sam marshall d0c93f6416 MOBILE-3188 Web services: Record component that owns WS cache item
This commit adds optional component and componentId fields to the
preSets variable, which are recorded in the wscache table.

These are then used by (a) core site plugins where a module cmid
is available, and (b) the forum (as an example core implementation)
so that module site plugins and forum provide the new data.

(Note that this is not going to be very useful where we retrieve
data for multiple activities at once, which happens for activities
like Page. Still, it is optional.)
2020-09-02 10:21:34 +02:00

2015 lines
67 KiB

// (C) Copyright 2015 Moodle Pty Ltd.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Injectable, Injector } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core';
import { CoreAppProvider, CoreAppSchema, CoreStoreConfig } from './app';
import { CoreEventsProvider } from './events';
import { CoreLoggerProvider } from './logger';
import { CoreSitesFactoryProvider } from './sites-factory';
import { CoreDomUtilsProvider } from './utils/dom';
import { CoreTextUtilsProvider } from './utils/text';
import { CoreUrlUtilsProvider } from './utils/url';
import { CoreUtilsProvider } from './utils/utils';
import { CoreWSProvider } from './ws';
import { CoreConstants } from '@core/constants';
import { CoreConfigConstants } from '../configconstants';
import { CoreSite, CoreSiteWSPreSets } from '@classes/site';
import { SQLiteDB, SQLiteDBTableSchema } from '@classes/sqlitedb';
import { Md5 } from 'ts-md5/dist/md5';
import { WP_PROVIDER } from '@app/app.module';
import { makeSingleton } from '@singletons/core.singletons';
* Response of checking if a site exists and its configuration.
export interface CoreSiteCheckResponse {
* Code to identify the authentication method to use.
code: number;
* Site url to use (might have changed during the process).
siteUrl: string;
* Service used.
service: string;
* Code of the warning message to show to the user.
warning?: string;
* Site public config (if available).
config?: any;
* Response of getting user token.
export interface CoreSiteUserTokenResponse {
* User token.
token: string;
* Site URL to use.
siteUrl: string;
* User private token.
privateToken?: string;
* Site's basic info.
export interface CoreSiteBasicInfo {
* Site ID.
id: string;
* Site URL.
siteUrl: string;
* User's full name.
fullName: string;
* Site's name.
siteName: string;
* User's avatar.
avatar: string;
* Badge to display in the site.
badge?: number;
* Site home ID.
siteHomeId?: number;
* Site schema and migration function.
export interface CoreSiteSchema {
* Name of the schema.
name: string;
* Latest version of the schema (integer greater than 0).
version: number;
* Names of the tables of the site schema that can be cleared.
canBeCleared?: string[];
* If true, the schema will only be applied to the current site. Otherwise it will be applied to all sites.
* If you're implementing a site plugin, please set it to true.
onlyCurrentSite?: boolean;
* Tables to create when installing or upgrading the schema.
tables?: SQLiteDBTableSchema[];
* Migrates the schema in a site to the latest version.
* Called when installing and upgrading the schema, after creating the defined tables.
* @param db Site database.
* @param oldVersion Old version of the schema or 0 if not installed.
* @param siteId Site Id to migrate.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
migrate?(db: SQLiteDB, oldVersion: number, siteId: string): Promise<any> | void;
* Data about sites to be listed.
export interface CoreLoginSiteInfo {
* Site name.
name: string;
* Site alias.
alias?: string;
* URL of the site.
url: string;
* Image URL of the site.
imageurl?: string;
* City of the site.
city?: string;
* Countrycode of the site.
countrycode?: string;
* Registered site schema.
export interface CoreRegisteredSiteSchema extends CoreSiteSchema {
* Site ID to apply the schema to. If not defined, all sites.
siteId?: string;
export const enum CoreSitesReadingStrategy {
* Service to manage and interact with sites.
* It allows creating tables in the databases of all sites. Each service or component should be responsible of creating
* their own database tables. Example:
* constructor(sitesProvider: CoreSitesProvider) {
* this.sitesProvider.registerSiteSchema(this.tableSchema);
* This provider will automatically create the tables in the databases of all the instantiated sites, and also to the
* databases of sites instantiated from now on.
export class CoreSitesProvider {
// Variables for the database.
static SITES_TABLE = 'sites_2';
static CURRENT_SITE_TABLE = 'current_site';
static SCHEMA_VERSIONS_TABLE = 'schema_versions';
protected appTablesSchema: CoreAppSchema = {
name: 'CoreSitesProvider',
version: 2,
tables: [
name: CoreSitesProvider.SITES_TABLE,
columns: [
name: 'id',
type: 'TEXT',
primaryKey: true
name: 'siteUrl',
type: 'TEXT',
notNull: true
name: 'token',
type: 'TEXT'
name: 'info',
type: 'TEXT'
name: 'privateToken',
type: 'TEXT'
name: 'config',
type: 'TEXT'
name: 'loggedOut',
type: 'INTEGER'
name: 'oauthId',
type: 'INTEGER'
name: CoreSitesProvider.CURRENT_SITE_TABLE,
columns: [
name: 'id',
type: 'INTEGER',
primaryKey: true
name: 'siteId',
type: 'TEXT',
notNull: true,
unique: true
async migrate(db: SQLiteDB, oldVersion: number): Promise<any> {
if (oldVersion < 2) {
const newTable = CoreSitesProvider.SITES_TABLE;
const oldTable = 'sites';
try {
// Check if V1 table exists.
await db.tableExists(oldTable);
// Move the records from the old table.
const sites = await db.getAllRecords(oldTable);
const promises = [];
sites.forEach((site) => {
promises.push(db.insertRecord(newTable, site));
await Promise.all(promises);
// Data moved, drop the old table.
await db.dropTable(oldTable);
} catch (error) {
// Old table does not exist, ignore.
