"confirmclose":"Once you submit, you will no longer be able to change your answers for this attempt.",
"confirmcontinueoffline":"This attempt has not been synchronised since {{$a}}. If you have continued this attempt in another device since then, you may lose data.",
"confirmleavequizonerror":"An error occurred while saving the answers. Are you sure you want to leave the quiz?",
"confirmstart":"The quiz has a time limit of {{$a}}. Time will count down from the moment you start your attempt and you must submit before it expires. Are you sure that you wish to start now?",
"confirmstartheader":"Timed quiz",
"connectionerror":"Network connection lost. (Autosave failed).\n\nMake a note of any responses entered on this page in the last few minutes, then try to re-connect.\n\nOnce connection has been re-established, your responses should be saved and this message will disappear.",
"continueattemptquiz":"Continue the last attempt",
"continuepreview":"Continue the last preview",
"errorbehaviournotsupported":"This quiz can't be attempted in the app because the question behaviour is not supported by the app:",
"mustbesubmittedby":"This attempt must be submitted by {{$a}}.",
"noquestions":"No questions have been added yet",
"noreviewattempt":"You are not allowed to review this attempt.",
"notyetgraded":"Not yet graded",
"opentoc":"Open navigation popover",
"outof":"{{$a.grade}} out of {{$a.maxgrade}}",
"outofpercent":"{{$a.grade}} out of {{$a.maxgrade}} ({{$a.percent}}%)",
"overallfeedback":"Overall feedback",
"overduemustbesubmittedby":"This attempt is now overdue. It should already have been submitted. If you would like this quiz to be graded, you must submit it by {{$a}}. If you do not submit it by then, no marks from this attempt will be counted.",
"requirepasswordmessage":"To attempt this quiz you need to know the quiz password",
"returnattempt":"Return to attempt",
"reviewofattempt":"Review of attempt {{$a}}",
"reviewofpreview":"Review of preview",
"showall":"Show all questions on one page",
"showeachpage":"Show one page at a time",
"startattempt":"Start attempt",
"startedon":"Started on",
"stateabandoned":"Never submitted",
"statefinisheddetails":"Submitted {{$a}}",
"stateinprogress":"In progress",
"stateoverduedetails":"Must be submitted by {{$a}}",
"submitallandfinish":"Submit all and finish",
"summaryofattempt":"Summary of attempt",
"summaryofattempts":"Summary of your previous attempts",
"timeleft":"Time left",
"timetaken":"Time taken",
"warningattemptfinished":"Offline attempt discarded as it was finished on the site or not found.",
"warningdatadiscarded":"Some offline answers were discarded because the questions were modified online.",
"warningdatadiscardedfromfinished":"Attempt unfinished because some offline answers were discarded. Please review your answers then resubmit the attempt.",
"yourfinalgradeis":"Your final grade for this quiz is {{$a}}."