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// (C) Copyright 2015 Martin Dougiamas
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Injectable, Injector } from '@angular/core';
import { NavController, NavOptions } from 'ionic-angular';
import { CoreLangProvider } from '../../../providers/lang';
import { CoreLoggerProvider } from '../../../providers/logger';
import { CoreSite } from '../../../classes/site';
import { CoreSitesProvider } from '../../../providers/sites';
import { CoreUtilsProvider } from '../../../providers/utils/utils';
import { CoreMainMenuDelegate, CoreMainMenuHandler, CoreMainMenuHandlerData } from '../../mainmenu/providers/delegate';
import {
CoreCourseModuleDelegate, CoreCourseModuleHandler, CoreCourseModuleHandlerData
} from '../../course/providers/module-delegate';
import { CoreCourseModulePrefetchDelegate } from '../../course/providers/module-prefetch-delegate';
import {
CoreCourseOptionsDelegate, CoreCourseOptionsHandler, CoreCourseOptionsHandlerData
} from '../../course/providers/options-delegate';
import { CoreCourseFormatDelegate, CoreCourseFormatHandler } from '../../course/providers/format-delegate';
import { CoreUserDelegate, CoreUserProfileHandler, CoreUserProfileHandlerData } from '../../user/providers/user-delegate';
import { CoreDelegateHandler } from '../../../classes/delegate';
import { CoreSiteAddonsModuleIndexComponent } from '../components/module-index/module-index';
import { CoreSiteAddonsCourseOptionComponent } from '../components/course-option/course-option';
import { CoreSiteAddonsCourseFormatComponent } from '../components/course-format/course-format';
import { CoreSiteAddonsProvider } from './siteaddons';
import { CoreSiteAddonsModulePrefetchHandler } from '../classes/module-prefetch-handler';
import { CoreCompileProvider } from '../../compile/providers/compile';
import { CoreCoursesProvider } from '../../courses/providers/courses';
* Helper service to provide functionalities regarding site addons. It basically has the features to load and register site
* addons.
* This code is split from CoreSiteAddonsProvider to prevent circular dependencies.
export class CoreSiteAddonsHelperProvider {
protected logger;
constructor(logger: CoreLoggerProvider, private sitesProvider: CoreSitesProvider, private injector: Injector,
private mainMenuDelegate: CoreMainMenuDelegate, private moduleDelegate: CoreCourseModuleDelegate,
private userDelegate: CoreUserDelegate, private langProvider: CoreLangProvider,
private siteAddonsProvider: CoreSiteAddonsProvider, private prefetchDelegate: CoreCourseModulePrefetchDelegate,
private compileProvider: CoreCompileProvider, private utils: CoreUtilsProvider,
private coursesProvider: CoreCoursesProvider, private courseOptionsDelegate: CoreCourseOptionsDelegate,
private courseFormatDelegate: CoreCourseFormatDelegate) {
this.logger = logger.getInstance('CoreSiteAddonsHelperProvider');
* Bootstrap a handler if it has some bootstrap method.
* @param {any} addon Data of the addon.
* @param {string} handlerName Name of the handler in the addon.
* @param {any} handlerSchema Data about the handler.
* @return {Promise<{restrict?: any, jsResult?: any}>} Promise resolved when done. It returns the "restrict" of the handler and
* the result of the javascript execution (if any).
protected bootstrapHandler(addon: any, handlerName: string, handlerSchema: any): Promise<{restrict?: any, jsResult?: any}> {
if (!handlerSchema.bootstrap) {
return Promise.resolve({});
const siteId = this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId(),
preSets = {getFromCache: false}; // Try to ignore cache.
return this.siteAddonsProvider.getContent(addon.component, handlerSchema.bootstrap, {}, preSets).then((result) => {
const data = {
restrict: result.restrict,
jsResult: undefined
if (!result.javascript || this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSiteId() != siteId) {
// No javascript or site has changed, stop.
return data;
// Create a "fake" instance to hold all the libraries.
const instance = {};
// Now execute the javascript using this instance.
data.jsResult = this.compileProvider.executeJavascript(instance, result.javascript);
return data;
* Create a base handler for a site addon.
* @param {string} name Name of the handler.
* @return {CoreDelegateHandler} The base handler.
protected getBaseHandler(name: string): CoreDelegateHandler {
return {
name: name,
isEnabled: (): boolean => {
return true;
* Given a handler's unique name, return the prefix to add to its string keys.
* @param {string} handlerName Handler's unique name (result of getHandlerUniqueName).
* @return {string} Prefix.
protected getHandlerPrefixForStrings(handlerName: string): string {
if (handlerName) {
return 'addon.' + handlerName + '.';
return '';
* Given a handler's unique name and the key of a string, return the full string key (prefixed).
