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// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Location } from '@angular/common';
import { Platform, AlertController, NavController, NavOptions } from 'ionic-angular';
import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
import { CoreAppProvider } from '@providers/app';
import { CoreConfigProvider } from '@providers/config';
import { CoreEventsProvider } from '@providers/events';
import { CoreInitDelegate } from '@providers/init';
import { CoreLoggerProvider } from '@providers/logger';
import { CoreSitesProvider } from '@providers/sites';
import { CoreWSProvider } from '@providers/ws';
import { CoreDomUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/dom';
import { CoreTextUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/text';
import { CoreUrlUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/url';
import { CoreUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/utils';
import { CoreSitePluginsProvider } from '@core/siteplugins/providers/siteplugins';
import { CoreCourseProvider } from '@core/course/providers/course';
import { CoreConfigConstants } from '../../../configconstants';
import { CoreConstants } from '@core/constants';
import { Md5 } from 'ts-md5/dist/md5';
import { CoreSite } from '@classes/site';
* Data related to a SSO authentication.
export interface CoreLoginSSOData {
* The site's URL.
siteUrl: string;
* User's token.
token?: string;
* User's private token.
privateToken?: string;
* Name of the page to go after authenticated.
pageName?: string;
* Params to page to the page.
pageParams?: any;
* Other params added to the login url.
ssoUrlParams?: {[name: string]: any};
* Helper provider that provides some common features regarding authentication.
export class CoreLoginHelperProvider {
static OPEN_COURSE = 'open_course';
protected logger;
protected isSSOConfirmShown = false;
protected isOpenEditAlertShown = false;
protected pageToLoad: {page: string, params: any, time: number}; // Page to load once main menu is opened.
waitingForBrowser = false;
constructor(logger: CoreLoggerProvider, private sitesProvider: CoreSitesProvider, private domUtils: CoreDomUtilsProvider,
private wsProvider: CoreWSProvider, private translate: TranslateService, private textUtils: CoreTextUtilsProvider,
private eventsProvider: CoreEventsProvider, private appProvider: CoreAppProvider, private utils: CoreUtilsProvider,
private urlUtils: CoreUrlUtilsProvider, private configProvider: CoreConfigProvider, private platform: Platform,
private initDelegate: CoreInitDelegate, private sitePluginsProvider: CoreSitePluginsProvider,
private location: Location, private alertCtrl: AlertController, private courseProvider: CoreCourseProvider) {
this.logger = logger.getInstance('CoreLoginHelper');
this.eventsProvider.on(CoreEventsProvider.MAIN_MENU_OPEN, () => {
/* If there is any page pending to be opened, do it now. Don't open pages stored more than 5 seconds ago, probably
the function to open the page was called when it shouldn't. */
if (this.pageToLoad && Date.now() - this.pageToLoad.time < 5000) {
this.loadPageInMainMenu(this.pageToLoad.page, this.pageToLoad.params);
delete this.pageToLoad;
* Accept site policy.
* @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return Promise resolved if success, rejected if failure.
acceptSitePolicy(siteId?: string): Promise<void> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
return site.write('core_user_agree_site_policy', {}).then((result) => {
if (!result.status) {
// Error.
if (result.warnings && result.warnings.length) {
// Check if there is a warning 'alreadyagreed'.
for (const i in result.warnings) {
const warning = result.warnings[i];
if (warning.warningcode == 'alreadyagreed') {
// Policy already agreed, treat it as a success.
// Another warning, reject.
return Promise.reject(result.warnings[0]);
} else {
return Promise.reject(null);
* Function to handle URL received by Custom URL Scheme. If it's a SSO login, perform authentication.
* @param url URL received.
* @return True if it's a SSO URL, false otherwise.
* @deprecated Please use CoreCustomURLSchemesProvider.handleCustomURL instead.
appLaunchedByURL(url: string): boolean {
const ssoScheme = CoreConfigConstants.customurlscheme + '://token=';
if (url.indexOf(ssoScheme) == -1) {
return false;
if (this.appProvider.isSSOAuthenticationOngoing()) {
// Authentication ongoing, probably duplicated request.
return true;
if (this.appProvider.isDesktop()) {
// In desktop, make sure InAppBrowser is closed.
// App opened using custom URL scheme. Probably an SSO authentication.
this.logger.debug('App launched by URL with an SSO');
// Delete the sso scheme from the URL.
url = url.replace(ssoScheme, '');
// Some platforms like Windows add a slash at the end. Remove it.
// Some sites add a # at the end of the URL. If it's there, remove it.
url = url.replace(/\/?#?\/?$/, '');
// Decode from base64.
try {
url = atob(url);
} catch (err) {
// Error decoding the parameter.
this.logger.error('Error decoding parameter received for login SSO');
return false;
let siteData: CoreLoginSSOData,
// Wait for app to be ready.
this.initDelegate.ready().then(() => {
modal = this.domUtils.showModalLoading('core.login.authenticating', true);
return this.validateBrowserSSOLogin(url);
}).then((data) => {
siteData = data;
return this.handleSSOLoginAuthentication(siteData.siteUrl, siteData.token, siteData.privateToken,
}).then(() => {
if (siteData.pageName) {
// State defined, go to that state instead of site initial page.
this.appProvider.getRootNavController().push(siteData.pageName, siteData.pageParams);
} else {
}).catch((error) => {
if (error) {
// An error occurred, display the error and logout the user.
this.treatUserTokenError(siteData.siteUrl, error);
}).finally(() => {
return true;
* Check if a site allows requesting a password reset through the app.
