// (C) Copyright 2015 Martin Dougiamas // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { CoreLoggerProvider } from '@providers/logger'; import { CoreSitesProvider } from '@providers/sites'; import { CoreAppProvider } from '@providers/app'; import { CoreUserProvider } from '@core/user/providers/user'; import { AddonMessagesOfflineProvider } from './messages-offline'; import { CoreUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/utils'; import { CoreTimeUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/time'; import { CoreEmulatorHelperProvider } from '@core/emulator/providers/helper'; import { CoreEventsProvider } from '@providers/events'; import { CoreSite } from '@classes/site'; /** * Service to handle messages. */ @Injectable() export class AddonMessagesProvider { protected ROOT_CACHE_KEY = 'mmaMessages:'; protected LIMIT_MESSAGES = AddonMessagesProvider.LIMIT_MESSAGES; static NEW_MESSAGE_EVENT = 'addon_messages_new_message_event'; static READ_CHANGED_EVENT = 'addon_messages_read_changed_event'; static OPEN_CONVERSATION_EVENT = 'addon_messages_open_conversation_event'; // Notify that a conversation should be opened. static SPLIT_VIEW_LOAD_EVENT = 'addon_messages_split_view_load_event'; static UPDATE_CONVERSATION_LIST_EVENT = 'addon_messages_update_conversation_list_event'; static MEMBER_INFO_CHANGED_EVENT = 'addon_messages_member_changed_event'; static UNREAD_CONVERSATION_COUNTS_EVENT = 'addon_messages_unread_conversation_counts_event'; static CONTACT_REQUESTS_COUNT_EVENT = 'addon_messages_contact_requests_count_event'; static POLL_INTERVAL = 10000; static PUSH_SIMULATION_COMPONENT = 'AddonMessagesPushSimulation'; static MESSAGE_PRIVACY_COURSEMEMBER = 0; // Privacy setting for being messaged by anyone within courses user is member of. static MESSAGE_PRIVACY_ONLYCONTACTS = 1; // Privacy setting for being messaged only by contacts. static MESSAGE_PRIVACY_SITE = 2; // Privacy setting for being messaged by anyone on the site. static MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL = 1; // An individual conversation. static MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_GROUP = 2; // A group conversation. static MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_SELF = 3; // A self conversation. static LIMIT_CONTACTS = 50; static LIMIT_MESSAGES = 50; static LIMIT_INITIAL_USER_SEARCH = 3; static LIMIT_SEARCH = 50; static NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCES_KEY = 'message_provider_moodle_instantmessage'; protected logger; constructor(logger: CoreLoggerProvider, private sitesProvider: CoreSitesProvider, private appProvider: CoreAppProvider, private userProvider: CoreUserProvider, private messagesOffline: AddonMessagesOfflineProvider, private utils: CoreUtilsProvider, private timeUtils: CoreTimeUtilsProvider, private emulatorHelper: CoreEmulatorHelperProvider, private eventsProvider: CoreEventsProvider) { this.logger = logger.getInstance('AddonMessagesProvider'); } /** * Add a contact. * * @param {number} userId User ID of the person to add. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. * @deprecated since Moodle 3.6 */ addContact(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const params = { userids: [ userId ] }; return site.write('core_message_create_contacts', params).then(() => { return this.invalidateAllContactsCache(site.getUserId(), site.getId()); }); }); } /** * Block a user. * * @param {number} userId User ID of the person to block. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ blockContact(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { let promise; if (site.wsAvailable('core_message_block_user')) { // Since Moodle 3.6 const params = { userid: site.getUserId(), blockeduserid: userId, }; promise = site.write('core_message_block_user', params); } else { const params = { userids: [userId] }; promise = site.write('core_message_block_contacts', params); } return promise.then(() => { return this.invalidateAllMemberInfo(userId, site).finally(() => { const data = { userId, userBlocked: true }; this.eventsProvider.trigger(AddonMessagesProvider.MEMBER_INFO_CHANGED_EVENT, data, site.id); }); }); }); } /** * Confirm a contact request from another user. * * @param {number} userId ID of the user who made the contact request. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. * @since 3.6 */ confirmContactRequest(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const params = { userid: userId, requesteduserid: site.getUserId(), }; return site.write('core_message_confirm_contact_request', params).then(() => { return this.utils.allPromises([ this.invalidateAllMemberInfo(userId, site), this.invalidateContactsCache(site.id), this.invalidateUserContacts(site.id), this.refreshContactRequestsCount(site.id), ]).finally(() => { const data = { userId, contactRequestConfirmed: true }; this.eventsProvider.trigger(AddonMessagesProvider.MEMBER_INFO_CHANGED_EVENT, data, site.id); }); }); }); } /** * Send a contact request to another user. * * @param {number} userId ID of the receiver of the contact request. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. * @since 3.6 */ createContactRequest(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const params = { userid: site.getUserId(), requesteduserid: userId, }; return site.write('core_message_create_contact_request', params).then(() => { return this.invalidateAllMemberInfo(userId, site).finally(() => { const data = { userId, contactRequestCreated: true }; this.eventsProvider.trigger(AddonMessagesProvider.MEMBER_INFO_CHANGED_EVENT, data, site.id); }); }); }); } /** * Decline a contact request from another user. * * @param {number} userId ID of the user who made the contact request. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. * @since 3.6 */ declineContactRequest(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const params = { userid: userId, requesteduserid: site.getUserId(), }; return site.write('core_message_decline_contact_request', params).then(() => { return this.utils.allPromises([ this.invalidateAllMemberInfo(userId, site), this.refreshContactRequestsCount(site.id), ]).finally(() => { const data = { userId, contactRequestDeclined: true }; this.eventsProvider.trigger(AddonMessagesProvider.MEMBER_INFO_CHANGED_EVENT, data, site.id); }); }); }); } /** * Delete a conversation. * * @param {number} conversationId Conversation to delete. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined, current user in the site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when the conversation has been deleted. */ deleteConversation(conversationId: number, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise { return this.deleteConversations([conversationId], siteId, userId); } /** * Delete several conversations. * * @param {number[]} conversationIds Conversations to delete. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined, current user in the site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when the conversations have been deleted. */ deleteConversations(conversationIds: number[], siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { userId = userId || site.getUserId(); const params = { userid: userId, conversationids: conversationIds }; return site.write('core_message_delete_conversations_by_id', params).then(() => { const promises = []; conversationIds.forEach((conversationId) => { promises.push(this.messagesOffline.deleteConversationMessages(conversationId, site.getId()).catch(() => { // Ignore errors (shouldn't happen). })); }); return Promise.all(promises); }); }); } /** * Delete a message (online or offline). * * @param {any} message Message to delete. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when the message has been deleted. */ deleteMessage(message: any): Promise { if (message.id) { // Message has ID, it means it has been sent to the server. return this.deleteMessageOnline(message.id, message.read); } // It's an offline message. if (message.conversationid) { return this.messagesOffline.deleteConversationMessage(message.conversationid, message.text, message.timecreated); } else { return this.messagesOffline.deleteMessage(message.touserid, message.smallmessage, message.timecreated); } } /** * Delete a message from the server. * * @param {number} id Message ID. * @param {number} read 1 if message is read, 0 otherwise. * @param {number} [userId] User we want to delete the message for. If not defined, use current user. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when the message has been deleted. */ deleteMessageOnline(id: number, read: number, userId?: number): Promise { const params: any = { messageid: id, userid: userId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteUserId() }; if (typeof read != 'undefined') { params.read = read; } return this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite().write('core_message_delete_message', params).then(() => { return this.invalidateDiscussionCache(userId); }); } /** * Format a conversation. * * @param {any} conversation Conversation to format. * @param {number} userId User ID viewing the conversation. * @return {any} Formatted conversation. */ protected formatConversation(conversation: any, userId: number): any { const numMessages = conversation.messages.length, lastMessage = numMessages ? conversation.messages[numMessages - 1] : null; conversation.lastmessage = lastMessage ? lastMessage.text : null; conversation.lastmessagedate = lastMessage ? lastMessage.timecreated : null; conversation.sentfromcurrentuser = lastMessage ? lastMessage.useridfrom == userId : null; if (conversation.type != AddonMessagesProvider.MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_GROUP) { const isIndividual = conversation.type == AddonMessagesProvider.MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL, otherUser = conversation.members.reduce((carry, member) => { if (!carry && ((isIndividual && member.id != userId) || (!isIndividual && member.id == userId))) { carry = member; } return carry; }, null); conversation.name = conversation.name ? conversation.name : otherUser.fullname; conversation.imageurl = conversation.imageurl ? conversation.imageurl : otherUser.profileimageurl; conversation.userid = otherUser.id; conversation.showonlinestatus = otherUser.showonlinestatus; conversation.isonline = otherUser.isonline; conversation.isblocked = otherUser.isblocked; conversation.otherUser = otherUser; } return conversation; } /** * Get the cache key for blocked contacts. * * @param {number} userId The user who's contacts we're looking for. * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getCacheKeyForBlockedContacts(userId: number): string { return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'blockedContacts:' + userId; } /** * Get the cache key for contacts. * * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getCacheKeyForContacts(): string { return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'contacts'; } /** * Get the cache key for comfirmed contacts. * * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getCacheKeyForUserContacts(): string { return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'userContacts'; } /** * Get the cache key for contact requests. * * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getCacheKeyForContactRequests(): string { return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'contactRequests'; } /** * Get the cache key for contact requests count. * * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getCacheKeyForContactRequestsCount(): string { return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'contactRequestsCount'; } /** * Get the cache key for a discussion. * * @param {number} userId The other person with whom the current user is having the discussion. * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getCacheKeyForDiscussion(userId: number): string { return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'discussion:' + userId; } /** * Get the cache key for the message count. * * @param {number} userId User ID. * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getCacheKeyForMessageCount(userId: number): string { return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'count:' + userId; } /** * Get the cache key for unread conversation counts. * * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getCacheKeyForUnreadConversationCounts(): string { return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'unreadConversationCounts'; } /** * Get the cache key for the list of discussions. * * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getCacheKeyForDiscussions(): string { return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'discussions'; } /** * Get cache key for get conversations. * * @param {number} userId User ID. * @param {number} conversationId Conversation ID. * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getCacheKeyForConversation(userId: number, conversationId: number): string { return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'conversation:' + userId + ':' + conversationId; } /** * Get cache key for get conversations between users. * * @param {number} userId User ID. * @param {number} otherUserId Other user ID. * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getCacheKeyForConversationBetweenUsers(userId: number, otherUserId: number): string { return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'conversationBetweenUsers:' + userId + ':' + otherUserId; } /** * Get cache key for get conversation members. * * @param {number} userId User ID. * @param {number} conversationId Conversation ID. * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getCacheKeyForConversationMembers(userId: number, conversationId: number): string { return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'conversationMembers:' + userId + ':' + conversationId; } /** * Get cache key for get conversation messages. * * @param {number} userId User ID. * @param {number} conversationId Conversation ID. * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getCacheKeyForConversationMessages(userId: number, conversationId: number): string { return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'conversationMessages:' + userId + ':' + conversationId; } /** * Get cache key for get conversations. * * @param {number} userId User ID. * @param {number} [type] Filter by type. * @param {boolean} [favourites] Filter favourites. * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getCacheKeyForConversations(userId: number, type?: number, favourites?: boolean): string { return this.getCommonCacheKeyForUserConversations(userId) + ':' + type + ':' + favourites; } /** * Get cache key for conversation counts. * * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getCacheKeyForConversationCounts(): string { return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'conversationCounts'; } /** * Get cache key for member info. * * @param {number} userId User ID. * @param {number} otherUserId The other user ID. * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getCacheKeyForMemberInfo(userId: number, otherUserId: number): string { return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'memberInfo:' + userId + ':' + otherUserId; } /** * Get cache key for get self conversation. * * @param {number} userId User ID. * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getCacheKeyForSelfConversation(userId: number): string { return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'selfconversation:' + userId; } /** * Get common cache key for get user conversations. * * @param {number} userId User ID. * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getCommonCacheKeyForUserConversations(userId: number): string { return this.getRootCacheKeyForConversations() + userId; } /** * Get root cache key for get conversations. * * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getRootCacheKeyForConversations(): string { return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'conversations:'; } /** * Get all the contacts of the current user. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved with the WS data. * @deprecated since Moodle 3.6 */ getAllContacts(siteId?: string): Promise { siteId = siteId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId(); return this.getContacts(siteId).then((contacts) => { return this.getBlockedContacts(siteId).then((blocked) => { contacts.blocked = blocked.users; this.storeUsersFromAllContacts(contacts); return contacts; }).catch(() => { // The WS for blocked contacts might fail, but we still want the contacts. contacts.blocked = []; this.storeUsersFromAllContacts(contacts); return contacts; }); }); } /** * Get all the users blocked by the current user. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved with the WS data. */ getBlockedContacts(siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const userId = site.getUserId(), params = { userid: userId }, preSets = { cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForBlockedContacts(userId) }; return site.read('core_message_get_blocked_users', params, preSets); }); } /** * Get the contacts of the current user. * * This excludes the blocked users. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved with the WS data. * @deprecated since Moodle 3.6 */ getContacts(siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const preSets = { cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForContacts() }; return site.read('core_message_get_contacts', undefined, preSets).then((contacts) => { // Filter contacts with negative ID, they are notifications. const validContacts = {}; for (const typeName in contacts) { if (!validContacts[typeName]) { validContacts[typeName] = []; } contacts[typeName].forEach((contact) => { if (contact.id > 0) { validContacts[typeName].push(contact); } }); } return validContacts; }); }); } /** * Get the list of user contacts. * * @param {number} [limitFrom=0] Position of the first contact to fetch. * @param {number} [limitNum] Number of contacts to fetch. Default is AddonMessagesProvider.LIMIT_CONTACTS. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise<{contacts: any[], canLoadMore: boolean}>} Resolved with the list of user contacts. * @since 3.6 */ getUserContacts(limitFrom: number = 0, limitNum: number = AddonMessagesProvider.LIMIT_CONTACTS , siteId?: string): Promise<{contacts: any[], canLoadMore: boolean}> { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const params = { userid: site.getUserId(), limitfrom: limitFrom, limitnum: limitNum <= 0 ? 0 : limitNum + 1 }; const preSets = { cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForUserContacts() }; return site.read('core_message_get_user_contacts', params, preSets).then((contacts) => { if (!contacts || !contacts.length) { return { contacts: [], canLoadMore: false }; } this.userProvider.storeUsers(contacts, site.id); if (limitNum <= 0) { return { contacts, canLoadMore: false }; } return { contacts: contacts.slice(0, limitNum), canLoadMore: contacts.length > limitNum }; }); }); } /** * Get the contact request sent to the current user. * * @param {number} [limitFrom=0] Position of the first contact request to fetch. * @param {number} [limitNum] Number of contact requests to fetch. Default is AddonMessagesProvider.LIMIT_CONTACTS. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise<{requests: any[], canLoadMore: boolean}>} Resolved with the list of contact requests. * @since 3.6 */ getContactRequests(limitFrom: number = 0, limitNum: number = AddonMessagesProvider.LIMIT_CONTACTS, siteId?: string): Promise<{requests: any[], canLoadMore: boolean}> { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const data = { userid: site.getUserId(), limitfrom: limitFrom, limitnum: limitNum <= 0 ? 0 : limitNum + 1 }; const preSets = { cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForContactRequests() }; return site.read('core_message_get_contact_requests', data, preSets).then((requests) => { if (!requests || !requests.length) { return { requests: [], canLoadMore: false }; } this.userProvider.storeUsers(requests, site.id); if (limitNum <= 0) { return { requests, canLoadMore: false }; } return { requests: requests.slice(0, limitNum), canLoadMore: requests.length > limitNum }; }); }); } /** * Get the number of contact requests sent to the current user. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved with the number of contact requests. * @since 3.6 */ getContactRequestsCount(siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const data = { userid: site.getUserId(), }; const preSets = { cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForContactRequestsCount(), typeExpected: 'number' }; return site.read('core_message_get_received_contact_requests_count', data, preSets).then((count) => { // Notify the new count so all badges are updated. this.eventsProvider.trigger(AddonMessagesProvider.CONTACT_REQUESTS_COUNT_EVENT, { count }, site.id); return count; }); }); } /** * Get a conversation by the conversation ID. * * @param {number} conversationId Conversation ID to fetch. * @param {boolean} [includeContactRequests] Include contact requests. * @param {boolean} [includePrivacyInfo] Include privacy info. * @param {number} [messageOffset=0] Offset for messages list. * @param {number} [messageLimit=1] Limit of messages. Defaults to 1 (last message). * We recommend getConversationMessages to get them. * @param {number} [memberOffset=0] Offset for members list. * @param {number} [memberLimit=2] Limit of members. Defaults to 2 (to be able to know the other user in individual ones). * We recommend getConversationMembers to get them. * @param {boolean} [newestFirst=true] Whether to order messages by newest first. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined, current user in the site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the response. * @since 3.6 */ getConversation(conversationId: number, includeContactRequests?: boolean, includePrivacyInfo?: boolean, messageOffset: number = 0, messageLimit: number = 1, memberOffset: number = 0, memberLimit: number = 2, newestFirst: boolean = true, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { userId = userId || site.getUserId(); const preSets = { cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForConversation(userId, conversationId) }, params: any = { userid: userId, conversationid: conversationId, includecontactrequests: includeContactRequests ? 1 : 0, includeprivacyinfo: includePrivacyInfo ? 1 : 0, messageoffset: messageOffset, messagelimit: messageLimit, memberoffset: memberOffset, memberlimit: memberLimit, newestmessagesfirst: newestFirst ? 1 : 0 }; return site.read('core_message_get_conversation', params, preSets).then((conversation) => { return this.formatConversation(conversation, userId); }); }); } /** * Get a conversation between two users. * * @param {number} otherUserId The other user ID. * @param {boolean} [includeContactRequests] Include contact requests. * @param {boolean} [includePrivacyInfo] Include privacy info. * @param {number} [messageOffset=0] Offset for messages list. * @param {number} [messageLimit=1] Limit of messages. Defaults to 1 (last message). * We recommend getConversationMessages to get them. * @param {number} [memberOffset=0] Offset for members list. * @param {number} [memberLimit=2] Limit of members. Defaults to 2 (to be able to know the other user in individual ones). * We recommend getConversationMembers to get them. * @param {boolean} [newestFirst=true] Whether to order messages by newest first. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined, current user in the site. * @param {boolean} [preferCache] True if shouldn't call WS if data is cached, false otherwise. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the response. * @since 3.6 */ getConversationBetweenUsers(otherUserId: number, includeContactRequests?: boolean, includePrivacyInfo?: boolean, messageOffset: number = 0, messageLimit: number = 1, memberOffset: number = 0, memberLimit: number = 2, newestFirst: boolean = true, siteId?: string, userId?: number, preferCache?: boolean): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { userId = userId || site.getUserId(); const preSets = { cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForConversationBetweenUsers(userId, otherUserId), omitExpires: !!preferCache, }, params: any = { userid: userId, otheruserid: otherUserId, includecontactrequests: includeContactRequests ? 1 : 0, includeprivacyinfo: includePrivacyInfo ? 1 : 0, messageoffset: messageOffset, messagelimit: messageLimit, memberoffset: memberOffset, memberlimit: memberLimit, newestmessagesfirst: newestFirst ? 1 : 0 }; return site.read('core_message_get_conversation_between_users', params, preSets).then((conversation) => { return this.formatConversation(conversation, userId); }); }); } /** * Get a conversation members. * * @param {number} conversationId Conversation ID to fetch. * @param {number} [limitFrom=0] Offset for members list. * @param {number} [limitTo] Limit of members. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined, current user in the site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the response. * @since 3.6 */ getConversationMembers(conversationId: number, limitFrom: number = 0, limitTo?: number, includeContactRequests?: boolean, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { userId = userId || site.getUserId(); if (typeof limitTo == 'undefined' || limitTo === null) { limitTo = this.LIMIT_MESSAGES; } const preSets = { cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForConversationMembers(userId, conversationId) }, params: any = { userid: userId, conversationid: conversationId, limitfrom: limitFrom, limitnum: limitTo < 1 ? limitTo : limitTo + 1, // If there is a limit, get 1 more than requested. includecontactrequests: includeContactRequests ? 1 : 0, includeprivacyinfo: 1, }; return site.read('core_message_get_conversation_members', params, preSets).then((members) => { const result: any = {}; if (limitTo < 1) { result.canLoadMore = false; result.members = members; } else { result.canLoadMore = members.length > limitTo; result.members = members.slice(0, limitTo); } return result; }); }); } /** * Get a conversation by the conversation ID. * * @param {number} conversationId Conversation ID to fetch. * @param {boolean} excludePending True to exclude messages pending to be sent. * @param {number} [limitFrom=0] Offset for messages list. * @param {number} [limitTo] Limit of messages. * @param {boolean} [newestFirst=true] Whether to order messages by newest first. * @param {number} [timeFrom] The timestamp from which the messages were created. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined, current user in the site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the response. * @since 3.6 */ getConversationMessages(conversationId: number, excludePending: boolean, limitFrom: number = 0, limitTo?: number, newestFirst: boolean = true, timeFrom: number = 0, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { userId = userId || site.getUserId(); if (typeof limitTo == 'undefined' || limitTo === null) { limitTo = this.LIMIT_MESSAGES; } const preSets = { cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForConversationMessages(userId, conversationId) }, params: any = { currentuserid: userId, convid: conversationId, limitfrom: limitFrom, limitnum: limitTo < 1 ? limitTo : limitTo + 1, // If there is a limit, get 1 more than requested. newest: newestFirst ? 1 : 0, timefrom: timeFrom }; if (limitFrom > 0) { // Do not use cache when retrieving older messages. // This is to prevent storing too much data and to prevent inconsistencies between "pages" loaded. preSets['getFromCache'] = false; preSets['saveToCache'] = false; preSets['emergencyCache'] = false; } return site.read('core_message_get_conversation_messages', params, preSets).then((result) => { if (limitTo < 1) { result.canLoadMore = false; result.messages = result.messages; } else { result.canLoadMore = result.messages.length > limitTo; result.messages = result.messages.slice(0, limitTo); } let lastReceived; result.messages.forEach((message) => { // Convert time to milliseconds. message.timecreated = message.timecreated ? message.timecreated * 1000 : 0; if (!lastReceived && message.useridfrom != userId) { lastReceived = message; } }); if (this.appProvider.isDesktop() && limitFrom === 0 && lastReceived) { // Store the last received message (we cannot know if it's unread or not). Don't block the user for this. this.storeLastReceivedMessageIfNeeded(conversationId, lastReceived, site.getId()); } if (excludePending) { // No need to get offline messages, return the ones we have. return result; } // Get offline messages. return this.messagesOffline.getConversationMessages(conversationId).then((offlineMessages) => { // Mark offline messages as pending. offlineMessages.forEach((message) => { message.pending = true; message.useridfrom = userId; }); result.messages = result.messages.concat(offlineMessages); return result; }); }); }); } /** * Get the discussions of a certain user. This function is used in Moodle sites higher than 3.6. * If the site is older than 3.6, please use getDiscussions. * * @param {number} [type] Filter by type. * @param {boolean} [favourites] Whether to restrict the results to contain NO favourite conversations (false), ONLY favourite * conversation (true), or ignore any restriction altogether (undefined or null). * @param {number} [limitFrom=0] The offset to start at. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined, current user in the site. * @param {boolean} [forceCache] True if it should return cached data. Has priority over ignoreCache. * @param {boolean} [ignoreCache] True if it should ignore cached data (it will always fail in offline or server down). * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the conversations. * @since 3.6 */ getConversations(type?: number, favourites?: boolean, limitFrom: number = 0, siteId?: string, userId?: number, forceCache?: boolean, ignoreCache?: boolean): Promise<{conversations: any[], canLoadMore: boolean}> { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { userId = userId || site.getUserId(); const preSets = { cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForConversations(userId, type, favourites) }, params: any = { userid: userId, limitfrom: limitFrom, limitnum: this.LIMIT_MESSAGES + 1, }; if (forceCache) { preSets['omitExpires'] = true; } else if (ignoreCache) { preSets['getFromCache'] = false; preSets['emergencyCache'] = false; } if (typeof type != 'undefined' && type != null) { params.type = type; } if (typeof favourites != 'undefined' && favourites != null) { params.favourites = favourites ? 