
510 lines
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// (C) Copyright 2015 Martin Dougiamas
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Input, Output, EventEmitter, Injector, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
import { CoreLoggerProvider } from '@providers/logger';
import { CoreDomUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/dom';
import { CoreTextUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/text';
import { CoreQuestionHelperProvider } from '@core/question/providers/helper';
* Base class for components to render a question.
export class CoreQuestionBaseComponent {
@Input() question: any; // The question to render.
@Input() component: string; // The component the question belongs to.
@Input() componentId: number; // ID of the component the question belongs to.
@Input() attemptId: number; // Attempt ID.
@Input() offlineEnabled?: boolean | string; // Whether the question can be answered in offline.
@Output() buttonClicked: EventEmitter<any>; // Should emit an event when a behaviour button is clicked.
@Output() onAbort: EventEmitter<void>; // Should emit an event if the question should be aborted.
protected logger;
protected questionHelper: CoreQuestionHelperProvider;
protected domUtils: CoreDomUtilsProvider;
protected textUtils: CoreTextUtilsProvider;
protected realElement: HTMLElement;
constructor(logger: CoreLoggerProvider, logName: string, protected injector: Injector) {
this.logger = logger.getInstance(logName);
// Use an injector to get the providers to prevent having to modify all subclasses if a new provider is needed.
this.questionHelper = injector.get(CoreQuestionHelperProvider);
this.domUtils = injector.get(CoreDomUtilsProvider);
this.textUtils = injector.get(CoreTextUtilsProvider);
this.realElement = injector.get(ElementRef).nativeElement;
* Initialize a question component of type calculated or calculated simple.
* @return {void|HTMLElement} Element containing the question HTML, void if the data is not valid.
initCalculatedComponent(): void | HTMLElement {
// Treat the input text first.
const questionEl = this.initInputTextComponent();
if (questionEl) {
// Check if the question has a select for units.
const selectModel: any = {},
select = <HTMLSelectElement> questionEl.querySelector('select[name*=unit]'),
options = select && Array.from(select.querySelectorAll('option'));
if (select && options && options.length) {
selectModel.id = select.id;
selectModel.name = select.name;
selectModel.disabled = select.disabled;
selectModel.options = [];
// Treat each option.
for (const i in options) {
const optionEl = options[i];
if (typeof optionEl.value == 'undefined') {
this.logger.warn('Aborting because couldn\'t find input.', this.question.name);
return this.questionHelper.showComponentError(this.onAbort);
const option = {
value: optionEl.value,
label: optionEl.innerHTML
if (optionEl.selected) {
selectModel.selected = option.value;
if (!selectModel.selected) {
// No selected option, select the first one.
selectModel.selected = selectModel.options[0].value;
// Get the accessibility label.
const accessibilityLabel = questionEl.querySelector('label[for="' + select.id + '"]');
selectModel.accessibilityLabel = accessibilityLabel && accessibilityLabel.innerHTML;
this.question.select = selectModel;
// Check which one should be displayed first: the select or the input.
const input = questionEl.querySelector('input[type="text"][name*=answer]');
this.question.selectFirst =
questionEl.innerHTML.indexOf(input.outerHTML) > questionEl.innerHTML.indexOf(select.outerHTML);
return questionEl;
// Check if the question has radio buttons for units.
const radios = <HTMLInputElement[]> Array.from(questionEl.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]'));
if (!radios.length) {
// No select and no radio buttons. The units need to be entered in the input text.
return questionEl;
this.question.options = [];
for (const i in radios) {
const radioEl = radios[i],
option: any = {
id: radioEl.id,
name: radioEl.name,
value: radioEl.value,
checked: radioEl.checked,
disabled: radioEl.disabled
// Get the label with the question text.
label = <HTMLElement> questionEl.querySelector('label[for="' + option.id + '"]');
this.question.optionsName = option.name;
if (label) {
option.text = label.innerText;
// Check that we were able to successfully extract options required data.
if (typeof option.name != 'undefined' && typeof option.value != 'undefined' &&
typeof option.text != 'undefined') {
if (radioEl.checked) {
// If the option is checked we use the model to select the one.
this.question.unit = option.value;
// Something went wrong when extracting the questions data. Abort.
this.logger.warn('Aborting because of an error parsing options.', this.question.name, option.name);
return this.questionHelper.showComponentError(this.onAbort);
// Check which one should be displayed first: the options or the input.
const input = questionEl.querySelector('input[type="text"][name*=answer]');
this.question.optionsFirst =
questionEl.innerHTML.indexOf(input.outerHTML) > questionEl.innerHTML.indexOf(radios[0].outerHTML);
* Initialize the component and the question text.