* @param siteUrl URL of the site.
* @return Promise resolved with boolean: whether can be done through the app.
canRequestPasswordReset(siteUrl: string): Promise<any> {
return this.requestPasswordReset(siteUrl).then(() => {
return true;
}).catch((error) => {
return error.available == 1 || (typeof error.errorcode != 'undefined' && error.errorcode != 'invalidrecord' &&
error.errorcode != '');
* Function called when an SSO InAppBrowser is closed or the app is resumed. Check if user needs to be logged out.
checkLogout(): void {
const navCtrl = this.appProvider.getRootNavController();
if (!this.appProvider.isSSOAuthenticationOngoing() && this.sitesProvider.isLoggedIn() &&
this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite().isLoggedOut() && navCtrl.getActive().name == 'CoreLoginReconnectPage') {
// User must reauthenticate but he closed the InAppBrowser without doing so, logout him.
* Show a confirm modal if needed and open a browser to perform SSO login.
* @param siteurl URL of the site where the SSO login will be performed.
* @param typeOfLogin CoreConstants.LOGIN_SSO_CODE or CoreConstants.LOGIN_SSO_INAPP_CODE.
* @param service The service to use. If not defined, external service will be used.
* @param launchUrl The URL to open for SSO. If not defined, local_mobile launch URL will be used.
confirmAndOpenBrowserForSSOLogin(siteUrl: string, typeOfLogin: number, service?: string, launchUrl?: string): void {
// Show confirm only if it's needed. Treat "false" (string) as false to prevent typing errors.
const showConfirmation = this.shouldShowSSOConfirm(typeOfLogin);
let promise;
if (showConfirmation) {
promise = this.domUtils.showConfirm(this.translate.instant('core.login.logininsiterequired'));
} else {
promise = Promise.resolve();
promise.then(() => {
this.openBrowserForSSOLogin(siteUrl, typeOfLogin, service, launchUrl);
}).catch(() => {
// User cancelled, ignore.
* Helper function to act when the forgotten password is clicked.
* @param navCtrl NavController to use to navigate.
* @param siteUrl Site URL.
* @param username Username.
* @param siteConfig Site config.
forgottenPasswordClicked(navCtrl: NavController, siteUrl: string, username: string, siteConfig?: any): void {
if (siteConfig && siteConfig.forgottenpasswordurl) {
// URL set, open it.
// Check if password reset can be done through the app.
const modal = this.domUtils.showModalLoading();
this.canRequestPasswordReset(siteUrl).then((canReset) => {
if (canReset) {
navCtrl.push('CoreLoginForgottenPasswordPage', {
siteUrl: siteUrl, username: username
} else {
}).finally(() => {
* Format profile fields, filtering the ones that shouldn't be shown on signup and classifying them in categories.
* @param profileFields Profile fields to format.
* @return Categories with the fields to show in each one.
formatProfileFieldsForSignup(profileFields: any[]): any {
if (!profileFields) {
return [];
const categories = {};
profileFields.forEach((field) => {
if (!field.signup) {
// Not a signup field, ignore it.
if (!categories[field.categoryid]) {
categories[field.categoryid] = {
id: field.categoryid,
name: field.categoryname,
fields: []
return Object.keys(categories).map((index) => {
return categories[index];
* Get disabled features from a site public config.
* @param config Site public config.
* @return Disabled features.
getDisabledFeatures(config: any): string {
const disabledFeatures = config && config.tool_mobile_disabledfeatures;
if (!disabledFeatures) {
return '';
return this.textUtils.treatDisabledFeatures(disabledFeatures);
* Builds an object with error messages for some common errors.
* Please notice that this function doesn't support all possible error types.
* @param requiredMsg Code of the string for required error.
* @param emailMsg Code of the string for invalid email error.
* @param patternMsg Code of the string for pattern not match error.
* @param urlMsg Code of the string for invalid url error.
* @param minlengthMsg Code of the string for "too short" error.
* @param maxlengthMsg Code of the string for "too long" error.
* @param minMsg Code of the string for min value error.
* @param maxMsg Code of the string for max value error.
* @return Object with the errors.
getErrorMessages(requiredMsg?: string, emailMsg?: string, patternMsg?: string, urlMsg?: string, minlengthMsg?: string,
maxlengthMsg?: string, minMsg?: string, maxMsg?: string): any {
const errors: any = {};
if (requiredMsg) {
errors.required = errors.requiredTrue = this.translate.instant(requiredMsg);
if (emailMsg) {
errors.email = this.translate.instant(emailMsg);
if (patternMsg) {
errors.pattern = this.translate.instant(patternMsg);
if (urlMsg) {
errors.url = this.translate.instant(urlMsg);
if (minlengthMsg) {
errors.minlength = this.translate.instant(minlengthMsg);
if (maxlengthMsg) {
errors.maxlength = this.translate.instant(maxlengthMsg);
if (minMsg) {
errors.min = this.translate.instant(minMsg);
if (maxMsg) {
errors.max = this.translate.instant(maxMsg);
return errors;
* Returns the logout label of a site.
