to the user, either in view or in a notification.
* @param {boolean} [forceCache] True if it should return cached data. Has priority over ignoreCache.
* @param {boolean} [ignoreCache] True if it should ignore cached data (it will always fail in offline or server down).
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved with the message unread count.
getUnreadReceivedMessages(toDisplay: boolean = true, forceCache: boolean = false, ignoreCache: boolean = false,
siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
const params = {
read: 0,
limitfrom: 0,
limitnum: this.LIMIT_MESSAGES,
useridto: site.getUserId(),
useridfrom: 0
preSets = {};
if (forceCache) {
preSets['omitExpires'] = true;
} else if (ignoreCache) {
preSets['getFromCache'] = false;
preSets['emergencyCache'] = false;
return this.getMessages(params, preSets, toDisplay, siteId);
* Invalidate all contacts cache.
* @param {number} userId The user ID.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Resolved when done.
invalidateAllContactsCache(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
siteId = siteId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId();
return this.invalidateContactsCache(siteId).then(() => {
return this.invalidateBlockedContactsCache(userId, siteId);
* Invalidate blocked contacts cache.
* @param {number} userId The user ID.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return {Promise<any>}
invalidateBlockedContactsCache(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCacheKeyForBlockedContacts(userId));
* Invalidate contacts cache.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Resolved when done.
invalidateContactsCache(siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCacheKeyForContacts());
* Invalidate discussion cache.
* @param {number} userId The user ID with whom the current user is having the discussion.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Resolved when done.
invalidateDiscussionCache(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCacheKeyForDiscussion(userId));
* Invalidate discussions cache.
* Note that {@link this.getDiscussions} uses the contacts, so we need to invalidate contacts too.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Resolved when done.
invalidateDiscussionsCache(siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
const promises = [];
return Promise.all(promises);
* Invalidate get message preferences.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved when data is invalidated.
invalidateMessagePreferences(siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getMessagePreferencesCacheKey());
* Checks if the a user is blocked by the current user.
* @param {number} userId The user ID to check against.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site.
* @return {Promise<boolean>} Resolved with boolean, rejected when we do not know.
isBlocked(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise<boolean> {
return this.getBlockedContacts(siteId).then((blockedContacts) => {
if (!blockedContacts.users || blockedContacts.users.length < 1) {
return false;
return blockedContacts.users.some((user) => {
return userId ==;
* Checks if the a user is a contact of the current user.
* @param {number} userId The user ID to check against.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site.
* @return {Promise<boolean>} Resolved with boolean, rejected when we do not know.
isContact(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise<boolean> {
return this.getContacts(siteId).then((contacts) => {
return ['online', 'offline'].some((type) => {
if (contacts[type] && contacts[type].length > 0) {
return contacts[type].some((user) => {
return userId ==;
return false;
* Returns whether or not we can mark all messages as read.
* @return {boolean} If related WS is avalaible on current site.
* @since 3.2
isMarkAllMessagesReadEnabled(): boolean {
return this.sitesProvider.wsAvailableInCurrentSite('core_message_mark_all_messages_as_read');
* Returns whether or not we can count unread messages.
* @return {boolean} True if enabled, false otherwise.
* @since 3.2
isMessageCountEnabled(): boolean {
return this.sitesProvider.wsAvailableInCurrentSite('core_message_get_unread_conversations_count');
* Returns whether or not the message preferences are enabled for the current site.
* @return {boolean} True if enabled, false otherwise.
* @since 3.2
isMessagePreferencesEnabled(): boolean {
return this.sitesProvider.wsAvailableInCurrentSite('core_message_get_user_message_preferences');
* Returns whether or not messaging is enabled for a certain site.
* This could call a WS so do not abuse this method.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Resolved when enabled, otherwise rejected.
isMessagingEnabledForSite(siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.isPluginEnabled(siteId).then((enabled) => {
if (!enabled) {
return Promise.reject(null);
* Returns whether or not the plugin is enabled in a certain site.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved with true if enabled, rejected or resolved with false otherwise.
isPluginEnabled(siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
return site.canUseAdvancedFeature('messaging');
* Returns whether or not we can search messages.