* @param {string} handlerName Handler's unique name (result of getHandlerUniqueName).
* @param {string} key The key of the string.
* @return {string} Full string key.
protected getHandlerPrefixedString(handlerName: string, key: string): string {
return this.getHandlerPrefixForStrings(handlerName) + key;
* Check if a handler is enabled for a certain course.
* @param {number} courseId Course ID to check.
* @param {boolean} [restrictEnrolled] If true or undefined, handler is only enabled for courses the user is enrolled in.
* @param {any} [restrict] Users and courses the handler is restricted to.
* @return {boolean | Promise<boolean>} Whether the handler is enabled.
protected isHandlerEnabledForCourse(courseId: number, restrictEnrolled?: boolean, restrict?: any): boolean | Promise<boolean> {
if (restrict && restrict.courses && restrict.courses.indexOf(courseId) == -1) {
// Course is not in the list of restricted courses.
return false;
if (restrictEnrolled || typeof restrictEnrolled == 'undefined') {
// Only enabled for courses the user is enrolled to. Check if the user is enrolled in the course.
return this.coursesProvider.getUserCourse(courseId, true).then(() => {
return true;
}).catch(() => {
return false;
return true;
* Check if a handler is enabled for a certain user.
* @param {number} userId User ID to check.
* @param {boolean} [restrictCurrent] Whether handler is only enabled for current user.
* @param {any} [restrict] Users and courses the handler is restricted to.
* @return {boolean} Whether the handler is enabled.
protected isHandlerEnabledForUser(userId: number, restrictCurrent?: boolean, restrict?: any): boolean {
if (restrictCurrent && userId != this.sitesProvider.getCurrentSite().getUserId()) {
// Only enabled for current user.
return false;
if (restrict && restrict.users && restrict.users.indexOf(userId) == -1) {
// User is not in the list of restricted users.
return false;
return true;
* Check if a certain addon is a site addon and it's enabled in a certain site.
* @param {any} addon Data of the addon.
* @param {CoreSite} site Site affected.
* @return {boolean} Whether it's a site addon and it's enabled.
isSiteAddonEnabled(addon: any, site: CoreSite): boolean {
if (!site.isFeatureDisabled('siteAddOn_' + addon.component + '_' + addon.addon) && addon.handlers) {
// Site addon not disabled. Check if it has handlers.
try {
if (!addon.parsedHandlers) {
addon.parsedHandlers = JSON.parse(addon.handlers);
return !!(addon.parsedHandlers && Object.keys(addon.parsedHandlers).length);
} catch (ex) {
this.logger.warn('Error parsing site addon', ex);
return false;
* Load the lang strings for a handler.
* @param {any} addon Data of the addon.
* @param {string} handlerName Name of the handler in the addon.
* @param {any} handlerSchema Data about the handler.
loadHandlerLangStrings(addon: any, handlerName: string, handlerSchema: any): void {
if (!handlerSchema.lang) {
for (const lang in handlerSchema.lang) {
const prefix = this.getHandlerPrefixForStrings(this.siteAddonsProvider.getHandlerUniqueName(addon, handlerName));
this.langProvider.addSiteAddonsStrings(lang, handlerSchema.lang[lang], prefix);
* Load a site addon.
* @param {any} addon Data of the addon.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved when loaded.
loadSiteAddon(addon: any): Promise<any> {
const promises = [];
try {
if (!addon.parsedHandlers) {
addon.parsedHandlers = JSON.parse(addon.handlers);
// Register all the handlers.
for (const name in addon.parsedHandlers) {
promises.push(this.registerHandler(addon, name, addon.parsedHandlers[name]));
} catch (ex) {
this.logger.warn('Error parsing site addon', ex);
return this.utils.allPromises(promises);
* Register a site addon handler in the right delegate.
* @param {any} addon Data of the addon.
* @param {string} handlerName Name of the handler in the addon.
* @param {any} handlerSchema Data about the handler.
* @return {Promise<any>} Promise resolved when done.
registerHandler(addon: any, handlerName: string, handlerSchema: any): Promise<any> {
this.loadHandlerLangStrings(addon, handlerName, handlerSchema);
// Wait for the bootstrap JS to be executed.
return this.bootstrapHandler(addon, handlerName, handlerSchema).then((result) => {
let uniqueName;
switch (handlerSchema.delegate) {
case 'CoreMainMenuDelegate':
uniqueName = this.registerMainMenuHandler(addon, handlerName, handlerSchema, result.jsResult, result.restrict);
case 'CoreCourseModuleDelegate':
uniqueName = this.registerModuleHandler(addon, handlerName, handlerSchema, result.jsResult, result.restrict);
case 'CoreUserDelegate':
uniqueName = this.registerUserProfileHandler(addon, handlerName, handlerSchema, result.jsResult,
case 'CoreCourseOptionsDelegate':
uniqueName = this.registerCourseOptionHandler(addon, handlerName, handlerSchema, result.jsResult,
case 'CoreCourseFormatDelegate':
uniqueName = this.registerCourseFormatHandler(addon, handlerName, handlerSchema, result.jsResult,
// Nothing to do.
if (uniqueName) {
// Store the handler data.
this.siteAddonsProvider.setSiteAddonHandler(uniqueName, {
addon: addon,
handlerName: handlerName,
handlerSchema: handlerSchema,
bootstrapResult: result
* Given a handler in an addon, register it in the course format delegate.