* @param site Site. If not defined, use current site.
* @return The string key.
getLogoutLabel(site?: CoreSite): string {
site = site || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite();
const config = site.getStoredConfig();
return 'core.mainmenu.' + (config && config.tool_mobile_forcelogout == '1' ? 'logout' : 'changesite');
* Get the OAuth ID of some URL params (if it has an OAuth ID).
* @param params Params.
* @return OAuth ID.
getOAuthIdFromParams(params: {[name: string]: any}): number {
return params && typeof params.oauthsso != 'undefined' ? Number(params.oauthsso) : undefined;
* Get the site policy.
* @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return Promise resolved with the site policy.
getSitePolicy(siteId?: string): Promise<string> {
return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
// Try to get the latest config, maybe the site policy was just added or has changed.
return site.getConfig('sitepolicy', true).then((sitePolicy) => {
return sitePolicy ? sitePolicy : Promise.reject(null);
}, () => {
// Cannot get config, try to get the site policy using auth_email_get_signup_settings.
return this.wsProvider.callAjax('auth_email_get_signup_settings', {}, { siteUrl: site.getURL() })
.then((settings) => {
return settings.sitepolicy ? settings.sitepolicy : Promise.reject(null);
* Get fixed site or sites.
* @return Fixed site or list of fixed sites.
getFixedSites(): string | any[] {
return CoreConfigConstants.siteurl;
* Get the valid identity providers from a site config.
* @param siteConfig Site's public config.
* @param disabledFeatures List of disabled features already treated. If not provided it will be calculated.
* @return Valid identity providers.
getValidIdentityProviders(siteConfig: any, disabledFeatures?: string): any[] {
if (this.isFeatureDisabled('NoDelegate_IdentityProviders', siteConfig, disabledFeatures)) {
// Identity providers are disabled, return an empty list.
return [];
const validProviders = [],
httpUrl = this.textUtils.concatenatePaths(siteConfig.wwwroot, 'auth/oauth2/'),
httpsUrl = this.textUtils.concatenatePaths(siteConfig.httpswwwroot, 'auth/oauth2/');
if (siteConfig.identityproviders && siteConfig.identityproviders.length) {
siteConfig.identityproviders.forEach((provider) => {
const urlParams = this.urlUtils.extractUrlParams(provider.url);
if (provider.url && (provider.url.indexOf(httpsUrl) != -1 || provider.url.indexOf(httpUrl) != -1) &&
!this.isFeatureDisabled('NoDelegate_IdentityProvider_' + urlParams.id, siteConfig, disabledFeatures)) {
return validProviders;
* Go to the page to add a new site.
* If a fixed URL is configured, go to credentials instead.
* @param setRoot True to set the new page as root, false to add it to the stack.
* @param showKeyboard Whether to show keyboard in the new page. Only if no fixed URL set.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
goToAddSite(setRoot?: boolean, showKeyboard?: boolean): Promise<any> {
let pageName,
if (this.isFixedUrlSet()) {
// Fixed URL is set, go to credentials page.
const url = typeof CoreConfigConstants.siteurl == 'string' ?
CoreConfigConstants.siteurl : CoreConfigConstants.siteurl[0].url;
pageName = 'CoreLoginCredentialsPage';
params = { siteUrl: url };
} else {
pageName = 'CoreLoginSitePage';
params = {
showKeyboard: showKeyboard
if (setRoot) {
return this.appProvider.getRootNavController().setRoot(pageName, params, { animate: false });
} else {
return this.appProvider.getRootNavController().push(pageName, params);
* Open a page that doesn't belong to any site.
* @param navCtrl Nav Controller.
* @param page Page to open.
* @param params Params of the page.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
goToNoSitePage(navCtrl: NavController, page: string, params?: any): Promise<any> {
navCtrl = navCtrl || this.appProvider.getRootNavController();
if (page == 'CoreLoginSitesPage') {
// Just open the page as root.
return navCtrl.setRoot(page, params);
} else {
// Check if there is any site stored.
return this.sitesProvider.hasSites().then((hasSites) => {
if (hasSites) {
// There are sites stored, open sites page first to be able to go back.
return navCtrl.push(page, params, {animate: false});
} else {
if (page != 'CoreLoginSitePage') {
// Open the new site page to be able to go back.
return navCtrl.push(page, params, {animate: false});
} else {
// Just open the page as root.
return navCtrl.setRoot(page, params);
* Go to the initial page of a site depending on 'userhomepage' setting.
* @param navCtrl NavController to use. Defaults to app root NavController.
* @param page Name of the page to load after loading the main page.
* @param params Params to pass to the page.