* @return {boolean}
* @since 3.2
isSearchMessagesEnabled(): boolean {
return this.sitesProvider.wsAvailableInCurrentSite('core_message_data_for_messagearea_search_messages');
* Mark message as read.
* @param {number} messageId ID of message to mark as read
* @returns {Promise<any>} Promise resolved with boolean marking success or not.
markMessageRead(messageId: number): Promise<any> {
const params = {
messageid: messageId,
timeread: this.timeUtils.timestamp()
return this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite().write('core_message_mark_message_read', params);
* Mark all messages of a discussion as read.
* @param {number} userIdFrom User Id for the sender.
* @returns {Promise<any>} Promise resolved with boolean marking success or not.
markAllMessagesRead(userIdFrom?: number): Promise<any> {
const params = {
useridto: this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteUserId(),
useridfrom: userIdFrom
preSets = {
typeExpected: 'boolean'
return this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite().write('core_message_mark_all_messages_as_read', params, preSets);
* Remove a contact.
* @param {number} userId User ID of the person to remove.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Resolved when done.
removeContact(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
const params = {
userids: [ userId ]
preSets = {
responseExpected: false
return site.write('core_message_delete_contacts', params, preSets).then(() => {
return this.invalidateContactsCache(site.getId());
* Search for contacts.
* By default this only returns the first 100 contacts, but note that the WS can return thousands
* of results which would take a while to process. The limit here is just a convenience to
* prevent viewed to crash because too many DOM elements are created.
* @param {string} query The query string.
* @param {number} [limit=100] The number of results to return, 0 for none.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return {Promise<any>}
searchContacts(query: string, limit: number = 100, siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
const data = {
searchtext: query,
onlymycourses: 0
preSets = {
getFromCache: false // Always try to get updated data. If it fails, it will get it from cache.
return'core_message_search_contacts', data, preSets).then((contacts) => {
if (limit && contacts.length > limit) {
contacts = contacts.splice(0, limit);
return contacts;
* Search for all the messges with a specific text.
* @param {string} query The query string
* @param {number} [userId] The user ID. If not defined, current user.
* @param {number} [from=0] Position of the first result to get. Defaults to 0.
* @param {number} [limit] Number of results to get. Defaults to LIMIT_SEARCH_MESSAGES.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved with the results.
searchMessages(query: string, userId?: number, from: number = 0, limit: number = this.LIMIT_SEARCH_MESSAGES, siteId?: string):
Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
const param = {
userid: userId || site.getUserId(),
search: query,
limitfrom: from,
limitnum: limit
preSets = {
getFromCache: false // Always try to get updated data. If it fails, it will get it from cache.
return'core_message_data_for_messagearea_search_messages', param, preSets).then((searchResults) => {
return searchResults.contacts;
* Send a message to someone.
* @param {number} userIdTo User ID to send the message to.
* @param {string} message The message to send
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved with:
* - sent (Boolean) True if message was sent to server, false if stored in device.
* - message (Object) If sent=false, contains the stored message.
sendMessage(toUserId: number, message: string, siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
// Convenience function to store a message to be synchronized later.
const storeOffline = (): Promise<any> => {
return this.messagesOffline.saveMessage(toUserId, message, siteId).then((entry) => {
return {
sent: false,
message: entry
siteId = siteId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId();
if (!this.appProvider.isOnline()) {
// App is offline, store the message.
return storeOffline();
// Check if this conversation already has offline messages.
