forked from EVOgeek/Vmeda.Online
Merge pull request #1848 from albertgasset/MOBILE-2948
MOBILE-2948 assign: Fix prefetch for teachers
This commit is contained in:
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ export class AddonModAssignSubmissionListPage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
protected gradedObserver; // Observer to refresh data when a grade changes.
protected submissionsData: any;
constructor(navParams: NavParams, sitesProvider: CoreSitesProvider, eventsProvider: CoreEventsProvider,
constructor(navParams: NavParams, protected sitesProvider: CoreSitesProvider, eventsProvider: CoreEventsProvider,
protected domUtils: CoreDomUtilsProvider, protected translate: TranslateService,
protected assignProvider: AddonModAssignProvider, protected assignOfflineProvider: AddonModAssignOfflineProvider,
protected assignHelper: AddonModAssignHelperProvider, protected groupsProvider: CoreGroupsProvider) {
@ -142,32 +142,26 @@ export class AddonModAssignSubmissionListPage implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
* @return {Promise<any>} Resolved when done.
setGroup(groupId: number): Promise<any> {
let participants,
this.groupId = groupId;
this.haveAllParticipants = true;
// Get the participants.
return this.assignHelper.getParticipants(this.assign, this.groupId).then((parts) => {
this.haveAllParticipants = true;
participants = parts;
}).catch(() => {
if (!this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite().wsAvailable('mod_assign_list_participants')) {
// Submissions are not displayed in Moodle 3.1 without the local plugin, see MOBILE-2968.
this.haveAllParticipants = false;
}).then(() => {
if (!this.assign.markingworkflow) {
// Get assignment grades only if workflow is not enabled to check grading date.
return this.assignProvider.getAssignmentGrades( => {
grades = assignmentGrades;
}).then(() => {
// We want to show the user data on each submission.
return this.assignProvider.getSubmissionsUserData(this.submissionsData.submissions, this.courseId,,
this.assign.blindmarking && !this.assign.revealidentities, participants);
}).then((submissions) => {
this.submissions = [];
return Promise.resolve();
// Fetch submissions and grades.
const promises = [
this.assignHelper.getSubmissionsUserData(this.assign, this.submissionsData.submissions, this.groupId),
// Get assignment grades only if workflow is not enabled to check grading date.
!this.assign.markingworkflow ? this.assignProvider.getAssignmentGrades( : Promise.resolve(null),
return Promise.all(promises).then(([submissions, grades]) => {
// Filter the submissions to get only the ones with the right status and add some extra data.
const getNeedGrading = this.selectedStatus == AddonModAssignProvider.NEED_GRADING,
searchStatus = getNeedGrading ? AddonModAssignProvider.SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED : this.selectedStatus,
@ -315,27 +315,6 @@ export class AddonModAssignProvider {
return this.ROOT_CACHE_KEY + 'assigngrades:' + assignId;
* Find participant on a list.
* @param {any[]} participants List of participants.
* @param {number} id ID of the participant to get.
* @return {any} Participant, undefined if not found.
protected getParticipantFromUserId(participants: any[], id: number): any {
if (participants) {
for (const i in participants) {
if (participants[i].id == id) {
// Remove the participant from the list and return it.
const participant = participants[i];
delete participants[i];
return participant;
* Returns the color name for a given grading status name.
@ -616,103 +595,6 @@ export class AddonModAssignProvider {
* Get user data for submissions since they only have userid.
* @param {any[]} submissions Submissions to get the data for.
* @param {number} courseId ID of the course the submissions belong to.
* @param {number} assignId ID of the assignment the submissions belong to.
* @param {boolean} [blind] Whether the user data need to be blinded.
* @param {any[]} [participants] List of participants in the assignment.
* @param {boolean} [ignoreCache] True if it should ignore cached data (it will always fail in offline or server down).
* @param {string} [siteId] Site id (empty for current site).