* @param options Navigation options.
* @param url URL to open once the main menu is loaded.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
goToSiteInitialPage(navCtrl?: NavController, page?: string, params?: any, options?: NavOptions, url?: string): Promise<any> {
return this.openMainMenu(navCtrl, page, params, options, url);
* Convenient helper to handle authentication in the app using a token received by SSO login. If it's a new account,
* the site is stored and the user is authenticated. If the account already exists, update its token.
* @param siteUrl Site's URL.
* @param token User's token.
* @param privateToken User's private token.
* @param oauthId OAuth ID. Only if the authentication was using an OAuth method.
* @return Promise resolved when the user is authenticated with the token.
handleSSOLoginAuthentication(siteUrl: string, token: string, privateToken?: string, oauthId?: number): Promise<any> {
// Always create a new site to prevent overriding data if another user credentials were introduced.
return this.sitesProvider.newSite(siteUrl, token, privateToken, true, oauthId);
* Check if the app is configured to use several fixed URLs.
* @return Whether there are several fixed URLs.
hasSeveralFixedSites(): boolean {
return CoreConfigConstants.siteurl && Array.isArray(CoreConfigConstants.siteurl) &&
CoreConfigConstants.siteurl.length > 1;
* Function called when a page starts loading in any InAppBrowser window.
* @param url Loaded url.
* @deprecated
inAppBrowserLoadStart(url: string): void {
// This function is deprecated.
* Given a site public config, check if email signup is disabled.
* @param config Site public config.
* @param disabledFeatures List of disabled features already treated. If not provided it will be calculated.
* @return Whether email signup is disabled.
isEmailSignupDisabled(config?: any, disabledFeatures?: string): boolean {
return this.isFeatureDisabled('CoreLoginEmailSignup', config, disabledFeatures);
* Given a site public config, check if a certian feature is disabled.
* @param feature Feature to check.
* @param config Site public config.
* @param disabledFeatures List of disabled features already treated. If not provided it will be calculated.
* @return Whether email signup is disabled.
isFeatureDisabled(feature: string, config?: any, disabledFeatures?: string): boolean {
if (typeof disabledFeatures == 'undefined') {
disabledFeatures = this.getDisabledFeatures(config);
const regEx = new RegExp('(,|^)' + feature + '(,|$)', 'g');
return !!disabledFeatures.match(regEx);
* Check if the app is configured to use a fixed URL (only 1).
* @return Whether there is 1 fixed URL.
isFixedUrlSet(): boolean {
if (Array.isArray(CoreConfigConstants.siteurl)) {
return CoreConfigConstants.siteurl.length == 1;
return !!CoreConfigConstants.siteurl;
* Given a site public config, check if forgotten password is disabled.
* @param config Site public config.
* @param disabledFeatures List of disabled features already treated. If not provided it will be calculated.
* @return Whether it's disabled.
isForgottenPasswordDisabled(config?: any, disabledFeatures?: string): boolean {
return this.isFeatureDisabled('NoDelegate_ForgottenPassword', config, disabledFeatures);
* Check if current site is logged out, triggering mmCoreEventSessionExpired if it is.
* @param pageName Name of the page to go once authenticated if logged out. If not defined, site initial page.
* @param params Params of the page to go once authenticated if logged out.
* @return True if user is logged out, false otherwise.
isSiteLoggedOut(pageName?: string, params?: any): boolean {
const site = this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite();
if (!site) {
return false;
if (site.isLoggedOut()) {
this.eventsProvider.trigger(CoreEventsProvider.SESSION_EXPIRED, {
pageName: pageName,
params: params
}, site.getId());
return true;
return false;
* Check if SSO login should use an embedded browser.
* @param code Code to check.
* @return True if embedded browser, false othwerise.
isSSOEmbeddedBrowser(code: number): boolean {
if (this.appProvider.isLinux()) {
// In Linux desktop app, always use embedded browser.
return true;
return code == CoreConstants.LOGIN_SSO_INAPP_CODE;
* Check if SSO login is needed based on code returned by the WS.
* @param code Code to check.
* @return True if SSO login is needed, false othwerise.
isSSOLoginNeeded(code: number): boolean {
return code == CoreConstants.LOGIN_SSO_CODE || code == CoreConstants.LOGIN_SSO_INAPP_CODE;
* Load a site and load a certain page in that site.
* @param page Name of the page to load.
* @param params Params to pass to the page.
* @param siteId Site to load.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
protected loadSiteAndPage(page: string, params: any, siteId: string): Promise<any> {
const navCtrl = this.appProvider.getRootNavController();
if (siteId == CoreConstants.NO_SITE_ID) {
// Page doesn't belong to a site, just load the page.
return navCtrl.setRoot(page, params);
} else {
const modal = this.domUtils.showModalLoading();
return this.sitesProvider.loadSite(siteId, page, params).then((loggedIn) => {
if (loggedIn) {
return this.openMainMenu(navCtrl, page, params);
}).catch((error) => {
// Site doesn't exist.
return navCtrl.setRoot('CoreLoginSitesPage');
}).finally(() => {
* Load a certain page in the main menu page.
