// (C) Copyright 2015 Martin Dougiamas // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import { Component, OnInit, NgZone } from '@angular/core'; import { Platform, IonicApp } from 'ionic-angular'; import { CoreAppProvider } from '@providers/app'; import { CoreEventsProvider } from '@providers/events'; import { CoreLangProvider } from '@providers/lang'; import { CoreLoggerProvider } from '@providers/logger'; import { CoreSitesProvider } from '@providers/sites'; import { CoreUrlUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/url'; import { CoreUtilsProvider } from '@providers/utils/utils'; import { CoreCustomURLSchemesProvider } from '@providers/urlschemes'; import { CoreLoginHelperProvider } from '@core/login/providers/helper'; import { Keyboard } from '@ionic-native/keyboard'; import { ScreenOrientation } from '@ionic-native/screen-orientation'; @Component({ templateUrl: 'app.html' }) export class MoodleMobileApp implements OnInit { // Use page name (string) because the page is lazy loaded (Ionic feature). That way we can load pages without importing them. // The downside is that each page needs to implement a ngModule. rootPage: any = 'CoreLoginInitPage'; protected logger; protected lastUrls = {}; protected lastInAppUrl: string; constructor(private platform: Platform, logger: CoreLoggerProvider, keyboard: Keyboard, private eventsProvider: CoreEventsProvider, private loginHelper: CoreLoginHelperProvider, private zone: NgZone, private appProvider: CoreAppProvider, private langProvider: CoreLangProvider, private sitesProvider: CoreSitesProvider, private screenOrientation: ScreenOrientation, app: IonicApp, private urlSchemesProvider: CoreCustomURLSchemesProvider, private utils: CoreUtilsProvider, private urlUtils: CoreUrlUtilsProvider) { this.logger = logger.getInstance('AppComponent'); platform.ready().then(() => { // Okay, so the platform is ready and our plugins are available. // Here you can do any higher level native things you might need. // Set StatusBar properties. this.appProvider.setStatusBarColor(); keyboard.hideFormAccessoryBar(false); if (this.appProvider.isDesktop()) { app.setElementClass('platform-desktop', true); if (this.appProvider.isMac()) { app.setElementClass('platform-mac', true); } else if (this.appProvider.isLinux()) { app.setElementClass('platform-linux', true); } else if (this.appProvider.isWindows()) { app.setElementClass('platform-windows', true); } } }); } /** * Component being initialized. */ ngOnInit(): void { this.eventsProvider.on(CoreEventsProvider.LOGOUT, () => { // Go to sites page when user is logged out. this.appProvider.getRootNavController().setRoot('CoreLoginSitesPage'); // Unload lang custom strings. this.langProvider.clearCustomStrings(); // Remove version classes from body. this.removeVersionClass(); }); // Listen for session expired events. this.eventsProvider.on(CoreEventsProvider.SESSION_EXPIRED, (data) => { this.loginHelper.sessionExpired(data); }); // Listen for passwordchange and usernotfullysetup events to open InAppBrowser. this.eventsProvider.on(CoreEventsProvider.PASSWORD_CHANGE_FORCED, (data) => { this.loginHelper.openInAppForEdit(data.siteId, '/login/change_password.php', 'core.forcepasswordchangenotice', true); }); this.eventsProvider.on(CoreEventsProvider.USER_NOT_FULLY_SETUP, (data) => { this.loginHelper.openInAppForEdit(data.siteId, '/user/edit.php', 'core.usernotfullysetup'); }); // Listen for sitepolicynotagreed event to accept the site policy. this.eventsProvider.on(CoreEventsProvider.SITE_POLICY_NOT_AGREED, (data) => { this.loginHelper.sitePolicyNotAgreed(data.siteId); }); // Check URLs loaded in any InAppBrowser. this.eventsProvider.on(CoreEventsProvider.IAB_LOAD_START, (event) => { // URLs with a custom scheme can be prefixed with "http://" or "https://", we need to remove this. const url = event.url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, ''); if (this.urlSchemesProvider.isCustomURL(url)) { // Close the browser if it's a valid SSO URL. this.urlSchemesProvider.handleCustomURL(url); this.utils.closeInAppBrowser(false); } else if (this.platform.is('android')) { // Check if the URL has a custom URL scheme. In Android they need to be opened manually. const urlScheme = this.urlUtils.getUrlProtocol(url); if (urlScheme && urlScheme !== 'file' && urlScheme !