2018-01-23 13:00:00 +01:00
< a * ngIf = "module && module.visibleoncoursepage !== 0" ion-item text-wrap id = "core-course-module-{{module.id}}" class = "core-course-module-handler {{module.handlerData.class}}" ( click ) = " moduleClicked ( $ event ) " [ ngClass ] = " { ' item-media ' : module . handlerData . icon , ' core-not-clickable ' : ! module . handlerData . action | | ! module . uservisible = == false , ' item-dimmed ' : module . visible = == 0 | | module . uservisible = == false } " title = "{{ module.handlerData.title }}" detail-none >
2018-01-02 08:47:21 +01:00
2018-01-23 13:00:00 +01:00
< img item-start * ngIf = "module.handlerData.icon" [ src ] = " module . handlerData . icon " alt = "" role = "presentation" class = "core-module-icon" >
2018-02-08 16:26:37 +01:00
< div class = "core-module-title" >
< core-format-text [ text ] = " module . handlerData . title " > < / core-format-text >
<!-- Buttons. -->
< div item-end * ngIf = "module.uservisible !== false" class = "buttons core-module-buttons" [ ngClass ] = " { ' core-button-completion ' : module . completionstatus } " >
<!-- Module completion. -->
< core-course-module-completion * ngIf = "module.completionstatus" [ completion ] = " module . completionstatus " [ moduleName ] = " module . name " ( completionChanged ) = " completionChanged . emit ( ) " > < / core-course-module-completion >
< div class = "core-module-buttons-more" >
<!-- Download button. -->
< button * ngIf = "downloadEnabled && showDownload" [ hidden ] = " spinner | | module . handlerData . spinner " ion-button icon-only clear ( click ) = " download ( $ event , false ) " color = "dark" class = "core-animate-show-hide" [ attr . aria-label ] = " ' core . download ' | translate " >
< ion-icon name = "cloud-download" > < / ion-icon >
< / button >
<!-- Refresh button. -->
< button * ngIf = "downloadEnabled && showRefresh" [ hidden ] = " spinner | | module . handlerData . spinner " ion-button icon-only clear ( click ) = " download ( $ event , true ) " color = "dark" class = "core-animate-show-hide" [ attr . aria-label ] = " ' core . refresh ' | translate " >
< ion-icon name = "refresh" > < / ion-icon >
< / button >
<!-- Buttons defined by the module handler. -->
< button ion-button icon-only clear * ngFor = "let button of module.handlerData.buttons" [ hidden ] = " button . hidden | | spinner | | module . handlerData . spinner " ( click ) = " buttonClicked ( $ event , button ) " color = "dark" class = "core-animate-show-hide" [ attr . aria-label ] = " button . label | translate " >
< ion-icon [ name ] = " button . icon " [ ios ] = " button . iosIcon | | ' ' " [ md ] = " button . mdIcon | | ' ' " > < / ion-icon >
< / button >
<!-- Spinner. -->
< ion-spinner * ngIf = "spinner || module.handlerData.spinner" class = "core-animate-show-hide" > < / ion-spinner >
< / div >
< / div >
< div * ngIf = "module.visible === 0 || module.availabilityinfo" >
< ion-badge item-end * ngIf = "module.visible === 0" > {{ 'core.course.hiddenfromstudents' | translate }}< / ion-badge >
< ion-badge item-end * ngIf = "module.availabilityinfo" > < core-format-text [ text ] = " module . availabilityinfo " > < / core-format-text > < / ion-badge >
< / div >
2018-01-02 08:47:21 +01:00
< / div >
2018-02-08 16:26:37 +01:00
< core-format-text class = "core-module-description" * ngIf = "module.description" maxHeight = "80" [ text ] = " module . description " > < / core-format-text >
2018-01-02 08:47:21 +01:00
< / a >