// Constants to validate a site version.
protected WORKPLACE_APP = 3;
protected MOODLE_APP = 2;
protected VALID_VERSION = 1;
protected INVALID_VERSION = -1;
protected isWPApp: boolean;
protected logger;
protected services = {};
protected sessionRestored = false;
protected currentSite: CoreSite;
protected sites: { [s: string]: CoreSite } = {};
protected appDB: SQLiteDB;
protected dbReady: Promise<any>; // Promise resolved when the app DB is initialized.
protected siteSchemasMigration: { [siteId: string]: Promise<any> } = {};
// Schemas for site tables. Other providers can add schemas in here.
protected siteSchemas: { [name: string]: CoreRegisteredSiteSchema } = {};
protected siteTablesSchemas: SQLiteDBTableSchema[] = [
name: CoreSitesProvider.SCHEMA_VERSIONS_TABLE,
columns: [
name: 'name',
type: 'TEXT',
primaryKey: true,
name: 'version',
type: 'INTEGER'
// Site schema for this provider.
protected siteSchema: CoreSiteSchema = {
name: 'CoreSitesProvider',
version: 2,
canBeCleared: [ CoreSite.WS_CACHE_TABLE ],
tables: [
name: CoreSite.WS_CACHE_TABLE,
columns: [
name: 'id',
type: 'TEXT',
primaryKey: true
name: 'data',
type: 'TEXT'
name: 'key',
type: 'TEXT'
name: 'expirationTime',
type: 'INTEGER'
name: 'component',
type: 'TEXT'
name: 'componentId',
type: 'INTEGER'
name: CoreSite.CONFIG_TABLE,
columns: [
name: 'name',
type: 'TEXT',
unique: true,
notNull: true
name: 'value'
async migrate (db: SQLiteDB, oldVersion: number, siteId: string): Promise<any> {
if (oldVersion && oldVersion < 2) {
const newTable = CoreSite.WS_CACHE_TABLE;
const oldTable = 'wscache';
try {
await db.tableExists(oldTable);
} catch (error) {
// Old table does not exist, ignore.
// Cannot use insertRecordsFrom because there are extra fields, so manually code INSERT INTO.
await db.execute(
'INSERT INTO ' + newTable + ' ' +
'SELECT id, data, key, expirationTime, NULL as component, NULL as componentId ' +
'FROM ' + oldTable);
return await db.dropTable(oldTable);
constructor(logger: CoreLoggerProvider,
protected http: HttpClient,
protected sitesFactory: CoreSitesFactoryProvider,
protected appProvider: CoreAppProvider,
protected translate: TranslateService,
protected urlUtils: CoreUrlUtilsProvider,
protected eventsProvider: CoreEventsProvider,
protected textUtils: CoreTextUtilsProvider,
protected utils: CoreUtilsProvider,
protected injector: Injector,
protected wsProvider: CoreWSProvider,
protected domUtils: CoreDomUtilsProvider) {
this.logger = logger.getInstance('CoreSitesProvider');
this.appDB = appProvider.getDB();
this.dbReady = appProvider.createTablesFromSchema(this.appTablesSchema).catch(() => {
// Ignore errors.
* Get the demo data for a certain "name" if it is a demo site.
* @param name Name of the site to check.
* @return Site data if it's a demo site, undefined otherwise.
getDemoSiteData(name: string): any {
const demoSites = CoreConfigConstants.demo_sites;
name = name.toLowerCase();
if (typeof demoSites != 'undefined' && typeof demoSites[name] != 'undefined') {
return demoSites[name];
* Check if a site is valid and if it has specifics settings for authentication (like force to log in using the browser).
* It will test both protocols if the first one fails: http and https.
* @param siteUrl URL of the site to check.
* @param protocol Protocol to use first.
* @return A promise resolved when the site is checked.
checkSite(siteUrl: string, protocol: string = 'https://'): Promise<CoreSiteCheckResponse> {
// The formatURL function adds the protocol if is missing.
siteUrl = this.urlUtils.formatURL(siteUrl);
if (!this.urlUtils.isHttpURL(siteUrl)) {
return Promise.reject(this.translate.instant('core.login.invalidsite'));
} else if (!this.appProvider.isOnline()) {
return Promise.reject(this.translate.instant('core.networkerrormsg'));
} else {
return this.checkSiteWithProtocol(siteUrl, protocol).catch((error) => {
// Do not continue checking if a critical error happened.
if (error.critical) {
return Promise.reject(error);
// Retry with the other protocol.
protocol = protocol == 'https://' ? 'http://' : 'https://';
return this.checkSiteWithProtocol(siteUrl, protocol).catch((secondError) => {
if (secondError.critical) {
return Promise.reject(secondError);
// Site doesn't exist. Return the error message.
if (this.textUtils.getErrorMessageFromError(error)) {
return Promise.reject(error);
} else if (this.textUtils.getErrorMessageFromError(secondError)) {
return Promise.reject(secondError);
} else {
return this.translate.instant('core.cannotconnecttrouble');
* Helper function to check if a site is valid and if it has specifics settings for authentication.
* @param siteUrl URL of the site to check.
* @param protocol Protocol to use.
* @return A promise resolved when the site is checked.
checkSiteWithProtocol(siteUrl: string, protocol: string): Promise<CoreSiteCheckResponse> {
let publicConfig;
// Now, replace the siteUrl with the protocol.
siteUrl = siteUrl.replace(/^http(s)?\:\/\//i, protocol);
return this.siteExists(siteUrl).catch((error) => {
// Do not continue checking if WS are not enabled.
if (error.errorcode == 'enablewsdescription') {
return rejectWithCriticalError(error.error, error.errorcode);
// Site doesn't exist. Try to add or remove 'www'.
const treatedUrl = this.urlUtils.addOrRemoveWWW(siteUrl);
return this.siteExists(treatedUrl).then(() => {
// Success, use this new URL as site url.
siteUrl = treatedUrl;
}).catch((secondError) => {
// Do not continue checking if WS are not enabled.
if (secondError.errorcode == 'enablewsdescription') {
return rejectWithCriticalError(secondError.error, secondError.errorcode);
// Return the error message.
if (this.textUtils.getErrorMessageFromError(error)) {
return Promise.reject(error);
} else {
return Promise.reject(secondError);
}).then(() => {
// Create a temporary site to check if local_mobile is installed.