// If so, store this message since they need to be sent in order.
return this.messagesOffline.hasMessages(toUserId, siteId).catch(() => {
// Error, it's safer to assume it has messages.
return true;
}).then((hasStoredMessages) => {
if (hasStoredMessages) {
return storeOffline();
// Online and no messages stored. Send it to server.
return this.sendMessageOnline(toUserId, message).then(() => {
return { sent: true };
}).catch((error) => {
if (this.utils.isWebServiceError(error)) {
// It's a WebService error, the user cannot send the message so don't store it.
return Promise.reject(error);
// Error sending message, store it to retry later.
return storeOffline();
* Send a message to someone. It will fail if offline or cannot connect.
* @param {number} toUserId User ID to send the message to.
* @param {string} message The message to send
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved if success, rejected if failure.
sendMessageOnline(toUserId: number, message: string, siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
siteId = siteId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId();
const messages = [
touserid: toUserId,
text: message,
textformat: 1
return this.sendMessagesOnline(messages, siteId).then((response) => {
if (response && response[0] && response[0].msgid === -1) {
// There was an error, and it should be translated already.
return this.utils.createFakeWSError(response[0].errormessage);
return this.invalidateDiscussionCache(toUserId, siteId).catch(() => {
// Ignore errors.
* Send some messages. It will fail if offline or cannot connect.
* IMPORTANT: Sending several messages at once for the same discussions can cause problems with display order,
* since messages with same timecreated aren't ordered by ID.
* @param {any} messages Messages to send. Each message must contain touserid, text and textformat.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved if success, rejected if failure. Promise resolved doesn't mean that messages
* have been sent, the resolve param can contain errors for messages not sent.
sendMessagesOnline(messages: any, siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
const data = {
messages: messages
return site.write('core_message_send_instant_messages', data);
* Helper method to sort messages by time.
* @param {any} messages Array of messages containing the key 'timecreated'.
* @return {any} Messages sorted with most recent last.
sortMessages(messages: any): any {
return messages.sort((a, b) => {
// Pending messages last.
if (a.pending && !b.pending) {
return 1;
} else if (!a.pending && b.pending) {
return -1;
const timecreatedA = parseInt(a.timecreated, 10),
timecreatedB = parseInt(b.timecreated, 10);
if (timecreatedA == timecreatedB && {
// Same time, sort by ID.
return >= ? 1 : -1;
return timecreatedA >= timecreatedB ? 1 : -1;
* Store the last received message if it's newer than the last stored.
* @todo
* @param {number} userIdFrom ID of the useridfrom retrieved, 0 for all users.
* @param {any} message Last message received.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved when done.
protected storeLastReceivedMessageIfNeeded(userIdFrom: number, message: any, siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
/*let component = mmaMessagesPushSimulationComponent;
// Get the last received message.
return $mmEmulatorHelper.getLastReceivedNotification(component, siteId).then((lastMessage) => {
if (userIdFrom > 0 && (!message || !lastMessage)) {
// Seeing a single discussion. No received message or cannot know if it really is the last received message. Stop.
if (message && lastMessage && message.timecreated <= lastMessage.timecreated) {
// The message isn't newer than the stored message, don't store it.
return $mmEmulatorHelper.storeLastReceivedNotification(component, message, siteId);
return Promise.resolve();
* Store user data from contacts in local DB.
* @param {any} contactTypes List of contacts grouped in types.
protected storeUsersFromAllContacts(contactTypes: any): void {
for (const x in contactTypes) {
* Store user data from discussions in local DB.
* @param {any} discussions List of discussions.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
protected storeUsersFromDiscussions(discussions: any, siteId?: string): void {
const users = [];
for (const userId in discussions) {
id: userId,
fullname: discussions[userId].fullname,
profileimageurl: discussions[userId].profileimageurl
this.userProvider.storeUsers(users, siteId);
* Unblock a user.
* @param {number} userId User ID of the person to unblock.
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site.
* @return {Promise<any>} Resolved when done.
unblockContact(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
const params = {
userids: [ userId ]
preSets = {
responseExpected: false
return site.write('core_message_unblock_contacts', params, preSets).then(() => {
return this.invalidateAllContactsCache(site.getUserId(), site.getId());