{ "auth_email": "Email-based self-registration", "authenticating": "Authenticating", "cancel": "Cancel", "checksiteversion": "Check that your site uses Moodle 2.4 or later.", "confirmdeletesite": "Are you sure you want to delete the site {{sitename}}?", "connect": "Connect!", "connecttomoodle": "Connect to Moodle", "contactyouradministrator": "Contact your site administrator for further help.", "contactyouradministratorissue": "Please ask your site administrator to check the following issue: {{$a}}", "createaccount": "Create my new account", "createuserandpass": "Choose your username and password", "credentialsdescription": "Please provide your username and password to log in.", "emailconfirmsent": "
An email should have been sent to your address at {{$a}}
\nIt contains easy instructions to complete your registration.
\nIf you continue to have difficulty, contact the site administrator.
", "emailconfirmsentnoemail": "An email should have been sent to your address.
It contains easy instructions to complete your registration.
If you continue to have difficulty, contact the site administrator.
", "emailconfirmsentsuccess": "Confirmation email sent successfully", "emailnotmatch": "Emails do not match", "enterthewordsabove": "Enter the words above", "erroraccesscontrolalloworigin": "The cross-origin call you're trying to perform has been rejected. Please check https://docs.moodle.org/dev/Moodle_Mobile_development_using_Chrome_or_Chromium", "errordeletesite": "An error occurred while deleting this site. Please try again.", "errorupdatesite": "An error occurred while updating the site's token.", "findyoursite": "Find your site", "firsttime": "Is this your first time here?", "forgotten": "Forgotten your username or password?", "getanothercaptcha": "Get another CAPTCHA", "help": "Help", "helpmelogin": "There are many thousands of Moodle sites around the world. This app can only connect to Moodle sites that have specifically enabled Mobile app access.
If you can't connect to your Moodle site then you need to contact your site administrator and ask them to read http://docs.moodle.org/en/Mobile_app
To test the app in a Moodle demo site type teacher or student in the Site address field and click the Connect button.
", "instructions": "Instructions", "invalidaccount": "Please check your login details or ask your site administrator to check the site configuration.", "invaliddate": "Invalid date", "invalidemail": "Invalid email address", "invalidmoodleversion": "Invalid Moodle version. The minimum version required is 2.4.", "invalidsite": "The site URL is invalid.", "invalidtime": "Invalid time", "invalidurl": "Invalid URL specified", "invalidvaluemax": "The maximum value is {{$a}}", "invalidvaluemin": "The minimum value is {{$a}}", "legacymoodleversion": "You are trying to connect to an unsupported Moodle version. Please, download the Moodle Classic app to access this Moodle site.", "legacymoodleversiondesktop": "You are trying to connect to {{$a}}.