1 : 0; } if (site.isVersionGreaterEqualThan('3.7') && type != AddonMessagesProvider.MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_GROUP) { // Add self conversation to the list. params.mergeself = 1; } return site.read('core_message_get_conversations', params, preSets).catch((error) => { if (params.mergeself) { // Try again without the new param. Maybe the user is offline and he has a previous request cached. delete params.mergeself; return site.read('core_message_get_conversations', params, preSets); } return Promise.reject(error); }).then((response) => { // Format the conversations, adding some calculated fields. const conversations = response.conversations.slice(0, this.LIMIT_MESSAGES).map((conversation) => { return this.formatConversation(conversation, userId); }), conv = conversations[0], lastMessage = conv && conv.messages[0]; if (this.appProvider.isDesktop() && limitFrom === 0 && lastMessage && !conv.sentfromcurrentuser) { // Store the last received message (we cannot know if it's unread or not). Don't block the user for this. this.storeLastReceivedMessageIfNeeded(conv.id, lastMessage, site.getId()); } return { conversations: conversations, canLoadMore: response.conversations.length > this.LIMIT_MESSAGES }; }); }); } /** * Get conversation counts by type. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with favourite, * individual, group and self conversation counts. * @since 3.6 */ getConversationCounts(siteId?: string): Promise<{favourites: number, individual: number, group: number, self: number}> { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const preSets = { cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForConversationCounts() }; return site.read('core_message_get_conversation_counts', {}, preSets).then((result) => { const counts = { favourites: result.favourites, individual: result.types[AddonMessagesProvider.MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL], group: result.types[AddonMessagesProvider.MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_GROUP], self: result.types[AddonMessagesProvider.MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_SELF] || 0 }; return counts; }); }); } /** * Return the current user's discussion with another user. * * @param {number} userId The ID of the other user. * @param {boolean} excludePending True to exclude messages pending to be sent. * @param {number} [lfReceivedUnread=0] Number of unread received messages already fetched, so fetch will be done from this. * @param {number} [lfReceivedRead=0] Number of read received messages already fetched, so fetch will be done from this. * @param {number} [lfSentUnread=0] Number of unread sent messages already fetched, so fetch will be done from this. * @param {number} [lfSentRead=0] Number of read sent messages already fetched, so fetch will be done from this. * @param {boolean} [toDisplay=true] True if messages will be displayed to the user, either in view or in a notification. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with messages and a boolean telling if can load more messages. */ getDiscussion(userId: number, excludePending: boolean, lfReceivedUnread: number = 0, lfReceivedRead: number = 0, lfSentUnread: number = 0, lfSentRead: number = 0, toDisplay: boolean = true, siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const result = {}, preSets = { cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForDiscussion(userId) }, params = { useridto: site.getUserId(), useridfrom: userId, limitnum: this.LIMIT_MESSAGES }; let hasReceived, hasSent; if (lfReceivedUnread > 0 || lfReceivedRead > 0 || lfSentUnread > 0 || lfSentRead > 0) { // Do not use cache when retrieving older messages. // This is to prevent storing too much data and to prevent inconsistencies between "pages" loaded. preSets['getFromCache'] = false; preSets['saveToCache'] = false; preSets['emergencyCache'] = false; } // Get message received by current user. return this.getRecentMessages(params, preSets, lfReceivedUnread, lfReceivedRead, toDisplay, site.getId()) .then((response) => { result['messages'] = response; params.useridto = userId; params.useridfrom = site.getUserId(); hasReceived = response.length > 0; // Get message sent by current user. return this.getRecentMessages(params, preSets, lfSentUnread, lfSentRead, toDisplay, siteId); }).then((response) => { result['messages'] = result['messages'].concat(response); hasSent = response.length > 0; if (result['messages'].length > this.LIMIT_MESSAGES) { // Sort messages and get the more recent ones. result['canLoadMore'] = true; result['messages'] = this.sortMessages(result['messages']); result['messages'] = result['messages'].slice(-this.LIMIT_MESSAGES); } else { result['canLoadMore'] = result['messages'].length == this.LIMIT_MESSAGES && (!hasReceived || !hasSent); } if (excludePending) { // No need to get offline messages, return the ones we have. return result; } // Get offline messages. return this.messagesOffline.getMessages(userId).then((offlineMessages) => { // Mark offline messages as pending. offlineMessages.forEach((message) => { message.pending = true; message.text = message.smallmessage; }); result['messages'] = result['messages'].concat(offlineMessages); return result; }); }); }); } /** * Get the discussions of the current user. This function is used in Moodle sites older than 3.6. * If the site is 3.6 or higher, please use getConversations. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved with an object where the keys are the user ID of the other user. */ getDiscussions(siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const discussions = {}, currentUserId = site.getUserId(), params = { useridto: currentUserId, useridfrom: 0, limitnum: this.LIMIT_MESSAGES }, preSets = { cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForDiscussions() }; /** * Convenience function to treat a recent message, adding it to discussions list if needed. */ const treatRecentMessage = (message: any, userId: number, userFullname: string): void => { if (typeof discussions[userId] === 'undefined') { discussions[userId] = { fullname: userFullname, profileimageurl: '' }; if (!message.timeread && !message.pending && message.useridfrom != currentUserId) { discussions[userId].unread = true; } } // Extract the most recent message. Pending messages are considered more recent than messages already sent. const discMessage = discussions[userId].message; if (typeof discMessage === 'undefined' || (!discMessage.pending && message.pending) || (discMessage.pending == message.pending && (discMessage.timecreated < message.timecreated || (discMessage.timecreated == message.timecreated && discMessage.id < message.id)))) { discussions[userId].message = { id: message.id, user: userId, message: message.text, timecreated: message.timecreated, pending: !!message.pending }; } }; // Get recent messages sent to current user. return this.getRecentMessages(params, preSets, undefined, undefined, undefined, site.getId()).then((messages) => { // Extract the discussions by filtering same senders. messages.forEach((message) => { treatRecentMessage(message, message.useridfrom, message.userfromfullname); }); // Now get the last messages sent by the current user. params.useridfrom = params.useridto; params.useridto = 0; return this.getRecentMessages(params, preSets); }).then((messages) => { // Extract the discussions by filtering same senders. messages.forEach((message) => { treatRecentMessage(message, message.useridto, message.usertofullname); }); // Now get unsent messages. return this.messagesOffline.getAllMessages(site.getId()); }).then((offlineMessages) => { offlineMessages.forEach((message) => { message.pending = true; message.text = message.smallmessage; treatRecentMessage(message, message.touserid, ''); }); return this.getDiscussionsUserImg(discussions, site.getId()).then((discussions) => { this.storeUsersFromDiscussions(discussions); return discussions; }); }); }); } /** * Get user images for all the discussions that don't have one already. * * @param {any} discussions List of discussions. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Promise always resolved. Resolve param is the formatted discussions. */ protected getDiscussionsUserImg(discussions: any, siteId?: string): Promise { const promises = []; for (const userId in discussions) { if (!discussions[userId].profileimageurl) { // We don't have the user image. Try to retrieve it. promises.push(this.userProvider.getProfile(discussions[userId].message.user, 0, true, siteId).then((user) => { discussions[userId].profileimageurl = user.profileimageurl; }).catch(() => { // Error getting profile, resolve promise without adding any extra data. })); } } return Promise.all(promises).then(() => { return discussions; }); } /** * Get conversation member info by user id, works even if no conversation betwen the users exists. * * @param {number} otherUserId The other user ID. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined, current user in the site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the member info. * @since 3.6 */ getMemberInfo(otherUserId: number, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { userId = userId || site.getUserId(); const preSets = { cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForMemberInfo(userId, otherUserId) }, params: any = { referenceuserid: userId, userids: [otherUserId], includecontactrequests: 1, includeprivacyinfo: 1, }; return site.read('core_message_get_member_info', params, preSets).then((members) => { if (!members || members.length < 1) { // Should never happen. return Promise.reject(null); } return members[0]; }); }); } /** * Get the cache key for the get message preferences call. * * @return {string} Cache key. */ protected getMessagePreferencesCacheKey(): string { return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'messagePreferences'; } /** * Get message preferences. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the message preferences. */ getMessagePreferences(siteId?: string): Promise { this.logger.debug('Get message preferences'); return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const preSets = { cacheKey: this.getMessagePreferencesCacheKey() }; return site.read('core_message_get_user_message_preferences', {}, preSets).then((data) => { if (data.preferences) { data.preferences.blocknoncontacts = data.blocknoncontacts; return data.preferences; } return Promise.reject(null); }); }); } /** * Get messages according to the params. * * @param {any} params Parameters to pass to the WS. * @param {any} preSets Set of presets for the WS. * @param {boolean} [toDisplay=true] True if messages will be displayed to the user, either in view or in a notification. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} */ protected getMessages(params: any, preSets: any, toDisplay: boolean = true, siteId?: string): Promise { params['type'] = 'conversations'; params['newestfirst'] = 1; return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const userId = site.getUserId(); return site.read('core_message_get_messages', params, preSets).then((response) => { response.messages.forEach((message) => { message.read = params.read == 0 ? 0 : 1; // Convert times to milliseconds. message.timecreated = message.timecreated ? message.timecreated * 1000 : 0; message.timeread = message.timeread ? message.timeread * 1000 : 0; }); if (toDisplay && this.appProvider.isDesktop() && !params.read && params.useridto == userId && params.limitfrom === 0) { // Store the last unread received messages. Don't block the user for this. this.storeLastReceivedMessageIfNeeded(params.useridfrom, response.messages[0], site.getId()); } return response; }); }); } /** * Get the most recent messages. * * @param {any} params Parameters to pass to the WS. * @param {any} preSets Set of presets for the WS. * @param {number} [limitFromUnread=0] Number of read messages already fetched, so fetch will be done from this number. * @param {number} [limitFromRead=0] Number of unread messages already fetched, so fetch will be done from this number. * @param {boolean} [toDisplay=true] True if messages will be displayed to the user, either in view or in a notification. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} */ protected getRecentMessages(params: any, preSets: any, limitFromUnread: number = 0, limitFromRead: number = 0, toDisplay: boolean = true, siteId?: string): Promise { limitFromUnread = limitFromUnread || 0; limitFromRead = limitFromRead || 0; params['read'] = 0; params['limitfrom'] = limitFromUnread; return this.getMessages(params, preSets, toDisplay, siteId).then((response) => { let messages = response.messages; if (messages) { if (messages.length >= params.limitnum) { return messages; } // We need to fetch more messages. params.limitnum = params.limitnum - messages.length; params.read = 1; params.limitfrom = limitFromRead; return this.getMessages(params, preSets, toDisplay, siteId).then((response) => { if (response.messages) { messages = messages.concat(response.messages); } return messages; }).catch(() => { return messages; }); } else { return Promise.reject(null); } }); } /** * Get a self conversation. * * @param {number} [messageOffset=0] Offset for messages list. * @param {number} [messageLimit=1] Limit of messages. Defaults to 1 (last message). * We recommend getConversationMessages to get them. * @param {boolean} [newestFirst=true] Whether to order messages by newest first. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @param {string} [userId] User ID to get the self conversation for. If not defined, current user in the site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the response. * @since 3.7 */ getSelfConversation(messageOffset: number = 0, messageLimit: number = 1, newestFirst: boolean = true, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { userId = userId || site.getUserId(); const preSets = { cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForSelfConversation(userId) }, params: any = { userid: userId, messageoffset: messageOffset, messagelimit: messageLimit, newestmessagesfirst: newestFirst ? 1 : 0 }; return site.read('core_message_get_self_conversation', params, preSets).then((conversation) => { return this.formatConversation(conversation, userId); }); }); } /** * Get unread conversation counts by type. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved with the unread favourite, individual and group conversation counts. */ getUnreadConversationCounts(siteId?: string): Promise<{favourites: number, individual: number, group: number, self: number, orMore?: boolean}> { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { let promise: Promise<{favourites: number, individual: number, group: number, self: number, orMore?: boolean}>; if (this.isGroupMessagingEnabled()) { // @since 3.6 const preSets = { cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForUnreadConversationCounts() }; promise = site.read('core_message_get_unread_conversation_counts', {}, preSets).then((result) => { return { favourites: result.favourites, individual: result.types[AddonMessagesProvider.MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL], group: result.types[AddonMessagesProvider.MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_GROUP], self: result.types[AddonMessagesProvider.MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_SELF] || 0 }; }); } else if (this.isMessageCountEnabled()) { // @since 3.2 const params = { useridto: site.getUserId(), }, preSets = { cacheKey: this.getCacheKeyForMessageCount(site.getUserId()), typeExpected: 'number' }; promise = site.read('core_message_get_unread_conversations_count', params, preSets).then((count) => { return { favourites: 0, individual: count, group: 0, self: 0 }; }); } else { // Fallback call. const params = { read: 0, limitfrom: 0, limitnum: this.LIMIT_MESSAGES + 1, useridto: site.getUserId(), useridfrom: 0, }; promise = this.getMessages(params, undefined, false, siteId).then((response) => { // Count the discussions by filtering same senders. const discussions = {}; response.messages.forEach((message) => { discussions[message.useridto] = 1; }); const count = Object.keys(discussions).length; return { favourites: 0, individual: count, group: 0, self: 0, orMore: count > this.LIMIT_MESSAGES }; }); } return promise.then((counts) => { // Notify the new counts so all views are updated. this.eventsProvider.trigger(AddonMessagesProvider.UNREAD_CONVERSATION_COUNTS_EVENT, counts, site.id); return counts; }); }); } /** * Get the latest unread received messages. * * @param {boolean} [toDisplay=true] True if messages will be displayed to the user, either in view or in a notification. * @param {boolean} [forceCache] True if it should return cached data. Has priority over ignoreCache. * @param {boolean} [ignoreCache] True if it should ignore cached data (it will always fail in offline or server down). * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the message unread count. */ getUnreadReceivedMessages(toDisplay: boolean = true, forceCache: boolean = false, ignoreCache: boolean = false, siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const params = { read: 0, limitfrom: 0, limitnum: this.LIMIT_MESSAGES, useridto: site.getUserId(), useridfrom: 0 }, preSets = {}; if (forceCache) { preSets['omitExpires'] = true; } else if (ignoreCache) { preSets['getFromCache'] = false; preSets['emergencyCache'] = false; } return this.getMessages(params, preSets, toDisplay, siteId); }); } /** * Invalidate all contacts cache. * * @param {number} userId The user ID. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ invalidateAllContactsCache(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise { siteId = siteId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId(); return this.invalidateContactsCache(siteId).then(() => { return this.invalidateBlockedContactsCache(userId, siteId); }); } /** * Invalidate blocked contacts cache. * * @param {number} userId The user ID. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} */ invalidateBlockedContactsCache(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCacheKeyForBlockedContacts(userId)); }); } /** * Invalidate contacts cache. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ invalidateContactsCache(siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCacheKeyForContacts()); }); } /** * Invalidate user contacts cache. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ invalidateUserContacts(siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCacheKeyForUserContacts()); }); } /** * Invalidate contact requests cache. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ invalidateContactRequestsCache(siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCacheKeyForContactRequests()); }); } /** * Invalidate contact requests count cache. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ invalidateContactRequestsCountCache(siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCacheKeyForContactRequestsCount()); }); } /** * Invalidate conversation. * * @param {number} conversationId Conversation ID. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined, current user in the site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ invalidateConversation(conversationId: number, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { userId = userId || site.getUserId(); return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCacheKeyForConversation(userId, conversationId)); }); } /** * Invalidate conversation between users. * * @param {number} otherUserId Other user ID. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined, current user in the site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ invalidateConversationBetweenUsers(otherUserId: number, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { userId = userId || site.getUserId(); return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCacheKeyForConversationBetweenUsers(userId, otherUserId)); }); } /** * Invalidate conversation members cache. * * @param {number} conversationId Conversation ID. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined, current user in the site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ invalidateConversationMembers(conversationId: number, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { userId = userId || site.getUserId(); return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCacheKeyForConversationMembers(userId, conversationId)); }); } /** * Invalidate conversation messages cache. * * @param {number} conversationId Conversation ID. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined, current user in the site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ invalidateConversationMessages(conversationId: number, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { userId = userId || site.getUserId(); return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCacheKeyForConversationMessages(userId, conversationId)); }); } /** * Invalidate conversations cache. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined, current user in the site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ invalidateConversations(siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { userId = userId || site.getUserId(); return site.invalidateWsCacheForKeyStartingWith(this.getCommonCacheKeyForUserConversations(userId)); }); } /** * Invalidate conversation counts cache. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ invalidateConversationCounts(siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCacheKeyForConversationCounts()); }); } /** * Invalidate discussion cache. * * @param {number} userId The user ID with whom the current user is having the discussion. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ invalidateDiscussionCache(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCacheKeyForDiscussion(userId)); }); } /** * Invalidate discussions cache. * * Note that {@link this.getDiscussions} uses the contacts, so we need to invalidate contacts too. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ invalidateDiscussionsCache(siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const promises = []; promises.push(site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCacheKeyForDiscussions())); promises.push(this.invalidateContactsCache(site.getId())); return Promise.all(promises); }); } /** * Invalidate member info cache. * * @param {number} otherUserId The other user ID. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined, current user in the site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ invalidateMemberInfo(otherUserId: number, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { userId = userId || site.getUserId(); return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCacheKeyForMemberInfo(userId, otherUserId)); }); } /** * Invalidate get message preferences. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when data is invalidated. */ invalidateMessagePreferences(siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getMessagePreferencesCacheKey()); }); } /** * Invalidate all cache entries with member info. * * @param {number} userId Id of the user to invalidate. * @param {CoreSite} site Site object. * @return {Promie} Promise resolved when done. */ protected invalidateAllMemberInfo(userId: number, site: CoreSite): Promise { return this.utils.allPromises([ this.invalidateMemberInfo(userId, site.id), this.invalidateUserContacts(site.id), this.invalidateContactRequestsCache(site.id), this.invalidateConversations(site.id), this.getConversationBetweenUsers(userId, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, site.id, undefined, true).then((conversation) => { return this.utils.allPromises([ this.invalidateConversation(conversation.id), this.invalidateConversationMembers(conversation.id, site.id), ]); }).catch(() => { // The conversation does not exist or we can't fetch it now, ignore it. }) ]); } /** * Invalidate a self conversation. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined, current user in the site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ invalidateSelfConversation(siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { userId = userId || site.getUserId(); return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCacheKeyForSelfConversation(userId)); }); } /** * Invalidate unread conversation counts cache. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ invalidateUnreadConversationCounts(siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { if (this.isGroupMessagingEnabled()) { // @since 3.6 return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCacheKeyForUnreadConversationCounts()); } else if (this.isMessageCountEnabled()) { // @since 3.2 return site.invalidateWsCacheForKey(this.getCacheKeyForMessageCount(site.getUserId())); } }); } /** * Checks if the a user is blocked by the current user. * * @param {number} userId The user ID to check against. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved with boolean, rejected when we do not know. */ isBlocked(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise { if (this.isGroupMessagingEnabled()) { return this.getMemberInfo(userId, siteId).then((member) => { return member.isblocked; }); } return this.getBlockedContacts(siteId).then((blockedContacts) => { if (!blockedContacts.users || blockedContacts.users.length < 1) { return false; } return blockedContacts.users.some((user) => { return userId == user.id; }); }); } /** * Checks if the a user is a contact of the current user. * * @param {number} userId The user ID to check against. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved with boolean, rejected when we do not know. */ isContact(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise { if (this.isGroupMessagingEnabled()) { return this.getMemberInfo(userId, siteId).then((member) => { return member.iscontact; }); } return this.getContacts(siteId).then((contacts) => { return ['online', 'offline'].some((type) => { if (contacts[type] && contacts[type].length > 0) { return contacts[type].some((user) => { return userId == user.id; }); } return false; }); }); } /** * Returns whether or not group messaging is supported. * * @return {boolean} If related WS is available on current site. * @since 3.6 */ isGroupMessagingEnabled(): boolean { return this.sitesProvider.wsAvailableInCurrentSite('core_message_get_conversations'); } /** * Returns whether or not group messaging is supported in a certain site. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with boolean: whether related WS is available on a certain site. * @since 3.6 */ isGroupMessagingEnabledInSite(siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { return site.wsAvailable('core_message_get_conversations'); }).catch(() => { return false; }); } /** * Returns whether or not we can mark all messages as read. * * @return {boolean} If related WS is available on current site. * @since 3.2 */ isMarkAllMessagesReadEnabled(): boolean { return this.sitesProvider.wsAvailableInCurrentSite('core_message_mark_all_messages_as_read'); } /** * Returns whether or not we can count unread messages. * * @return {boolean} True if enabled, false otherwise. * @since 3.2 */ isMessageCountEnabled(): boolean { return this.sitesProvider.wsAvailableInCurrentSite('core_message_get_unread_conversations_count'); } /** * Returns whether or not the message preferences are enabled for the current site. * * @return {boolean} True if enabled, false otherwise. * @since 3.2 */ isMessagePreferencesEnabled(): boolean { return this.sitesProvider.wsAvailableInCurrentSite('core_message_get_user_message_preferences'); } /** * Returns whether or not messaging is enabled for a certain site. * * This could call a WS so do not abuse this method. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when enabled, otherwise rejected. */ isMessagingEnabledForSite(siteId?: string): Promise { return this.isPluginEnabled(siteId).then((enabled) => { if (!enabled) { return Promise.reject(null); } }); } /** * Returns whether or not a site supports muting or unmuting a conversation. * * @param {CoreSite} [site] The site to check, undefined for current site. * @return {boolean} If related WS is available on current site. * @since 3.7 */ isMuteConversationEnabled(site?: CoreSite): boolean { site = site || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite(); return site.wsAvailable('core_message_mute_conversations'); } /** * Returns whether or not a site supports muting or unmuting a conversation. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with boolean: whether related WS is available on a certain site. * @since 3.7 */ isMuteConversationEnabledInSite(siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { return this.isMuteConversationEnabled(site); }).catch(() => { return false; }); } /** * Returns whether or not the plugin is enabled in a certain site. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with true if enabled, rejected or resolved with false otherwise. */ isPluginEnabled(siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { return site.canUseAdvancedFeature('messaging'); }); } /** * Returns whether or not we can search messages. * * @return {boolean} * @since 3.2 */ isSearchMessagesEnabled(): boolean { return this.sitesProvider.wsAvailableInCurrentSite('core_message_data_for_messagearea_search_messages'); } /** * Returns whether or not self conversation is supported in a certain site. * * @param {CoreSite} [site] Site. If not defined, current site. * @return {boolean} If related WS is available on the site. * @since 3.7 */ isSelfConversationEnabled(site?: CoreSite): boolean { site = site || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite(); return site.wsAvailable('core_message_get_self_conversation'); } /** * Returns whether or not self conversation is supported in a certain site. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with boolean: whether related WS is available on a certain site. * @since 3.7 */ isSelfConversationEnabledInSite(siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { return this.isSelfConversationEnabled(site); }).catch(() => { return false; }); } /** * Mark message as read. * * @param {number} messageId ID of message to mark as read * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @returns {Promise} Promise resolved with boolean marking success or not. */ markMessageRead(messageId: number, siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const params = { messageid: messageId, timeread: this.timeUtils.timestamp() }; return site.write('core_message_mark_message_read', params); }); } /** * Mark all messages of a conversation as read. * * @param {number} conversationId Conversation ID. * @returns {Promise} Promise resolved if success. * @since 3.6 */ markAllConversationMessagesRead(conversationId?: number): Promise { const params = { userid: this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteUserId(), conversationid: conversationId }, preSets = { responseExpected: false }; return this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite().write('core_message_mark_all_conversation_messages_as_read', params, preSets); } /** * Mark all messages of a discussion as read. * * @param {number} userIdFrom User Id for the sender. * @returns {Promise} Promise resolved with boolean marking success or not. */ markAllMessagesRead(userIdFrom?: number): Promise { const params = { useridto: this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteUserId(), useridfrom: userIdFrom }, preSets = { typeExpected: 'boolean' }; return this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite().write('core_message_mark_all_messages_as_read', params, preSets); } /** * Mute or unmute a conversation. * * @param {number} conversationId Conversation ID. * @param {boolean} set Whether to mute or unmute. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined, current user in the site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ muteConversation(conversationId: number, set: boolean, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise { return this.muteConversations([conversationId], set, siteId, userId); } /** * Mute or unmute some conversations. * * @param {number[]} conversations Conversation IDs. * @param {boolean} set Whether to mute or unmute. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined, current user in the site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ muteConversations(conversations: number[], set: boolean, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { userId = userId || site.getUserId(); const params = { userid: userId, conversationids: conversations }, wsName = set ? 'core_message_mute_conversations' : 'core_message_unmute_conversations'; return site.write(wsName, params).then(() => { // Invalidate the conversations data. const promises = []; conversations.forEach((conversationId) => { promises.push(this.invalidateConversation(conversationId, site.getId(), userId)); }); return Promise.all(promises).catch(() => { // Ignore errors. }); }); }); } /** * Refresh the number of contact requests sent to the current user. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved with the number of contact requests. * @since 3.6 */ refreshContactRequestsCount(siteId?: string): Promise { siteId = siteId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId(); return this.invalidateContactRequestsCountCache(siteId).then(() => { return this.getContactRequestsCount(siteId); }); } /** * Refresh unread conversation counts and trigger event. * * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved with the unread favourite, individual and group conversation counts. */ refreshUnreadConversationCounts(siteId?: string): Promise<{favourites: number, individual: number, group: number, orMore?: boolean}> { siteId = siteId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId(); return this.invalidateUnreadConversationCounts(siteId).then(() => { return this.getUnreadConversationCounts(siteId); }); } /** * Remove a contact. * * @param {number} userId User ID of the person to remove. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ removeContact(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const params = { userids: [ userId ] }, preSets = { responseExpected: false }; return site.write('core_message_delete_contacts', params, preSets).then(() => { if (this.isGroupMessagingEnabled()) { return this.utils.allPromises([ this.invalidateUserContacts(site.id), this.invalidateAllMemberInfo(userId, site), ]).then(() => { const data = { userId, contactRemoved: true }; this.eventsProvider.trigger(AddonMessagesProvider.MEMBER_INFO_CHANGED_EVENT, data, site.id); }); } else { return this.invalidateContactsCache(site.id); } }); }); } /** * Search for contacts. * * By default this only returns the first 100 contacts, but note that the WS can return thousands * of results which would take a while to process. The limit here is just a convenience to * prevent viewed to crash because too many DOM elements are created. * * @param {string} query The query string. * @param {number} [limit=100] The number of results to return, 0 for none. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} */ searchContacts(query: string, limit: number = 100, siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const data = { searchtext: query, onlymycourses: 0 }, preSets = { getFromCache: false // Always try to get updated data. If it fails, it will get it from cache. }; return site.read('core_message_search_contacts', data, preSets).then((contacts) => { if (limit && contacts.length > limit) { contacts = contacts.splice(0, limit); } this.userProvider.storeUsers(contacts); return contacts; }); }); } /** * Search for all the messges with a specific text. * * @param {string} query The query string. * @param {number} [userId] The user ID. If not defined, current user. * @param {number} [limitFrom=0] Position of the first result to get. Defaults to 0. * @param {number} [limitNum] Number of results to get. Defaults to AddonMessagesProvider.LIMIT_SEARCH. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with the results. */ searchMessages(query: string, userId?: number, limitFrom: number = 0, limitNum: number = AddonMessagesProvider.LIMIT_SEARCH, siteId?: string): Promise<{messages: any[], canLoadMore: boolean}> { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const params = { userid: userId || site.getUserId(), search: query, limitfrom: limitFrom, limitnum: limitNum <= 0 ? 0 : limitNum + 1 }, preSets = { getFromCache: false // Always try to get updated data. If it fails, it will get it from cache. }; return site.read('core_message_data_for_messagearea_search_messages', params, preSets).then((result) => { if (!result.contacts || !result.contacts.length) { return { messages: [], canLoadMore: false }; } result.contacts.forEach((result) => { result.id = result.userid; }); this.userProvider.storeUsers(result.contacts, site.id); if (limitNum <= 0) { return { messages: result.contacts, canLoadMore: false }; } return { messages: result.contacts.slice(0, limitNum), canLoadMore: result.contacts.length > limitNum }; }); }); } /** * Search for users. * * @param {string} query Text to search for. * @param {number} [limitFrom=0] Position of the first found user to fetch. * @param {number} [limitNum] Number of found users to fetch. Defaults to AddonMessagesProvider.LIMIT_SEARCH. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved with two lists of found users: contacts and non-contacts. * @since 3.6 */ searchUsers(query: string, limitFrom: number = 0, limitNum: number = AddonMessagesProvider.LIMIT_SEARCH, siteId?: string): Promise<{contacts: any[], nonContacts: any[], canLoadMoreContacts: boolean, canLoadMoreNonContacts: boolean}> { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const data = { userid: site.getUserId(), search: query, limitfrom: limitFrom, limitnum: limitNum <= 0 ? 0 : limitNum + 1 }, preSets = { getFromCache: false // Always try to get updated data. If it fails, it will get it from cache. }; return site.read('core_message_message_search_users', data, preSets).then((result) => { const contacts = result.contacts || []; const nonContacts = result.noncontacts || []; this.userProvider.storeUsers(contacts, site.id); this.userProvider.storeUsers(nonContacts, site.id); if (limitNum <= 0) { return { contacts, nonContacts, canLoadMoreContacts: false, canLoadMoreNonContacts: false }; } return { contacts: contacts.slice(0, limitNum), nonContacts: nonContacts.slice(0, limitNum), canLoadMoreContacts: contacts.length > limitNum, canLoadMoreNonContacts: nonContacts.length > limitNum }; }); }); } /** * Send a message to someone. * * @param {number} userIdTo User ID to send the message to. * @param {string} message The message to send * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with: * - sent (Boolean) True if message was sent to server, false if stored in device. * - message (Object) If sent=false, contains the stored message. */ sendMessage(toUserId: number, message: string, siteId?: string): Promise { // Convenience function to store a message to be synchronized later. const storeOffline = (): Promise => { return this.messagesOffline.saveMessage(toUserId, message, siteId).then((entry) => { return { sent: false, message: entry }; }); }; siteId = siteId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId(); if (!this.appProvider.isOnline()) { // App is offline, store the message. return storeOffline(); } // Check if this conversation already has offline messages. // If so, store this message since they need to be sent in order. return this.messagesOffline.hasMessages(toUserId, siteId).catch(() => { // Error, it's safer to assume it has messages. return true; }).then((hasStoredMessages) => { if (hasStoredMessages) { return storeOffline(); } // Online and no messages stored. Send it to server. return this.sendMessageOnline(toUserId, message).then((result) => { return { sent: true, message: result }; }).catch((error) => { if (this.utils.isWebServiceError(error)) { // It's a WebService error, the user cannot send the message so don't store it. return Promise.reject(error); } // Error sending message, store it to retry later. return storeOffline(); }); }); } /** * Send a message to someone. It will fail if offline or cannot connect. * * @param {number} toUserId User ID to send the message to. * @param {string} message The message to send * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved if success, rejected if failure. */ sendMessageOnline(toUserId: number, message: string, siteId?: string): Promise { siteId = siteId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId(); const messages = [ { touserid: toUserId, text: message, textformat: 1 } ]; return this.sendMessagesOnline(messages, siteId).then((response) => { if (response && response[0] && response[0].msgid === -1) { // There was an error, and it should be translated already. return Promise.reject(this.utils.createFakeWSError(response[0].errormessage)); } return this.invalidateDiscussionCache(toUserId, siteId).catch(() => { // Ignore errors. }).then(() => { return response[0]; }); }); } /** * Send some messages. It will fail if offline or cannot connect. * IMPORTANT: Sending several messages at once for the same discussions can cause problems with display order, * since messages with same timecreated aren't ordered by ID. * * @param {any} messages Messages to send. Each message must contain touserid, text and textformat. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved if success, rejected if failure. Promise resolved doesn't mean that messages * have been sent, the resolve param can contain errors for messages not sent. */ sendMessagesOnline(messages: any, siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const data = { messages: messages }; return site.write('core_message_send_instant_messages', data); }); } /** * Send a message to a conversation. * * @param {any} conversation Conversation. * @param {string} message The message to send. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved with: * - sent (boolean) True if message was sent to server, false if stored in device. * - message (any) If sent=false, contains the stored message. * @since 3.6 */ sendMessageToConversation(conversation: any, message: string, siteId?: string): Promise { // Convenience function to store a message to be synchronized later. const storeOffline = (): Promise => { return this.messagesOffline.saveConversationMessage(conversation, message, siteId).then((entry) => { return { sent: false, message: entry }; }); }; siteId = siteId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId(); if (!this.appProvider.isOnline()) { // App is offline, store the message. return storeOffline(); } // Check if this conversation already has offline messages. // If so, store this message since they need to be sent in order. return this.messagesOffline.hasConversationMessages(conversation.id, siteId).catch(() => { // Error, it's safer to assume it has messages. return true; }).then((hasStoredMessages) => { if (hasStoredMessages) { return storeOffline(); } // Online and no messages stored. Send it to server. return this.sendMessageToConversationOnline(conversation.id, message).then((result) => { return { sent: true, message: result }; }).catch((error) => { if (this.utils.isWebServiceError(error)) { // It's a WebService error, the user cannot send the message so don't store it. return Promise.reject(error); } // Error sending message, store it to retry later. return storeOffline(); }); }); } /** * Send a message to a conversation. It will fail if offline or cannot connect. * * @param {number} conversationId Conversation ID. * @param {string} message The message to send * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved if success, rejected if failure. * @since 3.6 */ sendMessageToConversationOnline(conversationId: number, message: string, siteId?: string): Promise { siteId = siteId || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId(); const messages = [ { text: message, textformat: 1 } ]; return this.sendMessagesToConversationOnline(conversationId, messages, siteId).then((response) => { return this.invalidateConversationMessages(conversationId, siteId).catch(() => { // Ignore errors. }).then(() => { return response[0]; }); }); } /** * Send some messages to a conversation. It will fail if offline or cannot connect. * * @param {number} conversationId Conversation ID. * @param {any} messages Messages to send. Each message must contain text and, optionally, textformat. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved if success, rejected if failure. * @since 3.6 */ sendMessagesToConversationOnline(conversationId: number, messages: any, siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { const params = { conversationid: conversationId, messages: messages.map((message) => { return { text: message.text, textformat: typeof message.textformat != 'undefined' ? message.textformat : 1 }; }) }; return site.write('core_message_send_messages_to_conversation', params); }); } /** * Set or unset a conversation as favourite. * * @param {number} conversationId Conversation ID. * @param {boolean} set Whether to set or unset it as favourite. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined, current user in the site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ setFavouriteConversation(conversationId: number, set: boolean, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise { return this.setFavouriteConversations([conversationId], set, siteId, userId); } /** * Set or unset some conversations as favourites. * * @param {number[]} conversations Conversation IDs. * @param {boolean} set Whether to set or unset them as favourites. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @param {number} [userId] User ID. If not defined, current user in the site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ setFavouriteConversations(conversations: number[], set: boolean, siteId?: string, userId?: number): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { userId = userId || site.getUserId(); const params = { userid: userId, conversations: conversations }, wsName = set ? 'core_message_set_favourite_conversations' : 'core_message_unset_favourite_conversations'; return site.write(wsName, params).then(() => { // Invalidate the conversations data. const promises = []; conversations.forEach((conversationId) => { promises.push(this.invalidateConversation(conversationId, site.getId(), userId)); }); return Promise.all(promises).catch(() => { // Ignore errors. }); }); }); } /** * Helper method to sort conversations by last message time. * * @param {any[]} conversations Array of conversations. * @return {any[]} Conversations sorted with most recent last. */ sortConversations(conversations: any[]): any[] { return conversations.sort((a, b) => { const timeA = parseInt(a.lastmessagedate, 10), timeB = parseInt(b.lastmessagedate, 10); if (timeA == timeB && a.id) { // Same time, sort by ID. return a.id <= b.id ? 1 : -1; } return timeA <= timeB ? 1 : -1; }); } /** * Helper method to sort messages by time. * * @param {any[]} messages Array of messages containing the key 'timecreated'. * @return {any[]} Messages sorted with most recent last. */ sortMessages(messages: any[]): any[] { return messages.sort((a, b) => { // Pending messages last. if (a.pending && !b.pending) { return 1; } else if (!a.pending && b.pending) { return -1; } const timecreatedA = parseInt(a.timecreated, 10), timecreatedB = parseInt(b.timecreated, 10); if (timecreatedA == timecreatedB && a.id) { // Same time, sort by ID. return a.id >= b.id ? 1 : -1; } return timecreatedA >= timecreatedB ? 1 : -1; }); } /** * Store the last received message if it's newer than the last stored. * * @param {number} convIdOrUserIdFrom Conversation ID (3.6+) or ID of the useridfrom retrieved (3.5-), 0 for all users. * @param {any} message Last message received. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. * @return {Promise} Promise resolved when done. */ protected storeLastReceivedMessageIfNeeded(convIdOrUserIdFrom: number, message: any, siteId?: string): Promise { const component = AddonMessagesProvider.PUSH_SIMULATION_COMPONENT; // Get the last received message. return this.emulatorHelper.getLastReceivedNotification(component, siteId).then((lastMessage) => { if (convIdOrUserIdFrom > 0 && (!message || !lastMessage)) { // Seeing a single discussion. No received message or cannot know if it really is the last received message. Stop. return; } if (message && lastMessage && message.timecreated <= lastMessage.timecreated) { // The message isn't newer than the stored message, don't store it. return; } return this.emulatorHelper.storeLastReceivedNotification(component, message, siteId); }); } /** * Store user data from contacts in local DB. * * @param {any} contactTypes List of contacts grouped in types. */ protected storeUsersFromAllContacts(contactTypes: any): void { for (const x in contactTypes) { this.userProvider.storeUsers(contactTypes[x]); } } /** * Store user data from discussions in local DB. * * @param {any} discussions List of discussions. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site. */ protected storeUsersFromDiscussions(discussions: any, siteId?: string): void { const users = []; for (const userId in discussions) { users.push({ id: userId, fullname: discussions[userId].fullname, profileimageurl: discussions[userId].profileimageurl }); } this.userProvider.storeUsers(users, siteId); } /** * Unblock a user. * * @param {number} userId User ID of the person to unblock. * @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, use current site. * @return {Promise} Resolved when done. */ unblockContact(userId: number, siteId?: string): Promise { return this.sitesProvider.getSite(siteId).then((site) => { let promise; if (site.wsAvailable('core_message_unblock_user')) { // Since Moodle 3.6 const params = { userid: site.getUserId(), unblockeduserid: userId, }; promise = site.write('core_message_unblock_user', params); } else { const params = { userids: [userId] }; const preSets = { responseExpected: false }; promise = site.write('core_message_unblock_contacts', params, preSets); } return promise.then(() => { return this.invalidateAllMemberInfo(userId, site).finally(() => { const data = { userId, userUnblocked: true }; this.eventsProvider.trigger(AddonMessagesProvider.MEMBER_INFO_CHANGED_EVENT, data, site.id); }); }); }); } }