32 lines
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2021-04-08 16:30:00 +02:00
"addentry": "Add a new entry",
"aliases": "Keyword(s)",
"attachment": "Attachment",
"browsemode": "Browse entries",
"byalphabet": "Alphabetically",
"byauthor": "Group by author",
"bycategory": "Group by category",
"bynewestfirst": "Newest first",
"byrecentlyupdated": "Recently updated",
"bysearch": "Search",
"cannoteditentry": "Cannot edit entry",
"casesensitive": "This entry is case sensitive",
"categories": "Categories",
"concept": "Concept",
"definition": "Definition",
"entriestobesynced": "Entries to be synced",
"entrypendingapproval": "This entry is pending approval.",
"entryusedynalink": "This entry should be automatically linked",
"errconceptalreadyexists": "This concept already exists. No duplicates allowed in this glossary.",
"errorloadingentries": "An error occurred while loading entries.",
"errorloadingentry": "An error occurred while loading the entry.",
"errorloadingglossary": "An error occurred while loading the glossary.",
"fillfields": "Concept and definition are mandatory fields.",
"fullmatch": "Match whole words only",
"linking": "Auto-linking",
"modulenameplural": "Glossaries",
"noentriesfound": "No entries were found.",
"searchquery": "Search query",
"tagarea_glossary_entries": "Glossary entries"