const temporarySite = this.sitesFactory.makeSite(undefined, siteUrl);
return temporarySite.checkLocalMobilePlugin().then((data) => {
data.service = data.service || CoreConfigConstants.wsservice;[siteUrl] = data.service; // No need to store it in DB.
if (data.coreSupported ||
(data.code != CoreConstants.LOGIN_SSO_CODE && data.code != CoreConstants.LOGIN_SSO_INAPP_CODE)) {
// SSO using local_mobile not needed, try to get the site public config.
return temporarySite.getPublicConfig().then((config): any => {
publicConfig = config;
// Check that the user can authenticate.
if (!config.enablewebservices) {
return rejectWithCriticalError(this.translate.instant('core.login.webservicesnotenabled'));
} else if (!config.enablemobilewebservice) {
return rejectWithCriticalError(this.translate.instant('core.login.mobileservicesnotenabled'));
} else if (config.maintenanceenabled) {
let message = this.translate.instant('core.sitemaintenance');
if (config.maintenancemessage) {
message += config.maintenancemessage;
return rejectWithCriticalError(message);
// Everything ok.
if (data.code === 0) {
data.code = config.typeoflogin;
return data;
}, (error): any => {
// Error, check if not supported.
if (error.available === 1) {
// Service supported but an error happened. Return error.
error.critical = true;
if (error.errorcode == 'codingerror') {
// This could be caused by a redirect. Check if it's the case.
return this.utils.checkRedirect(siteUrl).then((redirect) => {
if (redirect) {
error.error = this.translate.instant('core.login.sitehasredirect');
} else {
// We can't be sure if there is a redirect or not. Display cannot connect error.
error.error = this.translate.instant('core.cannotconnecttrouble');
return Promise.reject(error);
return Promise.reject(error);
return data;
return data;
}, (error) => {
// Local mobile check returned an error. This only happens if the plugin is installed and it returns an error.
return rejectWithCriticalError(error);
}).then((data) => {
siteUrl = temporarySite.getURL();
return { siteUrl: siteUrl, code: data.code, warning: data.warning, service: data.service, config: publicConfig };
// Return a rejected promise with a "critical" error.
function rejectWithCriticalError(message: string, errorCode?: string): Promise<never> {
return Promise.reject({
error: message,
errorcode: errorCode,
critical: true
* Check if a site exists.
* @param siteUrl URL of the site to check.
* @return A promise to be resolved if the site exists.
siteExists(siteUrl: string): Promise<void> {
return + '/login/token.php', {}).timeout(this.wsProvider.getRequestTimeout()).toPromise()
.catch(() => {
// Default error messages are kinda bad, return our own message.
return Promise.reject({error: this.translate.instant('core.cannotconnecttrouble')});
}).then((data: any) => {
if (data === null) {
// Cannot connect.
return Promise.reject({error: this.translate.instant('core.cannotconnect', {$a: CoreSite.MINIMUM_MOODLE_VERSION})});
if (data.errorcode && (data.errorcode == 'enablewsdescription' || data.errorcode == 'requirecorrectaccess')) {
return Promise.reject({ errorcode: data.errorcode, error: data.error });
} else if (data.error && data.error == 'Web services must be enabled in Advanced features.') {
return Promise.reject({ errorcode: 'enablewsdescription', error: data.error });
// Other errors are not being checked because invalid login will be always raised and we cannot differ them.
* Gets a user token from the server.
* @param siteUrl The site url.
* @param username User name.
* @param password Password.
* @param service Service to use. If not defined, it will be searched in memory.
* @param retry Whether we are retrying with a prefixed URL.
* @return A promise resolved when the token is retrieved.
getUserToken(siteUrl: string, username: string, password: string, service?: string, retry?: boolean)
: Promise<CoreSiteUserTokenResponse> {
if (!this.appProvider.isOnline()) {
return Promise.reject(this.translate.instant('core.networkerrormsg'));
if (!service) {
service = this.determineService(siteUrl);
const params = {
username: username,
password: password,
service: service
loginUrl = siteUrl + '/login/token.php',
promise =, params).timeout(this.wsProvider.getRequestTimeout()).toPromise();
return promise.then((data: any): any => {
if (typeof data == 'undefined') {
return Promise.reject(this.translate.instant('core.cannotconnecttrouble'));
} else {
if (typeof data.token != 'undefined') {
return { token: data.token, siteUrl: siteUrl, privateToken: data.privatetoken };
} else {
if (typeof data.error != 'undefined') {
// We only allow one retry (to avoid loops).
if (!retry && data.errorcode == 'requirecorrectaccess') {
siteUrl = this.urlUtils.addOrRemoveWWW(siteUrl);
return this.getUserToken(siteUrl, username, password, service, true);
} else if (data.errorcode == 'missingparam') {
// It seems the server didn't receive all required params, it could be due to a redirect.
return this.utils.checkRedirect(loginUrl).then((redirect) => {
if (redirect) {
return Promise.reject({ error: this.translate.instant('core.login.sitehasredirect') });
} else {
return Promise.reject({ error: data.error, errorcode: data.errorcode });
} else if (typeof data.errorcode != 'undefined') {
return Promise.reject({ error: data.error, errorcode: data.errorcode });
} else {
return Promise.reject(data.error);
} else {
return Promise.reject(this.translate.instant('core.login.invalidaccount'));
}, () => {
return Promise.reject(this.translate.instant('core.cannotconnecttrouble'));
* Add a new site to the site list and authenticate the user in this site.
* @param siteUrl The site url.
* @param token User's token.
* @param privateToken User's private token.
* @param login Whether to login the user in the site. Defaults to true.
* @param oauthId OAuth ID. Only if the authentication was using an OAuth method.