== 'cdvfile') { // Open in browser should launch the right app if found and do nothing if not found. this.utils.openInBrowser(url); // At this point the InAppBrowser is showing a "Webpage not available" error message. // Try to navigate to last loaded URL so this error message isn't found. if (this.lastInAppUrl) { this.utils.openInApp(this.lastInAppUrl); } else { // No last URL loaded, close the InAppBrowser. this.utils.closeInAppBrowser(false); } } else { this.lastInAppUrl = url; } } }); // Check InAppBrowser closed. this.eventsProvider.on(CoreEventsProvider.IAB_EXIT, () => { this.loginHelper.waitingForBrowser = false; this.lastInAppUrl = ''; this.loginHelper.checkLogout(); }); this.platform.resume.subscribe(() => { // Wait a second before setting it to false since in iOS there could be some frozen WS calls. setTimeout(() => { this.loginHelper.waitingForBrowser = false; this.loginHelper.checkLogout(); }, 1000); }); // Handle app launched with a certain URL (custom URL scheme). ( window).handleOpenURL = (url: string): void => { // Execute the callback in the Angular zone, so change detection doesn't stop working. this.zone.run(() => { // First check that the URL hasn't been treated a few seconds ago. Sometimes this function is called more than once. if (this.lastUrls[url] && Date.now() - this.lastUrls[url] < 3000) { // Function called more than once, stop. return; } this.logger.debug('App launched by URL ', url); this.lastUrls[url] = Date.now(); this.eventsProvider.trigger(CoreEventsProvider.APP_LAUNCHED_URL, url); this.urlSchemesProvider.handleCustomURL(url); }); }; // Load custom lang strings. This cannot be done inside the lang provider because it causes circular dependencies. const loadCustomStrings = (): void => { const currentSite = this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite(), customStrings = currentSite && currentSite.getStoredConfig('tool_mobile_customlangstrings'); if (typeof customStrings != 'undefined') { this.langProvider.loadCustomStrings(customStrings); } }; this.eventsProvider.on(CoreEventsProvider.LOGIN, (data) => { if (data.siteId) { this.sitesProvider.getSite(data.siteId).then((site) => { const info = site.getInfo(); if (info) { // Add version classes to body. this.removeVersionClass(); this.addVersionClass(this.sitesProvider.getReleaseNumber(info.release || '')); } }); } loadCustomStrings(); }); this.eventsProvider.on(CoreEventsProvider.SITE_UPDATED, (data) => { if (data.siteId == this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId()) { loadCustomStrings(); // Add version classes to body. this.removeVersionClass(); this.addVersionClass(this.sitesProvider.getReleaseNumber(data.release || '')); } }); this.eventsProvider.on(CoreEventsProvider.SITE_ADDED, (data) => { if (data.siteId == this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId()) { loadCustomStrings(); // Add version classes to body. this.removeVersionClass(); this.addVersionClass(this.sitesProvider.getReleaseNumber(data.release || '')); } }); // Pause Youtube videos in Android when app is put in background or screen is locked. this.platform.pause.subscribe(() => { if (!this.platform.is('android')) { return; } const pauseVideos = (window: Window): void => { // Search videos in iframes recursively. for (let i = 0; i < window.length; i++) { pauseVideos(window[i]); } if (window.location.hostname.match(/^www\.youtube(-nocookie)?\.com$/)) { // Embedded Youtube video, pause it. const videos = window.document.querySelectorAll('video'); for (let i = 0; i < videos.length; i++) { videos[i].pause(); } } }; pauseVideos(window); }); // Detect orientation changes. this.screenOrientation.onChange().subscribe( () => { if (this.platform.is('ios')) { // Force ios to recalculate safe areas when rotating. // This can be erased when https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-13448 issue is solved or // After switching to WkWebview. const viewport = document.querySelector('meta[name=viewport]'); viewport.setAttribute('content', viewport.getAttribute('content').replace('viewport-fit=cover,', '')); setTimeout(() => { viewport.setAttribute('content', 'viewport-fit=cover,' + viewport.getAttribute('content')); }); } this.eventsProvider.trigger(CoreEventsProvider.ORIENTATION_CHANGE); } ); } /** * Convenience function to add version to body classes. * * @param {string} release Current release number of the site. */ protected addVersionClass(release: string): void { const parts = release.split('.'); parts[1] = parts[1] || '0'; parts[2] = parts[2] || '0'; document.body.classList.add('version-' + parts[0], 'version-' + parts[0] + '-' + parts[1], 'version-' + parts[0] + '-' + parts[1] + '-' + parts[2]); } /** * Convenience function to remove all version classes form body. */ protected removeVersionClass(): void { const remove = []; Array.from(document.body.classList).forEach((tempClass) => { if (tempClass.substring(0, 8) == 'version-') { remove.push(tempClass); } }); remove.forEach((tempClass) => { document.body.classList.remove(tempClass); }); } }