forked from EVOgeek/Vmeda.Online
MOBILE-3565 core: Style error alerts
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
"back": "Back",
"browser": "Browser",
"cannotconnect": "Cannot connect",
"cannotconnecttrouble": "We're having trouble connecting to your site.",
"cannotconnectverify": "<strong>Please check the address is correct.</strong>",
"copiedtoclipboard": "Text copied to clipboard",
"loading": "Loading",
"needhelp": "Need help?",
"networkerrormsg": "There was a problem connecting to the site. Please check your connection and try again.",
"no": "No",
"offline": "Offline",
"ok": "OK",
"online": "Online",
"tryagain": "Try again",
"unknown": "Unknown",
"yes": "Yes"
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
// limitations under the License.
import { Injectable, SimpleChange, ElementRef, KeyValueChanges } from '@angular/core';
import { DomSanitizer, SafeHtml } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { IonContent } from '@ionic/angular';
import { AlertOptions, AlertButton, TextFieldTypes } from '@ionic/core';
import { Md5 } from 'ts-md5';
@ -570,18 +570,6 @@ export class CoreDomUtilsProvider {
return parseInt(style[measure], 10) || 0;
* Get the HTML code to render a connection warning icon.
* @return HTML Code.
getConnectionWarningIconHtml(): string {
return '<div text-center><span class="core-icon-with-badge">' +
'<ion-icon role="img" class="icon fa fa-wifi" aria-label="wifi"></ion-icon>' +
'<ion-icon class="icon fa fa-exclamation-triangle core-icon-badge"></ion-icon>' +
* Returns width of an element.
@ -650,18 +638,14 @@ export class CoreDomUtilsProvider {
* Given an error message, return a suitable error title.
* Given a message, it deduce if it's a network error.
* @param message The error message.
* @return Title.
* @param message Message text.
* @return True if the message error is a network error, false otherwise.
private getErrorTitle(message: string): SafeHtml | string {
if (message == Translate.instance.instant('core.networkerrormsg') ||
message == Translate.instance.instant('core.fileuploader.errormustbeonlinetoupload')) {
return this.domSanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(this.getConnectionWarningIconHtml());
return CoreTextUtils.instance.decodeHTML(Translate.instance.instant('core.error'));
protected isNetworkError(message: string): boolean {
return message == Translate.instance.instant('core.networkerrormsg') ||
message == Translate.instance.instant('core.fileuploader.errormustbeonlinetoupload');
@ -1240,7 +1224,7 @@ export class CoreDomUtilsProvider {
// Store the alert and remove it when dismissed.
this.displayedAlerts[alertId] = alert;
// // Set the callbacks to trigger an observable event.
// Set the callbacks to trigger an observable event.
// eslint-disable-next-line promise/catch-or-return, promise/always-return
alert.onDidDismiss().then(() => {
delete this.displayedAlerts[alertId];
@ -1366,7 +1350,18 @@ export class CoreDomUtilsProvider {
return Promise.resolve(null);
return this.showAlert(<string> this.getErrorTitle(message), message, undefined, autocloseTime);
const alertOptions: AlertOptions = {
message: message,
buttons: [Translate.instance.instant('core.ok')],
if (this.isNetworkError(message)) {
alertOptions.cssClass = 'core-alert-network-error';
} else {
alertOptions.header = Translate.instance.instant('core.error');
return this.showAlertWithOptions(alertOptions, autocloseTime);
@ -302,6 +302,9 @@
"": "Video file ({{$a.EXT}})",
"core.back": "Back",
"core.browser": "Browser",
"core.cannotconnect": "Cannot connect",
"core.cannotconnecttrouble": "We're having trouble connecting to your site.",
"core.cannotconnectverify": "<strong>Please check the address is correct.</strong>",
"core.copiedtoclipboard": "Text copied to clipboard",
"": "Star this course",
"": "This course allows guest users to enter",
@ -467,6 +470,8 @@
"": "Help",
"core.mainmenu.logout": "Log out",
"": "Website",
"core.needhelp": "Need help?",
"core.networkerrormsg": "There was a problem connecting to the site. Please check your connection and try again.",
"": "No",
"core.offline": "Offline",
"core.ok": "OK",
@ -542,6 +547,7 @@
"core.settings.syncsettings": "Synchronisation settings",
"": "Total",
"core.settings.wificonnection": "Wi-Fi connection",
"core.tryagain": "Try again",
"core.unknown": "Unknown",
"core.yes": "Yes"
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
// Add here base app styles.
// Ionic toolbar.
ion-toolbar ion-back-button,
ion-toolbar .in-toolbar.button-clear {
--color: var(--ion-color-primary-contrast);
// Ion icon styles.
// Ionic icon.
ion-icon {
&.icon-backslash::after {
@ -36,3 +36,37 @@ ion-icon {
transform: scale(-1, 1);
// Ionic alert.
ion-alert.core-alert-network-error .alert-head {
position: relative;
content: " ";
background: url("/assets/fonts/font-awesome/solid/wifi.svg") no-repeat 50% 50%;
margin: 25px auto;
&::after {
content: " ";
position: absolute;
top: -20%;
right: -15%;
width: 50%;
height: 50%;
background-color: var(--ion-color-danger);
-webkit-mask: url("/assets/fonts/font-awesome/solid/exclamation-triangle.svg") no-repeat 50% 50%;
mask: url("/assets/fonts/font-awesome/solid/exclamation-triangle.svg") no-repeat 50% 50%;
[dir=rtl] ion-alert.core-alert-network-error .alert-head::after {
right: unset;
left: -15%;
// Ionic item divider.
ion-item-divider {
--background: var(--gray-lighter);
border: 0;
// Ionic list.
ion-list.list-md {
padding-bottom: 0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user