* @return A promise resolved with siteId when the site is added and the user is authenticated.
newSite(siteUrl: string, token: string, privateToken: string = '', login: boolean = true, oauthId?: number): Promise<string> {
if (typeof login != 'boolean') {
login = true;
// Create a "candidate" site to fetch the site info.
let candidateSite = this.sitesFactory.makeSite(undefined, siteUrl, token, undefined, privateToken, undefined, undefined);
let isNewSite = true;
return candidateSite.fetchSiteInfo().then((info) => {
const result = this.isValidMoodleVersion(info);
if (result == this.VALID_VERSION) {
const siteId = this.createSiteID(info.siteurl, info.username);
// Check if the site already exists.
return this.getSite(siteId).catch(() => {
// Not exists.
}).then((site) => {
if (site) {
// Site already exists, update its data and use it.
isNewSite = false;
candidateSite = site;
} else {
// New site, set site ID and info.
isNewSite = true;
// Create database tables before login and before any WS call.
return this.migrateSiteSchemas(candidateSite);
}).then(() => {
// Try to get the site config.
return this.getSiteConfig(candidateSite).catch((error) => {
// Ignore errors if it's not a new site, we'll use the config already stored.
if (isNewSite) {
return Promise.reject(error);
}).then((config) => {
if (typeof config != 'undefined') {
// Add site to sites list.
this.addSite(siteId, siteUrl, token, info, privateToken, config, oauthId);
this.sites[siteId] = candidateSite;
if (login) {
// Turn candidate site into current site.
this.currentSite = candidateSite;
// Store session.
this.eventsProvider.trigger(CoreEventsProvider.SITE_ADDED, info, siteId);
return siteId;
return this.treatInvalidAppVersion(result, siteUrl);
}).catch((error) => {
// Error invaliddevice is returned by Workplace server meaning the same as connecttoworkplaceapp.
if (error && error.errorcode == 'invaliddevice') {
return this.treatInvalidAppVersion(this.WORKPLACE_APP, siteUrl);
return Promise.reject(error);
* Having the result of isValidMoodleVersion, it treats the error message to be shown.
* @param result Result returned by isValidMoodleVersion function.
* @param siteUrl The site url.
* @param siteId If site is already added, it will invalidate the token.
* @return A promise rejected with the error info.
protected treatInvalidAppVersion(result: number, siteUrl: string, siteId?: string): Promise<any> {
let errorCode,
switch (result) {
case this.MOODLE_APP:
errorKey = 'core.login.connecttomoodleapp';
errorCode = 'connecttomoodleapp';
case this.WORKPLACE_APP:
errorKey = 'core.login.connecttoworkplaceapp';
errorCode = 'connecttoworkplaceapp';
errorCode = 'invalidmoodleversion';
errorKey = 'core.login.invalidmoodleversion';
translateParams = {$a: CoreSite.MINIMUM_MOODLE_VERSION};
let promise;
if (siteId) {
promise = this.setSiteLoggedOut(siteId, true);
} else {
promise = Promise.resolve();
return promise.then(() => {
return Promise.reject({
error: this.translate.instant(errorKey, translateParams),
errorcode: errorCode,
loggedout: true
* Create a site ID based on site URL and username.
* @param siteUrl The site url.
* @param username Username.
* @return Site ID.
createSiteID(siteUrl: string, username: string): string {
return <string> Md5.hashAsciiStr(siteUrl + username);
* Function for determine which service we should use (default or extended plugin).
* @param siteUrl The site URL.
* @return The service shortname.
determineService(siteUrl: string): string {
// We need to try siteUrl in both https or http (due to loginhttps setting).
// First http://
siteUrl = siteUrl.replace('https://', 'http://');
if ([siteUrl]) {
// Now https://
siteUrl = siteUrl.replace('http://', 'https://');
if ([siteUrl]) {
// Return default service.
return CoreConfigConstants.wsservice;
* Check for the minimum required version.
* @param info Site info.
protected isValidMoodleVersion(info: any): number {
if (!info) {
return this.INVALID_VERSION;
const version31 = 2016052300,
release31 = CoreSite.MINIMUM_MOODLE_VERSION;
// Try to validate by version.
if (info.version) {
const version = parseInt(info.version, 10);
if (!isNaN(version)) {
if (version >= version31) {
return this.validateWorkplaceVersion(info);
// We couldn't validate by version number. Let's try to validate by release number.
const release = this.getReleaseNumber(info.release || '');
if (release) {
if (release >= release31) {
return this.validateWorkplaceVersion(info);
// Couldn't validate it.
return this.INVALID_VERSION;
* Check if needs to be redirected to specific Workplace App or general Moodle App.
* @param info Site info.
protected validateWorkplaceVersion(info: any): number {
const isWorkplace = !!info.functions && info.functions.some((func) => {
return == 'tool_program_get_user_programs';
if (typeof this.isWPApp == 'undefined') {
this.isWPApp = !!WP_PROVIDER && == 'AddonBlockProgramsOverviewModule' &&
!!this.injector.get(WP_PROVIDER, false);
if (!this.isWPApp && isWorkplace) {
return this.WORKPLACE_APP;
if (this.isWPApp && !isWorkplace) {
return this.MOODLE_APP;
return this.VALID_VERSION;
* Returns the release number from site release info.
* @param rawRelease Raw release info text.
* @return Release number or empty.
getReleaseNumber(rawRelease: string): string {
const matches = rawRelease.match(/^\d(\.\d(\.\d+)?)?/);
if (matches) {
return matches[0];
return '';
* Check if site info is valid. If it's not, return error message.
* @param info Site info.
* @return True if valid, object with error message to show and its params if not valid.
protected validateSiteInfo(info: any): any {
if (!info.firstname || !info.lastname) {
const moodleLink = `<a core-link href="${info.siteurl}">${info.siteurl}</a>`;
return { error: 'core.requireduserdatamissing', params: { $a: moodleLink } };
return true;
* Saves a site in local DB.
* @param id Site ID.
* @param siteUrl Site URL.
* @param token User's token in the site.
* @param info Site's info.
* @param privateToken User's private token.
* @param config Site config (from tool_mobile_get_config).
