// (C) Copyright 2015 Martin Dougiamas // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter, ViewChild, ElementRef, AfterContentInit, OnDestroy, Optional } from '@angular/core'; import { TextInput, Content, Platform } from 'ionic-angular'; import { CoreSitesProvider } from '@providers/sites'; import { CoreFilepoolProvider } from '@providers/filepool'; import { CoreDomUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/dom'; import { CoreUrlUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/url'; import { CoreUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/utils'; import { CoreEventsProvider } from '@providers/events'; import { FormControl } from '@angular/forms'; import { Subscription } from 'rxjs'; /** * Directive to display a rich text editor if enabled. * * If enabled, this directive will show a rich text editor. Otherwise it'll show a regular textarea. * * This directive requires an OBJECT model. The text written in the editor or textarea will be stored inside * a "text" property in that object. This is to ensure 2-way data-binding, since using a string as a model * could be easily broken. * * Example: * * * In the example above, the text written in the editor will be stored in newpost.text. */ @Component({ selector: 'core-rich-text-editor', templateUrl: 'core-rich-text-editor.html' }) export class CoreRichTextEditorComponent implements AfterContentInit, OnDestroy { // Based on: https://github.com/judgewest2000/Ionic3RichText/ // @todo: Anchor button, fullscreen... // @todo: Textarea height is not being updated when editor is resized. Height is calculated if any css is changed. @Input() placeholder = ''; // Placeholder to set in textarea. @Input() control: FormControl; // Form control. @Input() name = 'core-rich-text-editor'; // Name to set to the textarea. @Input() component?: string; // The component to link the files to. @Input() componentId?: number; // An ID to use in conjunction with the component. @Output() contentChanged: EventEmitter; @ViewChild('editor') editor: ElementRef; // WYSIWYG editor. @ViewChild('textarea') textarea: TextInput; // Textarea editor. @ViewChild('decorate') decorate: ElementRef; // Buttons. protected element: HTMLDivElement; protected editorElement: HTMLDivElement; protected resizeFunction; protected kbHeight = 0; // Last known keyboard height. protected minHeight = 200; // Minimum height of the editor. protected valueChangeSubscription: Subscription; protected keyboardObs: any; protected initHeightInterval; rteEnabled = false; editorSupported = true; constructor(private domUtils: CoreDomUtilsProvider, private urlUtils: CoreUrlUtilsProvider, private sitesProvider: CoreSitesProvider, private filepoolProvider: CoreFilepoolProvider, @Optional() private content: Content, elementRef: ElementRef, private events: CoreEventsProvider, private utils: CoreUtilsProvider, private platform: Platform) { this.contentChanged = new EventEmitter(); this.element = elementRef.nativeElement as HTMLDivElement; } /** * Init editor */ ngAfterContentInit(): void { this.domUtils.isRichTextEditorEnabled().then((enabled) => { this.rteEnabled = !!enabled; }); this.editorSupported = this.domUtils.isRichTextEditorSupported(); // Setup the editor. this.editorElement = this.editor.nativeElement as HTMLDivElement; this.editorElement.innerHTML = this.control.value; this.textarea.value = this.control.value; this.editorElement.onchange = this.onChange.bind(this); this.editorElement.onkeyup = this.onChange.bind(this); this.editorElement.onpaste = this.onChange.bind(this); this.editorElement.oninput = this.onChange.bind(this); this.editorElement.onkeydown = this.moveCursor.bind(this); // Listen for changes on the control to update the editor (if it is updated from outside of this component). this.valueChangeSubscription = this.control.valueChanges.subscribe((param) => { this.editorElement.innerHTML = param; this.textarea.value = param; }); // Use paragraph on enter. document.execCommand('DefaultParagraphSeparator', false, 'p'); this.treatExternalContent(); this.resizeFunction = this.maximizeEditorSize.bind(this); window.addEventListener('resize', this.resizeFunction); let i = 0; this.initHeightInterval = setInterval(() => { this.maximizeEditorSize().then((height) => { if (i >= 5 || height != 0) { clearInterval(this.initHeightInterval); } i++; }); }, 750); this.keyboardObs = this.events.on(CoreEventsProvider.KEYBOARD_CHANGE, (kbHeight) => { this.kbHeight = kbHeight; this.maximizeEditorSize(); }); } /** * Resize editor to maximize the space occupied. * * @return {Promise} Resolved with calculated editor size. */ protected maximizeEditorSize(): Promise { this.content.resize(); const deferred = this.utils.promiseDefer(); setTimeout(() => { const contentVisibleHeight = this.content.contentHeight - this.kbHeight; if (contentVisibleHeight <= 0) { deferred.resolve(0); return; } setTimeout(() => { // Editor is ready, adjust Height if needed. let height; if (this.platform.is('ios') && this.kbHeight > 0) { // Keyboard open in iOS. // In this case, the header disappears or is scrollable, so we need to adjust the calculations. height = window.innerHeight - this.getSurroundingHeight(this.element); if (this.element.getBoundingClientRect().top < 40) { // In iOS sometimes the editor is placed below the status bar. Move the scroll a bit so it doesn't happen. window.scrollTo(window.scrollX, window.scrollY - 40); } } else { // Header is fixed, use the content to calculate the editor height. height = this.content.contentHeight - this.kbHeight - this.getSurroundingHeight(this.element); } if (height > this.minHeight) { this.element.style.height = this.domUtils.formatPixelsSize(height); } else { this.element.style.height = ''; } deferred.resolve(height); }, 100); }, 100); return deferred.promise; } /** * Get the height of the surrounding elements from the current to the top element. * * @param {any} element Directive DOM element to get surroundings elements from. * @return {number} Surrounding height in px. */ protected getSurroundingHeight(element: any): number { let height = 0; while (element.parentNode && element.parentNode.tagName != 'ION-CONTENT') { const parent = element.parentNode; if (element.tagName && element.tagName != 'CORE-LOADING') { for (let x = 0; x < parent.childNodes.length; x++) { const child = parent.childNodes[x]; if (child.tagName && child != element) { height += this.domUtils.getElementHeight(child, false, true, true); } } } element = parent; } const cs = getComputedStyle(element); height += this.domUtils.getComputedStyleMeasure(cs, 'paddingTop') + this.domUtils.getComputedStyleMeasure(cs, 'paddingBottom'); if (element && element.parentNode && element.parentNode.tagName == 'ION-CONTENT') { const cs2 = getComputedStyle(element); height -= this.domUtils.getComputedStyleMeasure(cs2, 'paddingTop') + this.domUtils.getComputedStyleMeasure(cs2, 'paddingBottom'); } return height; } /** * On change function to sync with form data. * * @param {Event} $event The event. */ onChange($event: Event): void { if (this.rteEnabled) { if (this.isNullOrWhiteSpace(this.editorElement.innerText)) { this.clearText(); } else { // Don't emit event so our valueChanges doesn't get notified by this change. this.control.setValue(this.editorElement.innerHTML, {emitEvent: false}); this.control.markAsDirty(); this.textarea.value = this.editorElement.innerHTML; } } else { if (this.isNullOrWhiteSpace(this.textarea.value)) { this.clearText(); } else { // Don't emit event so our valueChanges doesn't get notified by this change. this.control.setValue(this.textarea.value, {emitEvent: false}); this.control.markAsDirty(); } } this.contentChanged.emit(this.control.value); } /** * On key down function to move the cursor. * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6249095/how-to-set-caretcursor-position-in-contenteditable-element-div * * @param {Event} $event The event. */ moveCursor($event: Event): void { if (!this.rteEnabled) { return; } if ($event['key'] != 'ArrowLeft' && $event['key'] != 'ArrowRight') { return; } $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); const move = $event['key'] == 'ArrowLeft' ? -1 : +1, cursor = this.getCurrentCursorPosition(this.editorElement); this.setCurrentCursorPosition(this.editorElement, cursor + move); } /** * Returns the number of chars from the beggining where is placed the cursor. * * @param {Node} parent Parent where to get the position from. * @return {number} Position in chars. */ protected getCurrentCursorPosition(parent: Node): number { const selection = window.getSelection(); let charCount = -1, node; if (selection.focusNode) { if (parent.contains(selection.focusNode)) { node = selection.focusNode; charCount = selection.focusOffset; while (node) { if (node.isSameNode(parent)) { break; } if (node.previousSibling) { node = node.previousSibling; charCount += node.textContent.length; } else { node = node.parentNode; if (node === null) { break; } } } } } return charCount; } /** * Set the caret position on the character number. * * @param {Node} parent Parent where to set the position. * @param {number} [chars] Number of chars where to place the caret. If not defined it will go to the end. */ protected