* @param {any} addon Data of the addon.
* @param {string} handlerName Name of the handler in the addon.
* @param {any} handlerSchema Data about the handler.
* @param {any} [bootstrapResult] Result of executing the bootstrap JS.
* @param {any} [restrict] List of users and courses the handler is restricted to.
* @return {string} A string to identify the handler.
protected registerCourseFormatHandler(addon: any, handlerName: string, handlerSchema: any, bootstrapResult?: any,
restrict?: any): string {
if (!handlerSchema) {
// Required data not provided, stop.
// Create the base handler.
const formatName = addon.component.replace('format_', ''),
baseHandler = this.getBaseHandler(formatName);
let handler: CoreCourseFormatHandler;
// Extend the base handler, adding the properties required by the delegate.
handler = Object.assign(baseHandler, {
canViewAllSections: (course: any): boolean => {
return typeof handlerSchema.canviewallsections != 'undefined' ? handlerSchema.canviewallsections : true;
displayEnableDownload: (course: any): boolean => {
return typeof handlerSchema.displayenabledownload != 'undefined' ? handlerSchema.displayenabledownload : true;
displaySectionSelector: (course: any): boolean => {
return typeof handlerSchema.displaysectionselector != 'undefined' ? handlerSchema.displaysectionselector : true;
getCourseFormatComponent: (course: any): any => {
if (handlerSchema.method) {
return CoreSiteAddonsCourseFormatComponent;
return formatName;
* Given a handler in an addon, register it in the course options delegate.
* @param {any} addon Data of the addon.
* @param {string} handlerName Name of the handler in the addon.
* @param {any} handlerSchema Data about the handler.
* @param {any} [bootstrapResult] Result of executing the bootstrap JS.
* @param {any} [restrict] List of users and courses the handler is restricted to.
* @return {string} A string to identify the handler.
protected registerCourseOptionHandler(addon: any, handlerName: string, handlerSchema: any, bootstrapResult?: any,
restrict?: any): string {
if (!handlerSchema || !handlerSchema.displaydata) {
// Required data not provided, stop.
// Create the base handler.
const uniqueName = this.siteAddonsProvider.getHandlerUniqueName(addon, handlerName),
baseHandler = this.getBaseHandler(uniqueName),
prefixedTitle = this.getHandlerPrefixedString(baseHandler.name, handlerSchema.displaydata.title);
let handler: CoreCourseOptionsHandler;
// Extend the base handler, adding the properties required by the delegate.
handler = Object.assign(baseHandler, {
priority: handlerSchema.priority,
isEnabledForCourse: (courseId: number, accessData: any, navOptions?: any, admOptions?: any)
: boolean | Promise<boolean> => {
return this.isHandlerEnabledForCourse(courseId, handlerSchema.restricttoenrolledcourses, restrict);
getDisplayData: (courseId: number): CoreCourseOptionsHandlerData => {
return {
title: prefixedTitle,
class: handlerSchema.displaydata.class,
component: CoreSiteAddonsCourseOptionComponent,
componentData: {
handlerUniqueName: uniqueName
prefetch: (course: any): Promise<any> => {
const args = {
courseid: course.id,
return this.siteAddonsProvider.prefetchFunctions(addon.component, args, handlerSchema, course.id, undefined, true);
return uniqueName;
* Given a handler in an addon, register it in the main menu delegate.
* @param {any} addon Data of the addon.
* @param {string} handlerName Name of the handler in the addon.
* @param {any} handlerSchema Data about the handler.
* @param {any} [bootstrapResult] Result of executing the bootstrap JS.
* @param {any} [restrict] List of users and courses the handler is restricted to.
* @return {string} A string to identify the handler.
protected registerMainMenuHandler(addon: any, handlerName: string, handlerSchema: any, bootstrapResult?: any, restrict?: any)
: string {
if (!handlerSchema || !handlerSchema.displaydata) {
// Required data not provided, stop.