* @param oauthId OAuth ID. Only if the authentication was using an OAuth method.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
async addSite(id: string, siteUrl: string, token: string, info: any, privateToken: string = '', config?: any,
oauthId?: number): Promise<any> {
await this.dbReady;
const entry = {
id: id,
siteUrl: siteUrl,
token: token,
info: info ? JSON.stringify(info) : info,
privateToken: privateToken,
config: config ? JSON.stringify(config) : config,
loggedOut: 0,
oauthId: oauthId,
return this.appDB.insertRecord(CoreSitesProvider.SITES_TABLE, entry);
* Check the required minimum version of the app for a site and shows a download dialog.
* @param config Config object of the site.
* @param siteId ID of the site to check. Current site id will be used otherwise.
* @return Resolved with if meets the requirements, rejected otherwise.
checkRequiredMinimumVersion(config: any, siteId?: string): Promise<void> {
if (config && config.tool_mobile_minimumversion) {
const requiredVersion = this.convertVersionName(config.tool_mobile_minimumversion),
appVersion = this.convertVersionName(CoreConfigConstants.versionname);
if (requiredVersion > appVersion) {
const storesConfig: CoreStoreConfig = {
android: config.tool_mobile_androidappid || false,
ios: config.tool_mobile_iosappid || false,
desktop: config.tool_mobile_setuplink || '',
mobile: config.tool_mobile_setuplink || '',
default: config.tool_mobile_setuplink,
const downloadUrl = this.appProvider.getAppStoreUrl(storesConfig);
siteId = siteId || this.getCurrentSiteId();
// Do not block interface.
this.translate.instant('core.updaterequireddesc', { $a: config.tool_mobile_minimumversion }),
this.translate.instant(siteId ? 'core.mainmenu.logout' : 'core.cancel')).then(() => {
}).catch(() => {
// Do nothing.
if (siteId) {
// Logout if it's the currentSite.
const promise = siteId == this.getCurrentSiteId() ? this.logout() : Promise.resolve();
return promise.then(() => {
// Always expire the token.
return this.setSiteLoggedOut(siteId, true);
}).then(() => {
return Promise.reject(null);
return Promise.reject(null);
return Promise.resolve();
* Convert version name to numbers.
* @param name Version name (dot separated).
* @return Version translated to a comparable number.
protected convertVersionName(name: string): number {
let version = 0;
const parts = name.split('-')[0].split('.', 3);
parts.forEach((num) => {
version = (version * 100) + Number(num);
if (parts.length < 3) {
version = version * Math.pow(100, 3 - parts.length);
return version;
* Login a user to a site from the list of sites.
* @param siteId ID of the site to load.
* @param pageName Name of the page to go once authenticated if logged out. If not defined, site initial page.
* @param params Params of the page to go once authenticated if logged out.
* @return Promise resolved with true if site is loaded, resolved with false if cannot login.
loadSite(siteId: string, pageName?: string, params?: any): Promise<boolean> {
this.logger.debug(`Load site ${siteId}`);
return this.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
this.currentSite = site;
if (site.isLoggedOut()) {
// Logged out, trigger session expired event and stop.
this.eventsProvider.trigger(CoreEventsProvider.SESSION_EXPIRED, {
pageName: pageName,
params: params
}, site.getId());
return false;
// Check if local_mobile was installed to Moodle.
return site.checkIfLocalMobileInstalledAndNotUsed().then(() => {
// Local mobile was added. Throw invalid session to force reconnect and create a new token.
this.eventsProvider.trigger(CoreEventsProvider.SESSION_EXPIRED, {
pageName: pageName,
params: params
}, siteId);
return false;
}, () => {
return site.getPublicConfig().catch(() => {
return {};
}).then((config) => {
return this.checkRequiredMinimumVersion(config).then(() => {
// Update site info. We don't block the UI.
return true;
}).catch(() => {
return false;
* Get current site.
* @return Current site.
getCurrentSite(): CoreSite {
return this.currentSite;
* Get the site home ID of the current site.
* @return Current site home ID.
getCurrentSiteHomeId(): number {
if (this.currentSite) {
return this.currentSite.getSiteHomeId();
} else {
return 1;
* Get current site ID.
* @return Current site ID.
getCurrentSiteId(): string {
if (this.currentSite) {
return this.currentSite.getId();
} else {
return '';
* Get current site User ID.
* @return Current site User ID.
getCurrentSiteUserId(): number {
if (this.currentSite) {
return this.currentSite.getUserId();
} else {
return 0;
* Check if the user is logged in a site.
* @return Whether the user is logged in a site.
isLoggedIn(): boolean {
return typeof this.currentSite != 'undefined' && typeof this.currentSite.token != 'undefined' &&
this.currentSite.token != '';
* Delete a site from the sites list.
* @param siteId ID of the site to delete.
* @return Promise to be resolved when the site is deleted.
async deleteSite(siteId: string): Promise<void> {
await this.dbReady;
this.logger.debug(`Delete site ${siteId}`);
if (typeof this.currentSite != 'undefined' && == siteId) {
const site = await this.getSite(siteId);
await site.deleteDB();
// Site DB deleted, now delete the app from the list of sites.
delete this.sites[siteId];
try {
await this.appDB.deleteRecords(CoreSitesProvider.SITES_TABLE, { id: siteId });
} catch (err) {
// DB remove shouldn't fail, but we'll go ahead even if it does.
// Site deleted from sites list, now delete the folder.
await site.deleteFolder();
this.eventsProvider.trigger(CoreEventsProvider.SITE_DELETED, site, siteId);
* Check if there are sites stored.
* @return Promise resolved with true if there are sites and false if there aren't.
async hasSites(): Promise<boolean> {
await this.dbReady;
const count = await this.appDB.countRecords(CoreSitesProvider.SITES_TABLE);
return count > 0;
* Returns a site object.
* @param siteId The site ID. If not defined, current site (if available).
* @return Promise resolved with the site.
async getSite(siteId?: string): Promise<CoreSite> {
await this.dbReady;
if (!siteId) {
if (this.currentSite) {
return this.currentSite;
throw null;
} else if (this.currentSite && this.currentSite.getId() == siteId) {
return this.currentSite;
} else if (typeof this.sites[siteId] != 'undefined') {
return this.sites[siteId];
} else {
// Retrieve and create the site.
const data = await this.appDB.getRecord(CoreSitesProvider.SITES_TABLE, { id: siteId });
return this.makeSiteFromSiteListEntry(data);
* Create a site from an entry of the sites list DB. The new site is added to the list of "cached" sites: this.sites.
