forked from EVOgeek/Vmeda.Online
20 lines
1.1 KiB
20 lines
1.1 KiB
"cannotsubmit": "Sorry, there was a problem submitting your choice. Please try again.",
"choiceoptions": "Choice options",
"errorgetchoice": "Error getting choice data.",
"expired": "Sorry, this activity closed on {{$a}} and is no longer available",
"full": "(Full)",
"noresultsviewable": "The results are not currently viewable.",
"notopenyet": "Sorry, this activity is not available until {{$a}}",
"numberofuser": "Number of responses",
"numberofuserinpercentage": "Percentage of responses",
"previewonly": "This is just a preview of the available options for this activity. You will not be able to submit your choice until {{$a}}.",
"removemychoice": "Remove my choice",
"responses": "Responses",
"responsesresultgraphdescription": "{{number}}% of the users chose the option: {{text}}.",
"responsesresultgraphheader": "Graph display",
"resultsnotsynced": "Your last response must be synchronised before it is included in the results.",
"savemychoice": "Save my choice",
"userchoosethisoption": "Users who chose this option",
"yourselection": "Your selection"