* @param page Name of the page to load.
* @param params Params to pass to the page.
loadPageInMainMenu(page: string, params: any): void {
if (!this.appProvider.isMainMenuOpen()) {
// Main menu not open. Store the page to be loaded later.
this.pageToLoad = {
page: page,
params: params,
time: Date.now()
if (page == CoreLoginHelperProvider.OPEN_COURSE) {
// Use the openCourse function.
this.courseProvider.openCourse(undefined, params.course, params);
} else {
this.eventsProvider.trigger(CoreEventsProvider.LOAD_PAGE_MAIN_MENU, { redirectPage: page, redirectParams: params });
* Open the main menu, loading a certain page.
* @param navCtrl NavController.
* @param page Name of the page to load.
* @param params Params to pass to the page.
* @param options Navigation options.
* @param url URL to open once the main menu is loaded.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
protected openMainMenu(navCtrl: NavController, page: string, params: any, options?: NavOptions, url?: string): Promise<any> {
navCtrl = navCtrl || this.appProvider.getRootNavController();
// Due to DeepLinker, we need to remove the path from the URL before going to main menu.
// IonTabs checks the URL to determine which path to load for deep linking, so we clear the URL.
if (page == CoreLoginHelperProvider.OPEN_COURSE) {
// Load the main menu first, and then open the course.
return navCtrl.setRoot('CoreMainMenuPage').finally(() => {
return this.courseProvider.openCourse(undefined, params.course, params);
} else {
// Open the main menu.
return navCtrl.setRoot('CoreMainMenuPage', { redirectPage: page, redirectParams: params, urlToOpen: url }, options);
* Open a browser to perform OAuth login (Google, Facebook, Microsoft).
* @param siteUrl URL of the site where the login will be performed.
* @param provider The identity provider.
* @param launchUrl The URL to open for SSO. If not defined, tool/mobile launch URL will be used.
* @param pageName Name of the page to go once authenticated. If not defined, site initial page.
* @param pageParams Params of the state to go once authenticated.
* @return True if success, false if error.
openBrowserForOAuthLogin(siteUrl: string, provider: any, launchUrl?: string, pageName?: string, pageParams?: any): boolean {
launchUrl = launchUrl || siteUrl + '/admin/tool/mobile/launch.php';
if (!provider || !provider.url) {
return false;
const params = this.urlUtils.extractUrlParams(provider.url);
if (!params.id) {
return false;
const service = this.sitesProvider.determineService(siteUrl);
const loginUrl = this.prepareForSSOLogin(siteUrl, service, launchUrl, pageName, pageParams, {
oauthsso: params.id,
if (this.appProvider.isLinux()) {
// In Linux desktop app, always use embedded browser.
} else {
// Always open it in browser because the user might have the session stored in there.
if ((<any> navigator).app) {
(<any> navigator).app.exitApp();
return true;
* Open a browser to perform SSO login.
* @param siteurl URL of the site where the SSO login will be performed.
* @param typeOfLogin CoreConstants.LOGIN_SSO_CODE or CoreConstants.LOGIN_SSO_INAPP_CODE.
* @param service The service to use. If not defined, external service will be used.
* @param launchUrl The URL to open for SSO. If not defined, local_mobile launch URL will be used.
* @param pageName Name of the page to go once authenticated. If not defined, site initial page.
* @param pageParams Params of the state to go once authenticated.
openBrowserForSSOLogin(siteUrl: string, typeOfLogin: number, service?: string, launchUrl?: string, pageName?: string,
pageParams?: any): void {
const loginUrl = this.prepareForSSOLogin(siteUrl, service, launchUrl, pageName, pageParams);
if (this.isSSOEmbeddedBrowser(typeOfLogin)) {
const options = {
clearsessioncache: 'yes', // Clear the session cache to allow for multiple logins.
closebuttoncaption: this.translate.instant('core.login.cancel'),
this.utils.openInApp(loginUrl, options);
} else {
if ((<any> navigator).app) {
(<any> navigator).app.exitApp();
* Convenient helper to open change password page.
* @param siteUrl Site URL to construct change password URL.
* @param error Error message.
openChangePassword(siteUrl: string, error: string): void {
this.domUtils.showAlert(this.translate.instant('core.notice'), error, undefined, 3000).then((alert) => {
const subscription = alert.didDismiss.subscribe(() => {
subscription && subscription.unsubscribe();
this.utils.openInApp(siteUrl + '/login/change_password.php');
* Open forgotten password in inappbrowser.
* @param siteUrl URL of the site.
openForgottenPassword(siteUrl: string): void {
this.utils.openInApp(siteUrl + '/login/forgot_password.php');
* Function to open in app browser to change password or complete user profile.
* @param siteId The site ID.
* @param path The relative path of the URL to open.
* @param alertMessage The key of the message to display before opening the in app browser.