* @return {Promise<any[]>} Promise always resolved. Resolve param is the formatted submissions.
getSubmissionsUserData(submissions: any[], courseId: number, assignId: number, blind?: boolean, participants?: any[],
ignoreCache?: boolean, siteId?: string): Promise<any[]> {
const promises = [],
subs = [],
hasParticipants = participants && participants.length > 0;
if (!hasParticipants) {
return Promise.resolve([]);
submissions.forEach((submission) => {
submission.submitid = submission.userid > 0 ? submission.userid : submission.blindid;
if (submission.submitid <= 0) {
const participant = this.getParticipantFromUserId(participants, submission.submitid);
if (!participant) {
// Avoid permission denied error. Participant not found on list.
if (!blind) {
submission.userfullname = participant.fullname;
submission.userprofileimageurl = participant.profileimageurl;
submission.manyGroups = !!participant.groups && participant.groups.length > 1;
if (participant.groupname) {
submission.groupid = participant.groupid;
submission.groupname = participant.groupname;
let promise;
if (submission.userid > 0 && blind) {
// Blind but not blinded! (Moodle < 3.1.1, 3.2).
delete submission.userid;
promise = this.getAssignmentUserMappings(assignId, submission.submitid, ignoreCache, siteId).then((blindId) => {
submission.blindid = blindId;
promise = promise || Promise.resolve();
promises.push(promise.then(() => {
// Add to the list.
if (submission.userfullname || submission.blindid) {
return Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
if (hasParticipants) {
// Create a submission for each participant left in the list (the participants already treated were removed).
participants.forEach((participant) => {
const submission: any = {
if (!blind) {
submission.userid =;
submission.userfullname = participant.fullname;
submission.userprofileimageurl = participant.profileimageurl;
} else {
submission.blindid =;
if (participant.groupname) {
submission.groupid = participant.groupid;
submission.groupname = participant.groupname;
submission.status = participant.submitted ? AddonModAssignProvider.SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED :
return subs;
* Given a list of plugins, returns the plugin names that aren't supported for editing.
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ export class AddonModAssignHelperProvider {
* @param {number} [groupId] Group Id.
* @param {boolean} [ignoreCache] True if it should ignore cached data (it will always fail in offline or server down).
* @param {string} [siteId] Site ID. If not defined, current site.
* @return {Promise<any[]} Promise resolved with the list of participants and summary of submissions.
* @return {Promise<any[]>} Promise resolved with the list of participants and summary of submissions.
getParticipants(assign: any, groupId?: number, ignoreCache?: boolean, siteId?: string): Promise<any[]> {
groupId = groupId || 0;
@ -288,6 +288,101 @@ export class AddonModAssignHelperProvider {
* Get user data for submissions since they only have userid.
* @param {any} assign Assignment object.
* @param {any[]} submissions Submissions to get the data for.
* @param {number} [groupId] Group Id.
* @param {boolean} [ignoreCache] True if it should ignore cached data (it will always fail in offline or server down).
* @param {string} [siteId] Site id (empty for current site).
* @return {Promise<any[]>} Promise always resolved. Resolve param is the formatted submissions.
getSubmissionsUserData(assign: any, submissions: any[], groupId?: number, ignoreCache?: boolean, siteId?: string):
Promise<any[]> {
return this.getParticipants(assign, groupId).then((participants) => {
const blind = assign.blindmarking && !assign.revealidentities;
const promises = [];
const result = [];
participants = this.utils.arrayToObject(participants, 'id');
submissions.forEach((submission) => {
submission.submitid = submission.userid > 0 ? submission.userid : submission.blindid;
if (submission.submitid <= 0) {
const participant = participants[submission.submitid];
if (participant) {
delete participants[submission.submitid];
} else {
// Avoid permission denied error. Participant not found on list.
if (!blind) {
submission.userfullname = participant.fullname;
submission.userprofileimageurl = participant.profileimageurl;
submission.manyGroups = !!participant.groups && participant.groups.length > 1;
if (participant.groupname) {
submission.groupid = participant.groupid;
submission.groupname = participant.groupname;
let promise;
if (submission.userid > 0 && blind) {
// Blind but not blinded! (Moodle < 3.1.1, 3.2).
delete submission.userid;
promise = this.assignProvider.getAssignmentUserMappings(, submission.submitid, ignoreCache, siteId).
then((blindId) => {
submission.blindid = blindId;
promise = promise || Promise.resolve();
promises.push(promise.then(() => {
// Add to the list.
if (submission.userfullname || submission.blindid) {
return Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
// Create a submission for each participant left in the list (the participants already treated were removed).
this.utils.objectToArray(participants).forEach((participant) => {
const submission: any = {
if (!blind) {
submission.userid =;
submission.userfullname = participant.fullname;
submission.userprofileimageurl = participant.profileimageurl;
} else {
submission.blindid =;
if (participant.groupname) {
submission.groupid = participant.groupid;
submission.groupname = participant.groupname;
submission.status = participant.submitted ? AddonModAssignProvider.SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED :
return result;
* Check if the feedback data has changed for a certain submission and assign.