// Create the base handler.
const uniqueName = this.siteAddonsProvider.getHandlerUniqueName(addon, handlerName),
baseHandler = this.getBaseHandler(uniqueName),
prefixedTitle = this.getHandlerPrefixedString(baseHandler.name, handlerSchema.displaydata.title);
let mainMenuHandler: CoreMainMenuHandler;
// Extend the base handler, adding the properties required by the delegate.
mainMenuHandler = Object.assign(baseHandler, {
priority: handlerSchema.priority,
getDisplayData: (): CoreMainMenuHandlerData => {
return {
title: prefixedTitle,
icon: handlerSchema.displaydata.icon,
class: handlerSchema.displaydata.class,
page: 'CoreSiteAddonsAddonPage',
pageParams: {
title: prefixedTitle,
component: addon.component,
method: handlerSchema.method,
bootstrapResult: bootstrapResult
return uniqueName;
* Given a handler in an addon, register it in the module delegate.
* @param {any} addon Data of the addon.
* @param {string} handlerName Name of the handler in the addon.
* @param {any} handlerSchema Data about the handler.
* @param {any} [bootstrapResult] Result of executing the bootstrap JS.
* @param {any} [restrict] List of users and courses the handler is restricted to.
* @return {string} A string to identify the handler.
protected registerModuleHandler(addon: any, handlerName: string, handlerSchema: any, bootstrapResult?: any, restrict?: any)
: string {
if (!handlerSchema || !handlerSchema.displaydata) {
// Required data not provided, stop.
// Create the base handler.
const modName = addon.component.replace('mod_', ''),
baseHandler = this.getBaseHandler(modName),
hasOfflineFunctions = !!(handlerSchema.offlinefunctions && Object.keys(handlerSchema.offlinefunctions).length),
showDowloadButton = handlerSchema.downloadbutton;
let moduleHandler: CoreCourseModuleHandler;
// Extend the base handler, adding the properties required by the delegate.
moduleHandler = Object.assign(baseHandler, {
getData: (module: any, courseId: number, sectionId: number): CoreCourseModuleHandlerData => {
return {
title: module.name,
icon: handlerSchema.displaydata.icon,
class: handlerSchema.displaydata.class,
showDownloadButton: typeof showDowloadButton != 'undefined' ? showDowloadButton : hasOfflineFunctions,
action: (event: Event, navCtrl: NavController, module: any, courseId: number, options: NavOptions): void => {
navCtrl.push('CoreSiteAddonsModuleIndexPage', {
title: module.name,
module: module,
courseId: courseId
}, options);
getMainComponent: (course: any, module: any): any => {
return CoreSiteAddonsModuleIndexComponent;
if (hasOfflineFunctions) {
// Register the prefetch handler.
this.prefetchDelegate.registerHandler(new CoreSiteAddonsModulePrefetchHandler(
this.injector, this.siteAddonsProvider, addon.component, modName, handlerSchema));
return modName;
* Given a handler in an addon, register it in the user profile delegate.
* @param {any} addon Data of the addon.
* @param {string} handlerName Name of the handler in the addon.
* @param {any} handlerSchema Data about the handler.
* @param {any} [bootstrapResult] Result of executing the bootstrap JS.
* @param {any} [restrict] List of users and courses the handler is restricted to.
* @return {string} A string to identify the handler.
protected registerUserProfileHandler(addon: any, handlerName: string, handlerSchema: any, bootstrapResult?: any, restrict?: any)
: string {
if (!handlerSchema || !handlerSchema.displaydata) {
// Required data not provided, stop.
// Create the base handler.
const uniqueName = this.siteAddonsProvider.getHandlerUniqueName(addon, handlerName),
baseHandler = this.getBaseHandler(uniqueName),
prefixedTitle = this.getHandlerPrefixedString(baseHandler.name, handlerSchema.displaydata.title);
let userHandler: CoreUserProfileHandler;
// Extend the base handler, adding the properties required by the delegate.
userHandler = Object.assign(baseHandler, {
priority: handlerSchema.priority,
type: handlerSchema.type,
isEnabledForUser: (user: any, courseId: number, navOptions?: any, admOptions?: any): boolean | Promise<boolean> => {
// First check if it's enabled for the user.
const enabledForUser = this.isHandlerEnabledForUser(user.id, handlerSchema.restricttocurrentuser, restrict);
if (!enabledForUser) {
return false;
// Enabled for user, check if it's enabled for the course.
return this.isHandlerEnabledForCourse(courseId, handlerSchema.restricttoenrolledcourses, restrict);
getDisplayData: (user: any, courseId: number): CoreUserProfileHandlerData => {
return {
title: prefixedTitle,
icon: handlerSchema.displaydata.icon,
class: handlerSchema.displaydata.class,
action: (event: Event, navCtrl: NavController, user: any, courseId?: number): void => {
navCtrl.push('CoreSiteAddonsAddonPage', {
title: prefixedTitle,
component: addon.component,
method: handlerSchema.method,
args: {
courseid: courseId,
userid: user.id
bootstrapResult: bootstrapResult
return uniqueName;