* @param invalidateCache Whether to invalidate site's cache (e.g. when the user is forced to change password).
openInAppForEdit(siteId: string, path: string, alertMessage?: string, invalidateCache?: boolean): void {
if (!siteId || siteId !== this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId()) {
// Site that triggered the event is not current site, nothing to do.
const currentSite = this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite(),
siteUrl = currentSite && currentSite.getURL();
if (!currentSite || !siteUrl) {
if (!this.isOpenEditAlertShown && !this.waitingForBrowser) {
this.isOpenEditAlertShown = true;
if (invalidateCache) {
// Open change password.
if (alertMessage) {
alertMessage = this.translate.instant(alertMessage) + '<br>' + this.translate.instant('core.redirectingtosite');
currentSite.openInAppWithAutoLogin(siteUrl + path, undefined, alertMessage).then(() => {
this.waitingForBrowser = true;
}).finally(() => {
this.isOpenEditAlertShown = false;
* Function that should be called when password change is forced. Reserved for core use.
* @param siteId The site ID.
passwordChangeForced(siteId: string): void {
const currentSite = this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite();
if (!currentSite || siteId !== currentSite.getId()) {
return; // Site that triggered the event is not current site.
const rootNavCtrl = this.appProvider.getRootNavController(),
activePage = rootNavCtrl.getActive();
// If current page is already change password, stop.
if (activePage && activePage.component && activePage.component.name == 'CoreLoginChangePasswordPage') {
rootNavCtrl.setRoot('CoreLoginChangePasswordPage', {siteId});
* Prepare the app to perform SSO login.
* @param siteUrl URL of the site where the SSO login will be performed.
* @param service The service to use. If not defined, external service will be used.
* @param launchUrl The URL to open for SSO. If not defined, local_mobile launch URL will be used.
* @param pageName Name of the page to go once authenticated. If not defined, site initial page.
* @param pageParams Params of the state to go once authenticated.
* @param urlParams Other params to add to the URL.
* @return Login Url.
prepareForSSOLogin(siteUrl: string, service?: string, launchUrl?: string, pageName?: string, pageParams?: any,
urlParams?: {[name: string]: any}): string {
service = service || CoreConfigConstants.wsextservice;
launchUrl = launchUrl || siteUrl + '/local/mobile/launch.php';
const passport = Math.random() * 1000;
let loginUrl = launchUrl + '?service=' + service;
loginUrl += '&passport=' + passport;
loginUrl += '&urlscheme=' + CoreConfigConstants.customurlscheme;
if (urlParams) {
loginUrl = this.urlUtils.addParamsToUrl(loginUrl, urlParams);
// Store the siteurl and passport in CoreConfigProvider for persistence.
// We are "configuring" the app to wait for an SSO. CoreConfigProvider shouldn't be used as a temporary storage.
this.configProvider.set(CoreConstants.LOGIN_LAUNCH_DATA, JSON.stringify({
siteUrl: siteUrl,
passport: passport,
pageName: pageName || '',
pageParams: pageParams || {},
ssoUrlParams: urlParams || {},
return loginUrl;
* Redirect to a new page, setting it as the root page and loading the right site if needed.
* @param page Name of the page to load. Special cases: OPEN_COURSE (to open course page).
* @param params Params to pass to the page.
* @param siteId Site to load. If not defined, current site.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
redirect(page: string, params?: any, siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
siteId = siteId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId();
if (this.sitesProvider.isLoggedIn()) {
if (siteId && siteId != this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId()) {
// Target page belongs to a different site. Change site.
if (this.sitePluginsProvider.hasSitePluginsLoaded) {
// The site has site plugins so the app will be restarted. Store the data and logout.
this.appProvider.storeRedirect(siteId, page, params);
return this.sitesProvider.logout();
} else {
return this.sitesProvider.logout().then(() => {
return this.loadSiteAndPage(page, params, siteId);
} else {
this.loadPageInMainMenu(page, params);
} else {
if (siteId) {
return this.loadSiteAndPage(page, params, siteId);
} else {
return this.appProvider.getRootNavController().setRoot('CoreLoginSitesPage');
return Promise.resolve();
* Request a password reset.
* @param siteUrl URL of the site.
* @param username Username to search.
* @param email Email to search.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
requestPasswordReset(siteUrl: string, username?: string, email?: string): Promise<any> {
const params: any = {};
if (username) {
params.username = username;
if (email) {
params.email = email;
return this.wsProvider.callAjax('core_auth_request_password_reset', params, { siteUrl: siteUrl });
* Function that should be called when the session expires. Reserved for core use.
* @param data Data received by the SESSION_EXPIRED event.
sessionExpired(data: any): void {
const siteId = data && data.siteId,
currentSite = this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite(),
siteUrl = currentSite && currentSite.getURL();
let promise;
if (!currentSite || !siteUrl) {
if (siteId && siteId !== currentSite.getId()) {
return; // Site that triggered the event is not current site.