* @param entry Site list entry.
* @return Promised resolved with the created site.
makeSiteFromSiteListEntry(entry: any): Promise<CoreSite> {
let site: CoreSite,
info =,
config = entry.config;
// Parse info and config.
info = info ? this.textUtils.parseJSON(info) : info;
config = config ? this.textUtils.parseJSON(config) : config;
site = this.sitesFactory.makeSite(, entry.siteUrl, entry.token,
info, entry.privateToken, config, entry.loggedOut == 1);
return this.migrateSiteSchemas(site).then(() => {
// Set site after migrating schemas, or a call to getSite could get the site while tables are being created.
this.sites[] = site;
return site;
* Returns if the site is the current one.
* @param site Site object or siteId to be compared. If not defined, use current site.
* @return Whether site or siteId is the current one.
isCurrentSite(site: string | CoreSite): boolean {
if (!site || !this.currentSite) {
return !!this.currentSite;
const siteId = typeof site == 'object' ? site.getId() : site;
return this.currentSite.getId() === siteId;
* Returns the database object of a site.
* @param siteId The site ID. If not defined, current site (if available).
* @return Promise resolved with the database.
getSiteDb(siteId: string): Promise<SQLiteDB> {
return this.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
return site.getDb();
* Returns the site home ID of a site.
* @param siteId The site ID. If not defined, current site (if available).
* @return Promise resolved with site home ID.
getSiteHomeId(siteId?: string): Promise<number> {
return this.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
return site.getSiteHomeId();
* Get the list of sites stored.
* @param ids IDs of the sites to get. If not defined, return all sites.
* @return Promise resolved when the sites are retrieved.
async getSites(ids?: string[]): Promise<CoreSiteBasicInfo[]> {
await this.dbReady;
const sites = await this.appDB.getAllRecords(CoreSitesProvider.SITES_TABLE);
const formattedSites = [];
sites.forEach((site) => {
if (!ids || ids.indexOf( > -1) {
// Parse info.
const siteInfo = ? this.textUtils.parseJSON( :;
const basicInfo: CoreSiteBasicInfo = {
siteUrl: site.siteUrl,
fullName: siteInfo && siteInfo.fullname,
siteName: CoreConfigConstants.sitename ? CoreConfigConstants.sitename : siteInfo && siteInfo.sitename,
avatar: siteInfo && siteInfo.userpictureurl,
siteHomeId: siteInfo && siteInfo.siteid || 1,
return formattedSites;
* Get the list of sites stored, sorted by URL and full name.
* @param ids IDs of the sites to get. If not defined, return all sites.
* @return Promise resolved when the sites are retrieved.
getSortedSites(ids?: string[]): Promise<CoreSiteBasicInfo[]> {
return this.getSites(ids).then((sites) => {
// Sort sites by url and ful lname.
sites.sort((a, b) => {
// First compare by site url without the protocol.
let compareA = a.siteUrl.replace(/^https?:\/\//, '').toLowerCase(),
compareB = b.siteUrl.replace(/^https?:\/\//, '').toLowerCase();
const compare = compareA.localeCompare(compareB);
if (compare !== 0) {
return compare;
// If site url is the same, use fullname instead.
compareA = a.fullName.toLowerCase().trim();
compareB = b.fullName.toLowerCase().trim();
return compareA.localeCompare(compareB);
return sites;
* Get the list of IDs of sites stored and not logged out.
* @return Promise resolved when the sites IDs are retrieved.
async getLoggedInSitesIds(): Promise<string[]> {
await this.dbReady;
const sites = await this.appDB.getRecords(CoreSitesProvider.SITES_TABLE, {loggedOut : 0});
return => {
* Get the list of IDs of sites stored.
* @return Promise resolved when the sites IDs are retrieved.
async getSitesIds(): Promise<string[]> {
await this.dbReady;
const sites = await this.appDB.getAllRecords(CoreSitesProvider.SITES_TABLE);
return => {
* Login the user in a site.
* @param siteid ID of the site the user is accessing.
* @return Promise resolved when current site is stored.
async login(siteId: string): Promise<void> {
await this.dbReady;
const entry = {
id: 1,
siteId: siteId
await this.appDB.insertRecord(CoreSitesProvider.CURRENT_SITE_TABLE, entry);
this.eventsProvider.trigger(CoreEventsProvider.LOGIN, {}, siteId);
* Logout the user.
* @return Promise resolved when the user is logged out.
async logout(): Promise<void> {
await this.dbReady;
let siteId;
const promises = [];
if (this.currentSite) {
const siteConfig = this.currentSite.getStoredConfig();
siteId = this.currentSite.getId();
this.currentSite = undefined;
if (siteConfig && siteConfig.tool_mobile_forcelogout == '1') {
promises.push(this.setSiteLoggedOut(siteId, true));
promises.push(this.appDB.deleteRecords(CoreSitesProvider.CURRENT_SITE_TABLE, { id: 1 }));
try {
await Promise.all(promises);
} finally {
this.eventsProvider.trigger(CoreEventsProvider.LOGOUT, {}, siteId);
* Restores the session to the previous one so the user doesn't has to login everytime the app is started.
* @return Promise resolved if a session is restored.
async restoreSession(): Promise<any> {
if (this.sessionRestored) {
return Promise.reject(null);
await this.dbReady;
this.sessionRestored = true;
try {
const currentSite = await this.appDB.getRecord(CoreSitesProvider.CURRENT_SITE_TABLE, { id: 1 });
const siteId = currentSite.siteId;
this.logger.debug(`Restore session in site ${siteId}`);
return this.loadSite(siteId);
} catch (err) {
// No current session.
* Mark or unmark a site as logged out so the user needs to authenticate again.
* @param siteId ID of the site.
