{ "analysis": "Analysis", "anonymous": "Anonymous", "anonymous_entries": "Anonymous entries ({{$a}})", "average": "Average", "captchaofflinewarning": "Feedback with CAPTCHA cannot be completed offline, or if not configured, or if the server is down.", "complete_the_form": "Answer the questions", "completed_feedbacks": "Submitted answers", "continue_the_form": "Continue answering the questions", "feedback_is_not_open": "The feedback is not open", "feedback_submitted_offline": "This feedback has been saved to be submitted later.", "feedbackclose": "Allow answers to", "feedbackopen": "Allow answers from", "mapcourses": "Map feedback to courses", "maximal": "Maximum", "minimal": "Minimum", "mode": "Mode", "modulenameplural": "Feedback", "next_page": "Next page", "non_anonymous": "User's name will be logged and shown with answers", "non_anonymous_entries": "Non anonymous entries ({{$a}})", "non_respondents_students": "Non-respondent students ({{$a}})", "not_selected": "Not selected", "not_started": "Not started", "numberoutofrange": "Number out of range", "overview": "Overview", "page_after_submit": "Completion message", "preview": "Preview", "previous_page": "Previous page", "questions": "Questions", "response_nr": "Response number", "responses": "Responses", "save_entries": "Submit your answers", "show_entries": "Show responses", "show_nonrespondents": "Show non-respondents", "started": "Started", "this_feedback_is_already_submitted": "You've already completed this activity." }