// Check authentication method.
this.sitesProvider.checkSite(siteUrl).then((result) => {
if (result.warning) {
this.domUtils.showErrorModal(result.warning, true, 4000);
if (this.isSSOLoginNeeded(result.code)) {
// SSO. User needs to authenticate in a browser. Check if we need to display a message.
if (!this.appProvider.isSSOAuthenticationOngoing() && !this.isSSOConfirmShown && !this.waitingForBrowser) {
this.isSSOConfirmShown = true;
if (this.shouldShowSSOConfirm(result.code)) {
promise = this.domUtils.showConfirm(this.translate.instant('core.login.' +
(currentSite.isLoggedOut() ? 'loggedoutssodescription' : 'reconnectssodescription')));
} else {
promise = Promise.resolve();
promise.then(() => {
this.waitingForBrowser = true;
this.sitesProvider.unsetCurrentSite(); // We need to unset current site to make authentication work fine.
this.openBrowserForSSOLogin(result.siteUrl, result.code, result.service,
result.config && result.config.launchurl, data.pageName, data.params);
}).catch(() => {
// User cancelled, logout him.
}).finally(() => {
this.isSSOConfirmShown = false;
} else {
if (currentSite.isOAuth()) {
// User authenticated using an OAuth method. Check if it's still valid.
const identityProviders = this.getValidIdentityProviders(result.config);
const providerToUse = identityProviders.find((provider) => {
const params = this.urlUtils.extractUrlParams(provider.url);
return params.id == currentSite.getOAuthId();
if (providerToUse) {
if (!this.appProvider.isSSOAuthenticationOngoing() && !this.isSSOConfirmShown && !this.waitingForBrowser) {
// Open browser to perform the OAuth.
this.isSSOConfirmShown = true;
const confirmMessage = this.translate.instant('core.login.' +
(currentSite.isLoggedOut() ? 'loggedoutssodescription' : 'reconnectssodescription'));
this.domUtils.showConfirm(confirmMessage).then(() => {
this.waitingForBrowser = true;
this.sitesProvider.unsetCurrentSite(); // Unset current site to make authentication work fine.
this.openBrowserForOAuthLogin(siteUrl, providerToUse, result.config.launchurl, data.pageName,
}).catch(() => {
// User cancelled, logout him.
}).finally(() => {
this.isSSOConfirmShown = false;
const info = currentSite.getInfo();
if (typeof info != 'undefined' && typeof info.username != 'undefined') {
const rootNavCtrl = this.appProvider.getRootNavController(),
activePage = rootNavCtrl.getActive();
// If current page is already reconnect, stop.
if (activePage && activePage.component && activePage.component.name == 'CoreLoginReconnectPage') {
rootNavCtrl.setRoot('CoreLoginReconnectPage', {
infoSiteUrl: info.siteurl,
siteUrl: result.siteUrl,
siteId: siteId,
pageName: data.pageName,
pageParams: data.params,
siteConfig: result.config
}).catch((error) => {
// Error checking site.
if (currentSite.isLoggedOut()) {
// Site is logged out, show error and logout the user.
this.domUtils.showErrorModalDefault(error, 'core.networkerrormsg', true);
* Check if a confirm should be shown to open a SSO authentication.
* @param typeOfLogin CoreConstants.LOGIN_SSO_CODE or CoreConstants.LOGIN_SSO_INAPP_CODE.
* @return True if confirm modal should be shown, false otherwise.
shouldShowSSOConfirm(typeOfLogin: number): boolean {
return !this.isSSOEmbeddedBrowser(typeOfLogin) &&
(!CoreConfigConstants.skipssoconfirmation || String(CoreConfigConstants.skipssoconfirmation) === 'false');
* Show a modal warning the user that he should use the Workplace app.
* @param message The warning message.
protected showWorkplaceNoticeModal(message: string): void {
let link;
if (this.platform.is('android')) {
link = 'market://details?id=com.moodle.workplace';
} else if (this.platform.is('ios')) {
link = 'itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/app/id1470929705';
this.showDownloadAppNoticeModal(message, link);
* Show a modal warning the user that he should use the current Moodle app.
* @param message The warning message.
protected showMoodleAppNoticeModal(message: string): void {
let link;
if (this.appProvider.isWindows()) {
link = 'https://download.moodle.org/desktop/download.php?platform=windows';
} else if (this.appProvider.isLinux()) {
link = 'https://download.moodle.org/desktop/download.php?platform=linux&arch=' +
(this.appProvider.is64Bits() ? '64' : '32');
} else if (this.appProvider.isMac()) {
link = 'itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/app/id1255924440';
} else if (this.platform.is('android')) {
link = 'market://details?id=com.moodle.moodlemobile';
} else if (this.platform.is('ios')) {
link = 'itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/app/id633359593';
this.showDownloadAppNoticeModal(message, link);
* Show a modal warning the user that he should use a different app.
* @param message The warning message.
* @param link Link to the app to download if any.
protected showDownloadAppNoticeModal(message: string, link?: string): void {
const buttons: any[] = [
text: this.translate.instant('core.ok'),
role: 'cancel'
if (link) {
text: this.translate.instant('core.download'),
handler: (): void => {
const alert = this.alertCtrl.create({
message: message,
buttons: buttons
alert.present().then(() => {
const isDevice = this.platform.is('android') || this.platform.is('ios');
if (!isDevice) {
// Treat all anchors so they don't override the app.
const alertMessageEl: HTMLElement = alert.pageRef().nativeElement.querySelector('.alert-message');
* Show a modal to inform the user that a confirmation email was sent, and a button to resend the email on 3.6+ sites.