* @param loggedOut True to set the site as logged out, false otherwise.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
async setSiteLoggedOut(siteId: string, loggedOut: boolean): Promise<any> {
await this.dbReady;
const site = await this.getSite(siteId);
const newValues = {
token: '', // Erase the token for security.
loggedOut: loggedOut ? 1 : 0
return this.appDB.updateRecords(CoreSitesProvider.SITES_TABLE, newValues, { id: siteId });
* Unset current site.
unsetCurrentSite(): void {
this.currentSite = undefined;
* Updates a site's token.
* @param siteUrl Site's URL.
* @param username Username.
* @param token User's new token.
* @param privateToken User's private token.
* @return A promise resolved when the site is updated.
updateSiteToken(siteUrl: string, username: string, token: string, privateToken: string = ''): Promise<any> {
const siteId = this.createSiteID(siteUrl, username);
return this.updateSiteTokenBySiteId(siteId, token, privateToken).then(() => {
return this.login(siteId);
* Updates a site's token using siteId.
* @param siteId Site Id.
* @param token User's new token.
* @param privateToken User's private token.
* @return A promise resolved when the site is updated.
async updateSiteTokenBySiteId(siteId: string, token: string, privateToken: string = ''): Promise<any> {
await this.dbReady;
const site = await this.getSite(siteId);
const newValues = {
token: token,
privateToken: privateToken,
loggedOut: 0,
site.token = token;
site.privateToken = privateToken;
site.setLoggedOut(false); // Token updated means the user authenticated again, not logged out anymore.
return this.appDB.updateRecords(CoreSitesProvider.SITES_TABLE, newValues, { id: siteId });
* Updates a site's info.
* @param siteid Site's ID.
* @return A promise resolved when the site is updated.
async updateSiteInfo(siteId: string): Promise<any> {
await this.dbReady;
const site = await this.getSite(siteId);
try {
const info = await site.fetchSiteInfo();
const versionCheck = this.isValidMoodleVersion(info);
if (versionCheck != this.VALID_VERSION) {
// The Moodle version is not supported, reject.
return this.treatInvalidAppVersion(versionCheck, site.getURL(), site.getId());
// Try to get the site config.
let config;
try {
config = await this.getSiteConfig(site);
} catch (error) {
// Error getting config, keep the current one.
const newValues: any = {
info: JSON.stringify(info),
loggedOut: site.isLoggedOut() ? 1 : 0,
if (typeof config != 'undefined') {
newValues.config = JSON.stringify(config);
try {
await this.appDB.updateRecords(CoreSitesProvider.SITES_TABLE, newValues, { id: siteId });
} finally {
this.eventsProvider.trigger(CoreEventsProvider.SITE_UPDATED, info, siteId);
} catch (error) {
// Ignore that we cannot fetch site info. Probably the auth token is invalid.
* Updates a site's info.
* @param siteUrl Site's URL.
* @param username Username.
* @return A promise to be resolved when the site is updated.
updateSiteInfoByUrl(siteUrl: string, username: string): Promise<any> {
const siteId = this.createSiteID(siteUrl, username);
return this.updateSiteInfo(siteId);
* Get the site IDs a URL belongs to.
* Someone can have more than one account in the same site, that's why this function returns an array of IDs.
* @param url URL to check.
* @param prioritize True if it should prioritize current site. If the URL belongs to current site then it won't
* check any other site, it will only return current site.
* @param username If set, it will return only the sites where the current user has this username.
* @return Promise resolved with the site IDs (array).
async getSiteIdsFromUrl(url: string, prioritize?: boolean, username?: string): Promise<string[]> {
await this.dbReady;
// If prioritize is true, check current site first.
if (prioritize && this.currentSite && this.currentSite.containsUrl(url)) {
if (!username || this.currentSite.getInfo().username == username) {
return [this.currentSite.getId()];
// Check if URL has http(s) protocol.
if (!url.match(/^https?:\/\//i)) {
// URL doesn't have http(s) protocol. Check if it has any protocol.
if (this.urlUtils.isAbsoluteURL(url)) {
// It has some protocol. Return empty array.
return [];
} else {
// No protocol, probably a relative URL. Return current site.
if (this.currentSite) {
return [this.currentSite.getId()];
} else {
return [];
try {
const siteEntries = await this.appDB.getAllRecords(CoreSitesProvider.SITES_TABLE);
const ids = [];
const promises = [];
siteEntries.forEach((site) => {
if (!this.sites[]) {
if (this.sites[].containsUrl(url)) {
if (!username || this.sites[].getInfo().username == username) {
await Promise.all(promises);
return ids;
} catch (error) {
// Shouldn't happen.
return [];
* Get the site ID stored in DB as current site.
* @return Promise resolved with the site ID.
async getStoredCurrentSiteId(): Promise<string> {
await this.dbReady;
const currentSite = await this.appDB.getRecord(CoreSitesProvider.CURRENT_SITE_TABLE, { id: 1 });
return currentSite.siteId;
* Get the public config of a certain site.
* @param siteUrl URL of the site.
* @return Promise resolved with the public config.
getSitePublicConfig(siteUrl: string): Promise<any> {
const temporarySite = this.sitesFactory.makeSite(undefined, siteUrl);
return temporarySite.getPublicConfig();
* Get site config.
* @param site The site to get the config.
* @return Promise resolved with config if available.
protected getSiteConfig(site: CoreSite): Promise<any> {
if (!site.wsAvailable('tool_mobile_get_config')) {
// WS not available, cannot get config.
return Promise.resolve();
return site.getConfig(undefined, true);
* Check if a certain feature is disabled in a site.
* @param name Name of the feature to check.
* @param siteId The site ID. If not defined, current site (if available).
* @return Promise resolved with true if disabled.
isFeatureDisabled(name: string, siteId?: string): Promise<boolean> {
return this.getSite(siteId).then((site) => {
return site.isFeatureDisabled(name);
* Create a table in all the sites databases.
* @param table Table schema.
* @deprecated. Please use registerSiteSchema instead.
createTableFromSchema(table: SQLiteDBTableSchema): void {
* Create several tables in all the sites databases.
