forked from EVOgeek/Vmeda.Online
22 lines
909 B
22 lines
909 B
"cannoteditpage": "You can not edit this page.",
"createpage": "Create page",
"editingpage": "Editing this page '{{$a}}'",
"errorloadingpage": "An error occurred while loading the page.",
"errornowikiavailable": "This wiki does not have any content yet.",
"gowikihome": "Go to the wiki first page",
"map": "Map",
"modulenameplural": "Wikis",
"newpagehdr": "New page",
"newpagetitle": "New page title",
"nocontent": "There is no content for this page",
"notingroup": "Not in group",
"pageexists": "This page already exists.",
"pagename": "Page name",
"subwiki": "Sub-wiki",
"tagarea_wiki_pages": "Wiki pages",
"titleshouldnotbeempty": "The title should not be empty",
"viewpage": "View page",
"wikipage": "Wiki page",
"wrongversionlock": "Another user has edited this page while you were editing and your content is obsolete."