* @param siteUrl Site URL.
* @param email Email of the user. If set displayed in the message.
* @param username Username. If not set the button to resend email will not be shown.
* @param password User password. If not set the button to resend email will not be shown.
protected showNotConfirmedModal(siteUrl: string, email?: string, username?: string, password?: string): void {
const title = this.translate.instant('core.login.mustconfirm');
let message;
if (email) {
message = this.translate.instant('core.login.emailconfirmsent', { $a: email });
} else {
message = this.translate.instant('core.login.emailconfirmsentnoemail');
// Check whether we need to display the resend button or not.
let promise;
if (username && password) {
const modal = this.domUtils.showModalLoading();
// We don't have site info before login, the only way to check if the WS is available is by calling it.
const preSets = { siteUrl };
promise = this.wsProvider.callAjax('core_auth_resend_confirmation_email', {}, preSets).catch((error) => {
// If the WS responds with an invalid parameter error it means the WS is avaiable.
return Promise.resolve(error && error.errorcode === 'invalidparameter');
}).finally(() => {
} else {
promise = Promise.resolve(false);
promise.then((canResend) => {
if (canResend) {
const okText = this.translate.instant('core.login.resendemail');
const cancelText = this.translate.instant('core.close');
this.domUtils.showConfirm(message, title, okText, cancelText).then(() => {
// Call the WS to resend the confirmation email.
const modal = this.domUtils.showModalLoading('core.sending', true);
const data = { username, password };
const preSets = { siteUrl };
this.wsProvider.callAjax('core_auth_resend_confirmation_email', data, preSets).then((response) => {
const message = this.translate.instant('core.login.emailconfirmsentsuccess');
this.domUtils.showAlert(this.translate.instant('core.success'), message);
}).catch((error) => {
}).finally(() => {
}).catch(() => {
// Dialog dismissed.
} else {
this.domUtils.showAlert(title, message);
* Function called when site policy is not agreed. Reserved for core use.
* @param siteId Site ID. If not defined, current site.
sitePolicyNotAgreed(siteId?: string): void {
siteId = siteId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId();
if (!siteId || siteId != this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId()) {
// Only current site allowed.
if (!this.sitesProvider.wsAvailableInCurrentSite('core_user_agree_site_policy')) {
// WS not available, stop.
const rootNavCtrl = this.appProvider.getRootNavController(),
activePage = rootNavCtrl.getActive();
// If current page is already site policy, stop.
if (activePage && activePage.component && activePage.component.name == 'CoreLoginSitePolicyPage') {
rootNavCtrl.setRoot('CoreLoginSitePolicyPage', { siteId: siteId });
* Convenient helper to handle get User Token error. It redirects to change password page if forcepassword is set.
* @param siteUrl Site URL to construct change password URL.
* @param error Error object containing errorcode and error message.
* @param username Username.
* @param password User password.
treatUserTokenError(siteUrl: string, error: any, username?: string, password?: string): void {
if (error.errorcode == 'forcepasswordchangenotice') {
this.openChangePassword(siteUrl, this.textUtils.getErrorMessageFromError(error));
} else if (error.errorcode == 'usernotconfirmed') {
this.showNotConfirmedModal(siteUrl, undefined, username, password);
} else if (error.errorcode == 'connecttomoodleapp') {
} else if (error.errorcode == 'connecttoworkplaceapp') {
} else {
* Convenient helper to validate a browser SSO login.
* @param url URL received, to be validated.
* @return Promise resolved on success.
validateBrowserSSOLogin(url: string): Promise<CoreLoginSSOData> {
// Split signature:::token
const params = url.split(':::');
return this.configProvider.get(CoreConstants.LOGIN_LAUNCH_DATA).then((data): any => {
data = this.textUtils.parseJSON(data, null);
if (data === null) {
return Promise.reject(null);
const passport = data.passport;
let launchSiteURL = data.siteUrl;
// Reset temporary values.
// Validate the signature.
// We need to check both http and https.
let signature = <string> Md5.hashAsciiStr(launchSiteURL + passport);
if (signature != params[0]) {
if (launchSiteURL.indexOf('https://') != -1) {
launchSiteURL = launchSiteURL.replace('https://', 'http://');
} else {
launchSiteURL = launchSiteURL.replace('http://', 'https://');
signature = <string> Md5.hashAsciiStr(launchSiteURL + passport);
if (signature == params[0]) {
this.logger.debug('Signature validated');
return {
siteUrl: launchSiteURL,
token: params[1],
privateToken: params[2],
pageName: data.pageName,
pageParams: data.pageParams,
ssoUrlParams: data.ssoUrlParams,
} else {
this.logger.debug('Invalid signature in the URL request yours: ' + params[0] + ' mine: '
+ signature + ' for passport ' + passport);
return Promise.reject(this.translate.instant('core.unexpectederror'));