setCurrentCursorPosition(parent: Node, chars?: number): void { /** * Loops round all the child text nodes within the supplied node and sets a range from the start of the initial node to * the characters. * * @param {Node} node Node where to start. * @param {Range} range Previous calculated range. * @param {any} chars Object with counting of characters (input-output param). * @return {Range} Selection range. */ const setRange = (node: Node, range: Range, chars: any): Range => { if (chars.count === 0) { range.setEnd(node, 0); } else if (node && chars.count > 0) { if (node.hasChildNodes()) { // Navigate through children. for (let lp = 0; lp < node.childNodes.length; lp++) { range = setRange(node.childNodes[lp], range, chars); if (chars.count === 0) { break; } } } else if (node.textContent.length < chars.count) { // Jump this node. // @todo: empty nodes will be omitted. chars.count -= node.textContent.length; } else { // The cursor will be placed in this element. range.setEnd(node, chars.count); chars.count = 0; } } return range; }; let range = document.createRange(); if (typeof chars === 'undefined') { // Select all so it will go to the end. range.selectNode(parent); range.selectNodeContents(parent); } else if (chars < 0 || chars > parent.textContent.length) { return; } else { range.selectNode(parent); range.setStart(parent, 0); range = setRange(parent, range, {count: chars}); } if (range) { const selection = window.getSelection(); range.collapse(false); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } } /** * Toggle from rte editor to textarea syncing values. * * @param {Event} $event The event. */ toggleEditor($event: Event): void { $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); const isNull = this.isNullOrWhiteSpace(this.control.value); if (isNull) { this.clearText(); } else { this.editorElement.innerHTML = this.control.value; this.textarea.value = this.control.value; } this.rteEnabled = !this.rteEnabled; // Set focus and cursor at the end. setTimeout(() => { if (this.rteEnabled) { this.editorElement.focus(); } else { this.textarea.setFocus(); } }); } /** * Treat elements that can contain external content. * We only search for images because the editor should receive unfiltered text, so the multimedia filter won't be applied. * Treating videos and audios in here is complex, so if a user manually adds one he won't be able to play it in the editor. */ protected treatExternalContent(): void { if (!this.sitesProvider.isLoggedIn()) { // Only treat external content if the user is logged in. return; } const elements = Array.from(this.editorElement.querySelectorAll('img')), siteId = this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId(), canDownloadFiles = this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite().canDownloadFiles(); elements.forEach((el) => { const url = el.src; if (!url || !this.urlUtils.isDownloadableUrl(url) || (!canDownloadFiles && this.urlUtils.isPluginFileUrl(url))) { // Nothing to treat. return; } // Check if it's downloaded. return this.filepoolProvider.getSrcByUrl(siteId, url, this.component, this.componentId).then((finalUrl) => { el.setAttribute('src', finalUrl); }); }); } /** * Check if text is empty. * @param {string} value text */ protected isNullOrWhiteSpace(value: string): boolean { if (value == null || typeof value == 'undefined') { return true; } value = value.replace(/[\n\r]/g, ''); value = value.split(' ').join(''); return value.length === 0; } /** * Clear the text. */ clearText(): void { this.editorElement.innerHTML = '

'; this.textarea.value = ''; // Don't emit event so our valueChanges doesn't get notified by this change. this.control.setValue(null, {emitEvent: false}); setTimeout(() => { if (this.rteEnabled) { this.setCurrentCursorPosition(this.editorElement); } }, 1); } /** * Execute an action over the selected text. * API docs: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/execCommand * * @param {any} $event Event data * @param {string} command Command to execute. */ protected buttonAction($event: any, command: string): void { $event.preventDefault(); $event.stopPropagation(); if (command) { if (command.includes('|')) { const parameters = command.split('|')[1]; command = command.split('|')[0]; document.execCommand(command, false, parameters); } else { document.execCommand(command, false); } } } /** * Component being destroyed. */ ngOnDestroy(): void { this.valueChangeSubscription && this.valueChangeSubscription.unsubscribe(); window.removeEventListener('resize', this.resizeFunction); clearInterval(this.initHeightInterval); this.keyboardObs && this.keyboardObs.off(); } }