* @param tables List of tables schema.
* @deprecated. Please use registerSiteSchema instead.
createTablesFromSchema(tables: SQLiteDBTableSchema[]): void {
// Add the tables to the list of schemas. This list is to create all the tables in new sites.
this.siteTablesSchemas = this.siteTablesSchemas.concat(tables);
// Now create these tables in current sites.
for (const id in this.sites) {
* Check if a WS is available in the current site, if any.
* @param method WS name.
* @param checkPrefix When true also checks with the compatibility prefix.
* @return Whether the WS is available.
wsAvailableInCurrentSite(method: string, checkPrefix: boolean = true): boolean {
const site = this.getCurrentSite();
return site && site.wsAvailable(method, checkPrefix);
* Check if a site is a legacy site by its info.
* @param info The site info.
* @return Whether it's a legacy Moodle.
* @deprecated since 3.7.1
isLegacyMoodleByInfo(info: any): boolean {
return false;
* Register a site schema.
* @param schema The schema to register.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
async registerSiteSchema(schema: CoreSiteSchema): Promise<void> {
if (this.currentSite) {
try {
// Site has already been created, apply the schema directly.
const schemas: {[name: string]: CoreRegisteredSiteSchema} = {};
schemas[] = schema;
if (!schema.onlyCurrentSite) {
// Apply it to all sites.
const siteIds = await this.getSitesIds();
await Promise.all( (siteId) => {
const site = await this.getSite(siteId);
return this.applySiteSchemas(site, schemas);
} else {
// Apply it to the specified site only.
(schema as CoreRegisteredSiteSchema).siteId = this.currentSite.getId();
await this.applySiteSchemas(this.currentSite, schemas);
} finally {
// Add the schema to the list. It's done in the end to prevent a schema being applied twice.
this.siteSchemas[] = schema;
} else if (!schema.onlyCurrentSite) {
// Add the schema to the list, it will be applied when the sites are created.
this.siteSchemas[] = schema;
* Install and upgrade all the registered schemas and tables.
* @param site Site.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
migrateSiteSchemas(site: CoreSite): Promise<any> {
if (this.siteSchemasMigration[]) {
return this.siteSchemasMigration[];
this.logger.debug(`Migrating all schemas of ${}`);
// First create tables not registerd with name/version.
const promise = site.getDb().createTablesFromSchema(this.siteTablesSchemas).then(() => {
return this.applySiteSchemas(site, this.siteSchemas);
this.siteSchemasMigration[] = promise;
return promise.finally(() => {
delete this.siteSchemasMigration[];
* Install and upgrade the supplied schemas for a certain site.
* @param site Site.
* @param schemas Schemas to migrate.
* @return Promise resolved when done.
protected applySiteSchemas(site: CoreSite, schemas: {[name: string]: CoreRegisteredSiteSchema}): Promise<any> {
const db = site.getDb();
// Fetch installed versions of the schema.
return db.getAllRecords(CoreSitesProvider.SCHEMA_VERSIONS_TABLE).then((records) => {
const versions = {};
records.forEach((record) => {
versions[] = record.version;
const promises = [];
for (const name in schemas) {
const schema = schemas[name];
const oldVersion = versions[name] || 0;
if (oldVersion >= schema.version || (schema.siteId && site.getId() != schema.siteId)) {
// Version already applied or the schema shouldn't be registered to this site.
this.logger.debug(`Migrating schema '${name}' of ${} from version ${oldVersion} to ${schema.version}`);
let promise: Promise<any> = Promise.resolve();
if (schema.tables) {
promise = promise.then(() => db.createTablesFromSchema(schema.tables));
if (schema.migrate) {
promise = promise.then(() => schema.migrate(db, oldVersion,;
// Set installed version.
promise = promise.then(() => db.insertRecord(CoreSitesProvider.SCHEMA_VERSIONS_TABLE,
{name, version: schema.version}));
return Promise.all(promises);
* Check if a URL is the root URL of any of the stored sites.
* @param url URL to check.
* @param username Username to check.
* @return Promise resolved with site to use and the list of sites that have
* the URL. Site will be undefined if it isn't the root URL of any stored site.
isStoredRootURL(url: string, username?: string): Promise<{site: CoreSite, siteIds: string[]}> {
// Check if the site is stored.
return this.getSiteIdsFromUrl(url, true, username).then((siteIds) => {
const result = {
siteIds: siteIds,
site: undefined
if (siteIds.length > 0) {
// If more than one site is returned it usually means there are different users stored. Use any of them.
return this.getSite(siteIds[0]).then((site) => {
const siteUrl = this.textUtils.removeEndingSlash(this.urlUtils.removeProtocolAndWWW(site.getURL())),
treatedUrl = this.textUtils.removeEndingSlash(this.urlUtils.removeProtocolAndWWW(url));
if (siteUrl == treatedUrl) { = site;
return result;
return result;
* Returns the Site Schema names that can be cleared on space storage.
* @param site The site that will be cleared.
* @return Name of the site schemas.
getSiteTableSchemasToClear(site: CoreSite): string[] {
let reset = [];
for (const name in this.siteSchemas) {
const schema = this.siteSchemas[name];
if (schema.canBeCleared && (!schema.siteId || site.getId() == schema.siteId)) {
reset = reset.concat(this.siteSchemas[name].canBeCleared);
return reset;
* Returns presets for a given reading strategy.
* @param strategy Reading strategy.
* @return PreSets options object.
getReadingStrategyPreSets(strategy: CoreSitesReadingStrategy): CoreSiteWSPreSets {
switch (strategy) {
case CoreSitesReadingStrategy.PreferCache:
return {
omitExpires: true,
case CoreSitesReadingStrategy.OnlyCache:
return {
omitExpires: true,
forceOffline: true,
case CoreSitesReadingStrategy.PreferNetwork:
return {};
* Returns site info found on the backend.
* @param search Searched text.
* @return Site info list.
async findSites(search: string): Promise<CoreLoginSiteInfo[]> {
return [];
export class CoreSites extends makeSingleton(CoreSitesProvider) {}