* @return {void|HTMLElement} Element containing the question HTML, void if the data is not valid.
initComponent(): void | HTMLElement {
if (!this.question) {
this.logger.warn('Aborting because of no question received.');
return this.questionHelper.showComponentError(this.onAbort);
const element = this.domUtils.convertToElement(this.question.html);
// Extract question text.
this.question.text = this.domUtils.getContentsOfElement(element, '.qtext');
if (typeof this.question.text == 'undefined') {
this.logger.warn('Aborting because of an error parsing question.', this.question.name);
return this.questionHelper.showComponentError(this.onAbort);
return element;
* Initialize a question component of type essay.
* @return {void|HTMLElement} Element containing the question HTML, void if the data is not valid.
initEssayComponent(): void | HTMLElement {
const questionEl = this.initComponent();
if (questionEl) {
// First search the textarea.
const textarea = <HTMLTextAreaElement> questionEl.querySelector('textarea[name*=_answer]');
this.question.allowsAttachments = !!questionEl.querySelector('div[id*=filemanager]');
this.question.isMonospaced = !!questionEl.querySelector('.qtype_essay_monospaced');
this.question.isPlainText = this.question.isMonospaced || !!questionEl.querySelector('.qtype_essay_plain');
this.question.hasDraftFiles = this.questionHelper.hasDraftFileUrls(questionEl.innerHTML);
if (!textarea) {
// Textarea not found, we might be in review. Search the answer and the attachments.
this.question.answer = this.domUtils.getContentsOfElement(questionEl, '.qtype_essay_response');
this.question.attachments = this.questionHelper.getQuestionAttachmentsFromHtml(
this.domUtils.getContentsOfElement(questionEl, '.attachments'));
} else {
// Textarea found.
const input = <HTMLInputElement> questionEl.querySelector('input[type="hidden"][name*=answerformat]'),
content = textarea.innerHTML;
this.question.textarea = {
id: textarea.id,
name: textarea.name,
text: content ? this.textUtils.decodeHTML(content) : ''
if (input) {
this.question.formatInput = {
name: input.name,
value: input.value
* Initialize a question component that uses the original question text with some basic treatment.
* @param {string} contentSelector The selector to find the question content (text).
* @return {void|HTMLElement} Element containing the question HTML, void if the data is not valid.
initOriginalTextComponent(contentSelector: string): void | HTMLElement {
if (!this.question) {
this.logger.warn('Aborting because of no question received.');
return this.questionHelper.showComponentError(this.onAbort);
const element = this.domUtils.convertToElement(this.question.html);
// Get question content.
const content = <HTMLElement> element.querySelector(contentSelector);
if (!content) {
this.logger.warn('Aborting because of an error parsing question.', this.question.name);
return this.questionHelper.showComponentError(this.onAbort);
// Remove sequencecheck and validation error.
this.domUtils.removeElement(content, 'input[name*=sequencecheck]');
this.domUtils.removeElement(content, '.validationerror');
// Replace Moodle's correct/incorrect and feedback classes with our own.
// Treat the correct/incorrect icons.
// Set the question text.
this.question.text = content.innerHTML;
* Initialize a question component that has an input of type "text".
* @return {void|HTMLElement} Element containing the question HTML, void if the data is not valid.
initInputTextComponent(): void | HTMLElement {
const questionEl = this.initComponent();
if (questionEl) {
// Get the input element.
const input = <HTMLInputElement> questionEl.querySelector('input[type="text"][name*=answer]');
if (!input) {
this.logger.warn('Aborting because couldn\'t find input.', this.question.name);
return this.questionHelper.showComponentError(this.onAbort);
this.question.input = {
id: input.id,
name: input.name,
value: input.value,
readOnly: input.readOnly,
isInline: !!this.domUtils.closest(input, '.qtext') // The answer can be inside the question text.
// Check if question is marked as correct.
if (input.classList.contains('incorrect')) {
this.question.input.correctClass = 'core-question-incorrect';
this.question.input.correctIcon = 'fa-remove';
this.question.input.correctIconColor = 'danger';
} else if (input.classList.contains('correct')) {
this.question.input.correctClass = 'core-question-correct';
this.question.input.correctIcon = 'fa-check';
this.question.input.correctIconColor = 'success';
} else if (input.classList.contains('partiallycorrect')) {
this.question.input.correctClass = 'core-question-partiallycorrect';
this.question.input.correctIcon = 'fa-check-square';
this.question.input.correctIconColor = 'warning';
} else {
this.question.input.correctClass = '';
this.question.input.correctIcon = '';
this.question.input.correctIconColor = '';
if (this.question.input.isInline) {
// Handle correct/incorrect classes and icons.
const content = <HTMLElement> questionEl.querySelector('.qtext');
this.question.text = content.innerHTML;
return questionEl;
* Initialize a question component with a "match" behaviour.
