{ "addfiletext": "Add file", "audio": "Audio", "camera": "Camera", "confirmuploadfile": "You are about to upload {{size}}. Are you sure you want to continue?", "confirmuploadunknownsize": "It was not possible to calculate the size of the upload. Are you sure you want to continue?", "errorcapturingaudio": "Error capturing audio.", "errorcapturingimage": "Error capturing image.", "errorcapturingvideo": "Error capturing video.", "errorgettingimagealbum": "Error getting image from album.", "errormustbeonlinetoupload": "You have to be online to upload files.", "errornoapp": "You don't have an app installed to perform this action.", "errorreadingfile": "Error reading file.", "errorwhileuploading": "An error occurred during the file upload.", "file": "File", "fileuploaded": "The file was successfully uploaded.", "filesofthesetypes": "Accepted file types:", "invalidfiletype": "{{$a}} filetype cannot be accepted.", "maxbytesfile": "The file {{$a.file}} is too large. The maximum size you can upload is {{$a.size}}.", "more": "More", "photoalbums": "Photo albums", "readingfile": "Reading file", "readingfileperc": "Reading file: {{$a}}%", "selectafile": "Select a file", "uploadafile": "Upload a file", "uploading": "Uploading", "uploadingperc": "Uploading: {{$a}}%", "video": "Video" }