@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ export class AddonModAssignPrefetchHandler extends CoreCourseActivityPrefetchHan
if (data.canviewsubmissions) {
// Teacher, get all submissions.
return this.assignProvider.getSubmissionsUserData(data.submissions, courseId,, blindMarking,
undefined, false, siteId).then((submissions) => {
return this.assignHelper.getSubmissionsUserData(assign, data.submissions, 0, false, siteId)
.then((submissions) => {
const promises = [];
@ -291,11 +291,10 @@ export class AddonModAssignPrefetchHandler extends CoreCourseActivityPrefetchHan
protected prefetchSubmissions(assign: any, courseId: number, moduleId: number, userId: number, siteId: string): Promise<any> {
// Get submissions.
return this.assignProvider.getSubmissions(, true, siteId).then((data) => {
const promises = [],
blindMarking = assign.blindmarking && !assign.revealidentities;
const promises = [];
if (data.canviewsubmissions) {
// Teacher. Do not send participants to getSubmissionsUserData to retrieve user profiles.
// Teacher, prefetch all submissions.
promises.push(this.groupsProvider.getActivityGroupInfo(assign.cmid, false, undefined, siteId).then((groupInfo) => {
const groupProms = [];
if (!groupInfo.groups || groupInfo.groups.length == 0) {
@ -303,8 +302,8 @@ export class AddonModAssignPrefetchHandler extends CoreCourseActivityPrefetchHan
groupInfo.groups.forEach((group) => {
groupProms.push(this.assignProvider.getSubmissionsUserData(data.submissions, courseId,,
blindMarking, undefined, true, siteId).then((submissions) => {
groupProms.push(this.assignHelper.getSubmissionsUserData(assign, data.submissions,, true, siteId)
.then((submissions) => {
const subPromises = [];
@ -336,37 +335,41 @@ export class AddonModAssignPrefetchHandler extends CoreCourseActivityPrefetchHan
return Promise.all(subPromises);
}).then(() => {
// Participiants already fetched, we don't need to ignore cache now.
return this.assignHelper.getParticipants(assign,, false, siteId).then((participants) => {
const promises = [];
// Get list participants.
groupProms.push(this.assignHelper.getParticipants(assign,, true, siteId).then((participants) => {
participants.forEach((participant) => {
if (participant.profileimageurl) {
this.filepoolProvider.addToQueueByUrl(siteId, participant.profileimageurl);
participants.forEach((participant) => {
if (participant.profileimageurl) {
promises.push(this.filepoolProvider.addToQueueByUrl(siteId, participant.profileimageurl));
return Promise.all(promises);
}).catch(() => {
// Fail silently (Moodle < 3.2).
}).catch(() => {
// Fail silently (Moodle < 3.2).
return Promise.all(groupProms);
} else {
// Student.
this.assignProvider.getSubmissionStatusWithRetry(assign, userId, undefined, false, true, true, siteId)
.then((subm) => {
return this.prefetchSubmission(assign, courseId, moduleId, subm, userId, siteId);
}).catch((error) => {
// Ignore if the user can't view their own submission.
if (error.errorcode != 'nopermission') {
return Promise.reject(error);
// Prefetch own submission, we need to do this for teachers too so the response with error is cached.
this.assignProvider.getSubmissionStatusWithRetry(assign, userId, undefined, false, true, true, siteId)
.then((subm) => {
return this.prefetchSubmission(assign, courseId, moduleId, subm, userId, siteId);
}).catch((error) => {
// Ignore if the user can't view their own submission.
if (error.errorcode != 'nopermission') {
return Promise.reject(error);
promises.push(this.groupsProvider.activityHasGroups(assign.cmid, siteId, true));
promises.push(this.groupsProvider.getActivityAllowedGroups(assign.cmid, undefined, siteId, true));
@ -424,6 +427,11 @@ export class AddonModAssignPrefetchHandler extends CoreCourseActivityPrefetchHan
// Prefetch grade items.
if (userId) {
promises.push(this.gradesHelper.getGradeModuleItems(courseId, moduleId, userId, undefined, siteId, true));
// Prefetch feedback.
if ( {
// Get profile and image of the grader.
@ -431,10 +439,6 @@ export class AddonModAssignPrefetchHandler extends CoreCourseActivityPrefetchHan
if (userId) {
promises.push(this.gradesHelper.getGradeModuleItems(courseId, moduleId, userId, undefined, siteId, true));
// Prefetch feedback plugins data.
if ( {
|||| => {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user