{ "about": "About", "appversion": "App version", "cannotsyncoffline": "Cannot synchronise offline.", "cannotsyncwithoutwifi": "Cannot synchronise because the current settings only allow to synchronise when connected to Wi-Fi. Please connect to a Wi-Fi network.", "colorscheme": "Color Scheme", "colorscheme-auto": "Auto (based on system settings)", "colorscheme-dark": "Dark", "colorscheme-light": "Light", "compilationinfo": "Compilation info", "copyinfo": "Copy device info on the clipboard", "cordovadevicemodel": "Cordova device model", "cordovadeviceosversion": "Cordova device OS version", "cordovadeviceplatform": "Cordova device platform", "cordovadeviceuuid": "Cordova device UUID", "cordovaversion": "Cordova version", "currentlanguage": "Current language", "debugdisplay": "Display debug messages", "debugdisplaydescription": "If enabled, error modals will display more data about the error if possible.", "deletesitefiles": "Are you sure that you want to delete the downloaded files and cached data from the site '{{sitename}}'? You won't be able to use the app in offline mode.", "deletesitefilestitle": "Delete site files", "deviceinfo": "Device info", "deviceos": "Device OS", "disableall": "Disable notifications", "disabled": "Disabled", "displayformat": "Display format", "enabledownloadsection": "Enable download sections", "enablefirebaseanalytics": "Enable Firebase analytics", "enablefirebaseanalyticsdescription": "If enabled, the app will collect anonymous data usage.", "enablerichtexteditor": "Enable text editor", "enablerichtexteditordescription": "If enabled, a text editor will be available when entering content.", "enablesyncwifi": "Allow sync only when on Wi-Fi", "errordeletesitefiles": "Error deleting site files.", "errorsyncsite": "Error synchronising site data. Please check your Internet connection and try again.", "estimatedfreespace": "Estimated free space", "filesystemroot": "File system root", "fontsize": "Text size", "fontsizecharacter": "A", "general": "General", "language": "Language", "opensourcelicenses": "Open Source Licences", "localnotifavailable": "Local notifications available", "locationhref": "Web view URL", "locked": "Locked", "loggedin": "Online", "loggedoff": "Offline", "navigatorlanguage": "Navigator language", "navigatoruseragent": "Navigator userAgent", "networkstatus": "Internet connection status", "privacypolicy": "Privacy policy", "pushid": "Push notifications ID", "reportinbackground": "Report errors automatically", "entriesincache": "{{$a}} entries in cache", "screen": "Screen information", "settings": "Settings", "showdownloadoptions": "Show download options", "siteinfo": "Site info", "sites": "Sites", "spaceusage": "Space usage", "synchronization": "Synchronisation", "synchronizenow": "Synchronise now", "syncsettings": "Synchronisation settings", "total": "Total", "wificonnection": "Wi-Fi connection" }