* @return {void|HTMLElement} Element containing the question HTML, void if the data is not valid.
initMatchComponent(): void | HTMLElement {
const questionEl = this.initComponent();
if (questionEl) {
// Find rows.
const rows = Array.from(questionEl.querySelectorAll('table.answer tr'));
if (!rows || !rows.length) {
this.logger.warn('Aborting because couldn\'t find any row.', this.question.name);
return this.questionHelper.showComponentError(this.onAbort);
this.question.rows = [];
for (const i in rows) {
const row = rows[i],
rowModel: any = {},
columns = Array.from(row.querySelectorAll('td'));
if (!columns || columns.length < 2) {
this.logger.warn('Aborting because couldn\'t the right columns.', this.question.name);
return this.questionHelper.showComponentError(this.onAbort);
// Get the row's text. It should be in the first column.
rowModel.text = columns[0].innerHTML;
// Get the select and the options.
const select = columns[1].querySelector('select'),
options = Array.from(columns[1].querySelectorAll('option'));
if (!select || !options || !options.length) {
this.logger.warn('Aborting because couldn\'t find select or options.', this.question.name);
return this.questionHelper.showComponentError(this.onAbort);
rowModel.id = select.id;
rowModel.name = select.name;
rowModel.disabled = select.disabled;
rowModel.selected = false;
rowModel.options = [];
// Check if answer is correct.
if (columns[1].className.indexOf('incorrect') >= 0) {
rowModel.isCorrect = 0;
} else if (columns[1].className.indexOf('correct') >= 0) {
rowModel.isCorrect = 1;
// Treat each option.
for (const j in options) {
const optionEl = options[j];
if (typeof optionEl.value == 'undefined') {
this.logger.warn('Aborting because couldn\'t find the value of an option.', this.question.name);
return this.questionHelper.showComponentError(this.onAbort);
const option = {
value: optionEl.value,
label: optionEl.innerHTML,
selected: optionEl.selected
if (option.selected) {
rowModel.selected = option.value;
// Get the accessibility label.
const accessibilityLabel = columns[1].querySelector('label.accesshide');
rowModel.accessibilityLabel = accessibilityLabel && accessibilityLabel.innerHTML;
this.question.loaded = true;
return questionEl;
* Initialize a question component with a multiple choice (checkbox) or single choice (radio).
* @return {void|HTMLElement} Element containing the question HTML, void if the data is not valid.
initMultichoiceComponent(): void | HTMLElement {
const questionEl = this.initComponent();
if (questionEl) {
// Get the prompt.
this.question.prompt = this.domUtils.getContentsOfElement(questionEl, '.prompt');
// Search radio buttons first (single choice).
let options = <HTMLInputElement[]> Array.from(questionEl.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]'));
if (!options || !options.length) {
// Radio buttons not found, it should be a multi answer. Search for checkbox.
this.question.multi = true;
options = <HTMLInputElement[]> Array.from(questionEl.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]'));
if (!options || !options.length) {
// No checkbox found either. Abort.
this.logger.warn('Aborting because of no radio and checkbox found.', this.question.name);
return this.questionHelper.showComponentError(this.onAbort);
this.question.options = [];
for (const i in options) {
const element = options[i],
option: any = {
id: element.id,
name: element.name,
value: element.value,
checked: element.checked,
disabled: element.disabled
parent = element.parentElement;
this.question.optionsName = option.name;
// Get the label with the question text.
const label = questionEl.querySelector('label[for="' + option.id + '"]');
if (label) {
option.text = label.innerHTML;
// Check that we were able to successfully extract options required data.
if (typeof option.name != 'undefined' && typeof option.value != 'undefined' &&
typeof option.text != 'undefined') {
if (element.checked) {
// If the option is checked and it's a single choice we use the model to select the one.
if (!this.question.multi) {
this.question.singleChoiceModel = option.value;
if (parent) {
// Check if answer is correct.
if (parent && parent.className.indexOf('incorrect') >= 0) {
option.isCorrect = 0;
} else if (parent && parent.className.indexOf('correct') >= 0) {
option.isCorrect = 1;
// Search the feedback.
const feedback = parent.querySelector('.specificfeedback');
if (feedback) {
option.feedback = feedback.innerHTML;
// Something went wrong when extracting the questions data. Abort.
this.logger.warn('Aborting because of an error parsing options.', this.question.name, option.name);
return this.questionHelper.showComponentError(this.onAbort);
return questionEl;